Forum: Lawson S3 Financials

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AP150 Fails With Error Payment Forms Creation AP155 is Running    

Started By  JuanS
We are having problems running AP150, it fails with the error log below.  We ran AP170 but it did not solve the problem.  Any input will be greatly appreciated. Juan Sanchez BEGIN:  Job Submitted:  Wed Oct 01 18:05:40 2008   Step  1:  AP150 Started. . . . . .:  Wed Oct 01 18:05:40 2008             Token Command. . . . . .:  C:\LINTE\APPS\aacn803\obj\AP150.gnt             Executable Command . . .:  C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Net Express\             Process ID . . . . . . .:  3828...
3 8254 1
by  JuanSJump to last post
10/2/2008 6:20 PM

AR Customer User Fields    

Started By  LindaM
We are looking to use two of the user fields to populate out legacy manufacturing system.  We are inquiring to see if anyone has written a user exit application for validation of the AR Customer User fields. We are currently using the LSF9 security to 'block' invalid entries to fields but the only message that will display is 'Security Violation'.  If anyone has an idea on 'customizing' the user fields we would love to know.
2 5001 1
by  LindaMJump to last post
10/3/2008 6:58 AM

1099's for Tuition Reimbursement    

Started By  DeeC
We want to set up a new Income Code to be used for 1099's for Tuition Reimbursement for employees, but we're wondering how other places handle reimbursements that come in after year-end close for the prior year.   Do you back-date the AP check (and open the prior period/year)   If so, what is the best way to post to the prior date/year on the GL side Any info would be greatly appreciated!
0 5312 1
10/3/2008 1:32 PM

AR Reconciliation    

Started By  dj
In theory, shouldn't the AR250 (Aging) or AR251 (Aging) tie out to the AR256 (Receivables Tie Back).  Also, wouldn't the AR250 or AR151 tie to the GL balance outside of any JE's to the AR control account What would cause the AR251 and AR256 to be out of balance
1 6017 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
10/7/2008 12:33 PM

Intercompany balances building (zone balancing)    

Started By  Deleted User
Do you all notice that your intercompany accounts keep growing and growing (zone balancing)  They zero out if you include all companies but sometimes we report on only a couple companies and on the balance sheet, our intercompany accts are huge.  Do you ever try to zero them out or 'settle' your intercompanies You can't just make a je to clear them or the zone balancing system will make offset entries and the balances will just appear opposite and not zero.  We know we could turn off zon...
0 7208 1
10/15/2008 5:55 PM

Intercompany accounts building - do you settle/reconcile them?    

Started By  Deleted User
Do you all do anything about your intercompany accounts continuing to build  I know at the top level they net to zero, but if we run finanacials on just on company or a few the intercompany amounts on the balance sheet are very large. Do any of you try to 'settle' or 'reconcile' them  If you make  a je to reverse them then the system also reverses in the background when zone balancing and the amounts become the opposite sign.  We could turn zone balancing off and then clear them, but is tha...
2 8205 3
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
10/30/2008 3:28 PM

CA for Journal Entry    

Started By  JLS
We'd like to create CA that doesn't touch the balance in the original AU and Account, but accumulates all of the costs in certain Cost Centers and creates a journal entry as follows: Original Balance: 100706-520003 100.00 The CA would create the entry to do the following: DR 610010-520003 (Same AU for all lines, each expense account would change) CR 100913-520003 (Same AU for all lines, expense account would change).  Can I do this without creating contra accounts  Thanks
2 4416 2
by  JLSJump to last post
10/23/2008 3:22 PM

tsStoreDBRec Error    

Started By  SRH
We just upgraded from Laswon 8.x to 9.x on both our Apps and env.  We are receiving this error meesage when we try to update our AM information:  tsStoreDBRec error is Key Change not allowed (32).  I know that this deals with the indexes because this was found in the ladb.log log files:  Wed Oct 22 13:15:21 2008: [c:\lsftest\law\test\obj\AM604] The program attempted to change the value of a field which is used by a 'no key change' index.    file: AMASTMXVAL index: MXTSET2 field: MX-VALUE  ...
4 5856 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
10/23/2008 7:07 PM

Crystal Reports    

Started By  Deleted User
I have several crystal reports that are  parameter driven which are  loaded on a dashboard for our users.   The problem is when the users put in the parameters to execute the report and click OK, the parameter screen just sit there until the report execute with data.   Our  users would like for something to say that the 'report is processing'  or ' please wait'.     On other reports that is not parameter driven we do get  a white screen saying 'please wait' .  Do anybody out there know how  ...
2 4750 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
10/29/2008 6:40 PM

Running Microsoft AddIns    

Started By  NickM
We recently added Microsoft AddIns. Does anyone know where a query goes once it's submitted A job queue  If a query is not working and needs to be deleted where does this occur nside Lawson 9.0.04 or in our oracle 10g database  Thanks..
4 4847 2
by  MikeMJump to last post
11/21/2008 5:52 PM

GL290 - Error trying to print landscape    

Started By  StephenV
Hi, One of my finance users has been running the GL290 this morning.  When she tries to print these in print manager, every third one or so hangs her system when she attempts to print in landscape.  Some times it works, other times not.  Has anyone seen anything like this before  Thanks! Stephen
3 5015 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
12/5/2008 10:03 PM

GL95 & GL90 not matching for period activity    

Started By  mdantona
Has anyone had this problem GL 95 and GL 90 are not matching for the same acct unit for the same period.
2 5259 1
by  mdantonaJump to last post
12/11/2008 7:21 PM

RW100 Reports - Identify path    

Started By  stcyrk
I amtrying to schedule a job to run an RW00 report and send to a share drive.  The share drive receives the .prt (mapped via Reports Options in RW100), but the actual report still shows up in the Print Mgr.  Where can I map the actual report
0 4784 0
12/19/2008 7:23 PM

Year End Process - Should we closed all the POs?    

