Please Advise: What after Laswson S3 V10

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Hi Lawson Experts: We updated to Lawson S3 financial V10 (on-prem) in 2015 from V9 in 2015 ad are currently on V10.0.9. We are not sure if we should upgrade to the next version. From what i have read: The next version after V10 for Lawson S3 financial is the Cloudsuite Financials. It does not seem like there will be a Lawson S3 V11. Is it true that that the cloudsuite financial technology stack is very different from S3 V10 and migrating to it will be a big lift ? If that is true we would like to look at other vendors as well including Workday to determine our next steps Also, is it true that Infor may retire Lawson v10 in a few years so it is prudent to start looking at upgrading at this stage ? It does seem like all product development and innovation is geared around cloudsuite. Appreciate your help on the points above. Thank you .
Carol S
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It is true that S3 v10 to Cloud Suite Financials (CSF) is a big lift as you say. The biggest issue is that the general ledger structure is much different. Accounting units go away and they use dimensions instead. If you don't have a complicated roll up on your Accounting Unit levels, it isn't that different from your current structure. It depends. The implementation is a new implementation and all data would have to be extracted from S3 and uploaded to CSF in it's format for the history you want there. Most of the transactional functionality is the same although the navigation and forms are different. The visibility of transactions is much greater and lists and reports are somewhat customizable. I would speak to your Lawson CSM regarding getting a demo and what they think the real possibility of sunsetting S3 in a few years. I have been involved with clients going from S3 to CSF as well as other systems including Workday. We have also created a way to keep your transactional data history available to you without having to maintain anything except a database on your end. Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions. Carol Sanguinetti
Carol Sanguinetti
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I've personally been in the Lawson world since version 6.0.8 and currently work in a client role where we went to version 10 in 2016 and we are planning (speculating) that Infor will sunset version 10 around 2024-2025. So with that guesstimate in mind we expect to go through a RFP/RFQ and evaluate ERP solutions in late 2022/early 2023 at which time like you we will evaluate the direction to take and may opt to replace with another vendor. The CSF subscription license model is enough of a cost variance from the annual maintenance model and the project cost to go to CSF would be high enough that it makes sense for us to reevaluate our ERP solution.