Modify RSS to add link to Imagenow form

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Gary Padgett
Veteran Member
Posts: 90
Veteran Member
    We need to make a customization to RSS, creating a button so that people can access an imagenow form to add supporting documentation for the req. I have identified where I want to add this button, in html/index.htm. Do I add the actual processing to a javascript file somewhere and refer to that as the "onclick" action? I will be sending parameters such as requester nbr, date, etc from the requisition to populate the form. I have done simpler mods to RSS forms (change field labels, hide tabs, require or hide fields) but this is new to me. Any assistance provided would be appreciated, including pointing me to good reference material.
    Roger French
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      From my experience working with many RSS and ESS/MSS customizations over the years, you'll need to find out the correct html (.htm) and/or javascript (.js) within RSS to modify. You'll have to analyze and review the actual code to understand the structure of how Lawson builds their RSS product. When you find the correct .htm/.js file, check out the Include statements to see where much of the actual processing takes place. You can include a new include which points to a new or existing .js, or you can put your entire processing within your .htm. I've done both. I would think it'd be easier to do everything in the .htm using the onClick() function, and the definition of that function would be in the .htm.

      Sounds like you'll be using AGS and/or DME calls so to get the syntax/structure correct check out existing calls and adapt those to fit what you need.

      Gary Padgett
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 90
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        Thanks for the reply. I am thinking of adding this button in html/index.htm, under class=greenBar, class=infoBar, id=reqInfo. This is where the requisition number, description, and reference number display. I would only want to add a document when this info exists, because I want to grab the req nbr etc as part of the key for the new form in Imagenow. Haven't looked into which js I want to modify (or maybe add a new one) yet, or whether I'll try to do it all in the htm.
        Vijay S
        Veteran Member
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          just find the correct .htm file and modify it, i had earlier done a similsar thing. Don't forget to take a backup of the original one. If you want you give a DME/AGS call, there are many standard lawson scripts having it, you can also do a grep on DME or AGS and find the syntax.
          Gary Padgett
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 90
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            I have it modified now and it looks good so far. Thanks
            Karen Sheridan
            Veteran Member
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              Where are the RSS pages located on the server? We are Unix. ESS/MSS are in $WEBDIR/lawson, but I can't find the RSS pages on the server.


              Gary Padgett
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 90
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                They don't appear until you deploy RSS application. We are also Unix, and we have ours under (path to WebSphere)/installedApps/xxxxCell01/RSS.ear/rss.war. Since that's a lot to keep up with, I put a shortcut in /etc/lawson.env and called it RSSROOT. Then I can just cd to $RSSROOT to find it. Caution - back up any mods you make to another directory, because if you redeploy the app, your mods all disappear.
                John Henley
                Posts: 3353
                  If you're careful, and know what you're doing, you can extract the .ear to a temp directory, make your changes and then repackage the .ear.
                  That way you can redeploy it without making your customizations every time you deploy it.

                  Thanks for using the forums!
                  Karen Sheridan
                  Veteran Member
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                    Gary - I found them - thanks so much for your help

                    Basic Member
                    Posts: 6
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                      Hi Gary

                      I am interested in adding Image now to RSS. Can you please send me your contact info to


                      Gary Padgett
                      Veteran Member
                      Posts: 90
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                        Gary Padgett
                        Veteran Member
                        Posts: 90
                        Veteran Member
                          Well, what I did works OK but not great.  The new button "Attach Documentation" works great as long as I am on the profile tab, but fails from other tabs.  I am trying to save the values I need to new global variables and then save them from profile, but I am doing something wrong.  Confused about variables defined in xsl file vs. variables defined in javascript files.  Can anybody point me to where I can get a little guidance on this? Thanks