Started By  AnnaC
Year End Process - Should we closed all the POs so the remain $ amount on the POs will affect next year's budget Every year, our company has to go through a prolong Year End process because Lawson does not allow two active budgets. Below are the stpes: 1.close all the POs prior to year end and accure the remaining $ amount on the POs to an Accural account. 2. Open requisitions for those POs against the Accrual account so we can pay Decemeber's invoices. 3. Load new budget. 4.Open requis...
0 4359 1
12/24/2008 3:47 PM

Upgrade wedges LDAP data--how to recover?    

Started By  bobmetcalf
I was doing the YE upgrade--the one that creates an LDIF file and has you load it into the LDAP server.   After an attempt to load it, both UAT and PROD instances fail, with LDAP-like errors.   Any ideas
0 3871 0
1/3/2009 6:22 PM

Reconciling AP170 Summarized Transactions    

Started By  Deron
I'm being asked to write a report reconciling journal entries with an R_SYSTEM of AP, ORIG_PROGRAM of AP170 and DESCRIPTION of Summarized transactions. From what I can tell, there are no matching records in APDISTRIB. Does anyone know how I could back into this
9 10481 2
by  DeronJump to last post
1/9/2009 2:02 PM

Partial Payment Reconciliation    

Started By  Deleted User
We have a balance in our AP for a partial payment on a recurring invoice.  When we try to clear the balance by adding an additional payment line in the AP30.3 we receive an error message that partial payments aren't allowed on recurring payments.  First, I don't know how we short paid the orginal payment if it's not allowed but how can we clean this out of our aging.  It's really triggering my OCD.
4246 0
1/7/2009 7:28 PM

8 Formats in RW100    

Started By  Ruma Malhotra
I am taksed at creating a report writer report that has more than 8 formats. How can I acheive this using report writer   Is there anyway   Thanks, ruma
6 6601 0
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
1/22/2009 3:09 PM

Year-End Closing Journal Entry in consolidation company    

Started By  Deleted User
Hi all: In Lawson companies, only revenue accounts are set up to allow units. When the year end closing entry is generated by the system in period 1 of the consolidation company, it requires that we set up balance sheet accounts to allow units. Otherwise, those accounts will hit suspense. I am not sure why this is. As a work around, our users can either a) allow units in those accounts or b)delete the system generated entry and just create one of their own to reverse the whole Balance Sheet. Bu...
0 5608 1
2/9/2009 7:29 PM

AC500, AC510, AC540 Interface Errors Question...    

Started By  klippe
For those of you who have used the Activities module interface programs, AC500, AC510 and AC540, can you provide some insight into the following: Do these programs process all records in the underlying interface tables regardless if an error is encountered, or do they stop processing once the first error is encountered For example, if I am interfacing 2 Activity records into Lawson via the AC500 and both records have bad data on them.  When I run the AC500 program will the error report show t...
1 4389 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
2/19/2009 1:39 PM

AP20 Addin Load    

Started By  jlswildcat
I have a question I'm hoping I can get a quick answer to . . .  Can the AP20 Addin be used to update invoices already created in the AP20.1 screen
1 4292 1
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
2/26/2009 2:49 PM

ISeries 9.05/9.06 GL45 missing    

Started By  TRACY
We are testing our upgrade and don't seem to have a GL45, we have other GL's.  Anyone else run into this issue
3478 0
by  Srini RaoJump to last post
3/1/2009 10:36 PM

Inventoried Items details in GL    

Started By  Eddie Smith
We have users wanting to know item information, such as vendor, quantity, unit costs, etc.. for inventoried items that have been received against POs and updated to the general ledger. Has anyone found a way to link back from GL trans to the IC system Thanks in advance for any help.
1 4316 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/1/2009 7:37 PM

Lawson Integration and Testing    

Started By  amit g
Hi Everyone, Can someone share the testing procedures and workflow diagrams for Lawson Integration with other applications. It would be great if someone can share the integration model too
3958 0
3/4/2009 11:03 AM

Franchise Calendar Change - FR00.1    

Started By  dj
We currently operate on a 4-4-5 calendar.  This coming year we will have 53 weeks in our fiscal year.  Our FR00.1 calendar is currently setup with 53 weeks, however, the question has been asked if we can change the calendar to 52 weeks  We have the following questions/concerns: 1) How will this affect our interest calcuation on notes 2) How will this affect the scheduled billings for the 53 week.  Will the system generate the billings which are interfaced from the FR (franchise module) 3)...
3542 1
by  djJump to last post
3/5/2009 12:31 PM
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