Forum: Lawson S3 Procurement

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PO 135 report      

Started By  Myron
How do you remove entries on the PO 135 Received, Not Invoiced (RNI) report
7 102355 0
by Kat V

email sweeper for POs      

Started By  Gary Padgett
We want to send purchase orders by email for selected vendors.  I saw in documentation that if we specify the email issue option, files are placed in a folder where any email sweeper program can pick it up.  Are there 3rd-party email sweepers out there  I am unfamiliar with them.
13 99057 0
by Jimmie

RQ04.1 (REQUESTER) Add-Ins for Accounting Unit      

Started By  JODAMORE
Greetings, Has anyone leveraged the Excel Add-Ins tool to Delete/Add AU's within the RQ04 table  I was hoping it would be an easy mapping, but it appears not.  I tried utilizing a PT-Accounting Unit field logic like other problematic Position-To tables such as REQ LOC, but it still does not work.  Quick rundown as follows: Have several hundred old REQUESTERS with REQ LOCS and AU's populated that are inactive and were never used.  I want to cleanse the system of these junk records, but am requ...
4 94096 0
by JonA

Single Document to a PO      

Started By  Jordan
Just curious how everyone else handles the Single Document to a PO flags on the multiple screens.  We found that the PO10 flag doesn't appear to work when we have Single Document to a PO set to 1 and then Location Control set to N.  So, we started updating the RQ01 flags for locations that have vocalized an issue and then the reqs stopped combining.  The problem with this is that then those locations can never have their PO's combine for any vendor even if there are certain vendors that we would...
3 64403 0
by Kat V

Processing invoices after inventory receipt is archived      

Started By  JonA
In October 2017 we brought on another hospital to our system and I converted the POs that had yet to be received and/or invoiced.  Some of those receipts remained unmatched for some months and the buyer decided to archive the receipts rather than see them on the RNI report each month.  Now, 15 months later, one vendor has sent a statement with a boatload of invoices that were never paid going back as far as August 2017.  With the receipt archived the invoice will need to be expensed rather than ...
6 94266 0
by Kat V

Modifying Purchase Order layout      

Started By  Jimmie
I have been looking in documentation and search the web for information on his and I have not had any luck.  Let me start by saying I a fairly new to INFOR and Supply Chain.  My user has asked if we can 'change the font size' on our disclaimer that shows up on our PO along with hard coding a comment on each PO.   In searching infor and these formus I cannot find anything related to this so I am guessing this cannot be done.  We use the standard Lawson POs along with the faxserver for emailing of...
2 96375 0
by TerriC

Another PO25 question      

Started By  pglibra
I need some assistance with this scenario. We have an item on contract 'A' that is in PO25. We also have multiple facilities. Contract 'A' has many items. However, there are a couple of items that when purchased by one of the facilities (call them 'X", that facility gets a lower price than contract price. So another PO25 record was created...contract 'B'. So when you look up the item in PO28, it will show both contracts with all facilities participating. 1) What is the hierarchy ...
3 96644 0
by pglibra

Copy PO15 Template using Add Ins      

Started By  Patti
I have tried to copy templates using addins.  I have tried to add-change and keep getting the errror message ( or a version of) below. Copy Template can only be entered when doing a Copy (_f10) | Copy Template can only be entered when doing a Copy (_f0) F0 (H)_f0,TC.  I can't figure out what function code to use for F0.  I tried Copy, Copy Template, Add, Change.  Nothing is working.
1 92999 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Purchasing and COVID19      

Started By  amyribble
We are working on a project to define and obtaining relevant documentation required as defined by FEMA for expenses related to Covid 19 expenses and charges.  Is there an automated way to pull all of the specified PO documentation from Lawson  Specifically can we produce a PDF of the requested PO Are there any other Healthcare InforLawson clients producing this type of documentation for FEMA and how are you doing it
0 3996 0

PO Comments and Fax Integrator      

Started By  Jimmie
Our buyers are manually issuing some of their PO's via Po20 for emailed POs. I want to ensure that my Terms and Conditions link is on all PO's. According to INFOR I cannot force a comment to a PO that is not run thru PO120. so I am trying to figure out how to get the comment on the PO without having to rely on the buyer to make an extra step.  I read in another thread that we may be able to set up multiple directories per buyer - and then allowed the PO job for each buyer to run in hourly increm...
1 90105 0
by JonA

RNI Survey      

Started By  JonA
Wondering if I could get some feedback from procurement folks here regarding RNI.  I'm interesting in guaging our RNI cleanup process with others and also what others consider an acceptable amount of RNI at any given time. I've created a 7 question survey.  Please take time to fill it out and I'll post the results here after a couple weeks.
0 3817 0

PO20 and Address Does Not Exist error      

Started By  pglibra
When trying to release a PO in PO20, the following error message appears.. 'Address does not exist for AP Vendor XXXXX'. Was told to 'wait awhile and try again'. Nothing is altered by anyone. Lo and behold it releases. Any ideas Bizarre Thanks
1 92121 0
by Kat V

