Best Practices? Par Location & Bin Naming Convention

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Here's a VISUAL:


Imagine a 1' x 2' tote with 3 rows of 5 slots positions per row.  15 "Bins". Each slot labeled from 01 - 15.  This tote sits on a shelf in a single par location


-or- Visualize a shelf with 5 bins with each bin having a divider in the middle (10 slots).




We are close to implementing INFOR and currently doing our INV MANAGEMENT setup.


I've been told that in Infor, a par location can not have more than 1 item in any given "BIN".  So in the case of having a single (physical) BIN/TOTE with a divider, each position needs 1 unique BIN ID. 


QUESTION 1.  Is there a work around that could allow for having 2 items with different item #'s in 1 BIN?


QUESTION 2.  What is best practice for bin "Naming Convention".  I've always used Area+Rack+Shelf+Bin Position = A01W03 (alternating Alpha/numeric).




Problem->If I need to insert a new item between bin position 03 and 04...all bins to the right would have to have new bin ID's assigned. 


Other than leaving bins/spaces/slots to allow for new items, does anyone have any advice for a unique bin naming convention?


I've heard using 10, 20, 30 as positional reference - then using 21 if I have to insert an item between position 20 and 30. Seems clunky.


Any other advice?





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Posts: 4
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I use that method when populating the "Sequence" field in the "Par Location" editing screen that way if you need to add another product between two others you are able to do so without having to re-sequence everything else on that cart. Most of my items are on physical rolling carts, therefore I have the cart label as "A" and then I have a shelf designation and then the product designation. So I would label "AB06"; "A" cart "B" shelf "06" product. I treat each product as its own location as opposed to the physical bin and instruct people to look at it as reading left to right and front to back when looking for something.