Punchout to US Foods      

Started By  Kat V
Our audit asked why we don't use our PO system for US Foods - and it's because of several of the website features.  Is anyone using punchout to connect to them
0 4704 0

Requestioner and Receiver      

Started By  pglibra
Does anyone have it to where a PO requestor is also the PO receiver So the person who enters a requisition can perform a receipt after PO has been created/released by the buyer or is that fall under some sort of conflict of interest Thanks
3 97602 0
by Kurt L Guldner

PO25 Quantity Break      

Started By  pglibra
I have a question regarding how to use the Quantity Break section within PO25. The scenario is we have an item that is on our GPO contract using our distributor. However, our distributor will not sell this item individually (EA) and will only sell it by the case. So we purchase it from another vendor at a higher cost by the Each and that vendor is listed as the vendor in PO25. I want to show the contracted GPO price on the first screen but add the vendor's price using the markup section in Qu...
10 97504 0
by pglibra

Pre-Lawson Guidance      

Started By  Sutton
Hello. Brand new member here. I have a question about the general process of issuing Bill Only Purchase Orders. If there is more appropriate location for this question, please direct me. Is this the correct process: 1. Orthopedic implant is implanted during surgery 2. The Orthopedic Rep places the implant stickers from the implant on an Implant Sheet 3. The Orthopedic Rep submits the Implant Sheet to the OR Coordinator/Charge Nurse 4. The OR Coordi...
4 89876 0
by Kat V

Inbasket view      

Started By  Kelly
Has anyone experienced their inbasket view changing  Our view previously went to My Work, but somehow it changed to My Task (w/o detail) and the user had to click on particular task or My Work to get the details.  We were unaware of any changes being made.  We opened a ticket with Infor and they said that we would have to update each user in the PFIUserProfile to get the inbasket view back.  Interesting, it changed back and we are trying to understand how and why.
0 3926 0

PO64 Open to Match      

Started By  pglibra
Hello, If an item is no-charge and it is loaded in PO25 as no-charge, should the flag for this item in IC12 be set to no-charge Reason I ask is because PO64 still shows 'Open to Match' even though PO line is no charge; has been received; and line is now closed. So why does PO64 show line open-to-match Thanks
1 96930 0
by Kat V

v10 Discontinued Items and Interfaces      

Started By  Kat V
We're testing v10 updates and I have finally gotten the discontinued flag on IC11 and IC12.  Has anyone used this with items being fed out to other systems - we feed Pyxis and Epic (Optime, Cupid and Radiant).  Any 'gotchas' I should test for
0 4191 0

RQ512 Importing Requisitions      

Started By  Dave Mc
The number is in the HL7 file but does not populate in Lawson so when I run the RQ500 to create a requisition the input requistion number remains zeroes.  What do you do to get this information into Infor (Lawson)  It is a pain not to have it there when you want to drill down or do some reporting to match up the two systems.  It has a field to receive this number but when I search the output of RQ512 the data is just not there.  Help!
1 95336 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Template in PO15 not showing within RQC location templates      

Started By  Lawsonnubcake
Sooo, just like the subject says. We have a template that's built exactly like all the others for the same company and same department. It's not 'locked' and earlier in the week the users were able to see the template and order from it. Any ideas on why this template would not appear under location templates for the users Also, I've 'jogged' the template with PO701. Still not showing in RQC.
1 89139 0
by Kat V

Cannot Release PO After Cancelling Lines if Purchase Class Changed on Item      

Started By  Jeremy
Hi all, We have gone through and updated our item master IC11 records to include puchasing classes.  Now, older PO's that we want to cancel remaining on the lines are causing a problem.  If we cancel the remaining on a line that has an item we changed the classes for, it allows us to do that.  But, the line won't contain the classes.  Now, the PO won't release because 'Cannot use diff. purch class for I, Ntypes at line 000001'   So, if we don't remember to change the purchasing class on th...
2 87942 0
by Kat V

LBI Links      

Started By  yvonne
Hi, hoping someone can offer assistance.  When using Chrome the assigned PO code does not populate in RQC/RSS like it does using IE11. Does anyone have any thoughts on why Thanks Yvonne
0 3549 0

Vendor Agreement Reference      

Started By  pglibra
Is it possible to change the Vendor Agreement Reference name in PO25 Reason I ask is because someone created one with a couple of spaces in front of the name and I want to remove the spaces. When I remove the spaces and hit Change, message on bottom keeps saying 'Must inquire before using this function code'. Thank you
5 98979 0
by pglibra

Standing Orders      

Started By  Brenda
Hello Is there anyone that is using contract management or vendor agreements for standing orders  If so do you have documentation on how to set them up and all the jobs that are needed.  We want to be able to automatically send out an order once a month through EDI and also have it auto received. Thank you.
0 3622 0
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