Forum: Lawson S3 Financials

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AM15.3 error      

Started By  RW
Hello, I am getting this error and can't figure out how to correct it. 011122000 is not included in account generation list Thanks for the help. Rene'
2 49391 0
by RW

1099 electronic file IRS interface      

Started By  Chesca
My user wants to run AP146 to produce the 1099 electronic file and send to the IRS to insure that the files meet their standards. Does anybody run AP146 and send the file to IRS Do you FTP the file or upload it manually Is there a specific development department we should contact for testing the file I googled form 4419 and I think I got my answer. Contact the IRS 1-866-455-7438 1-304-263-8...
4 45547 1
by JimY

Ways to hide GL codes from end users      

Started By  Erik G.
Good Afternoon all, Not sure if this belongs here or in the supply chain forum but I need to know if anyone knows of a way to limit what GL codes are visible for an account unit in version 10. We have a situation where one of my RQC users was doing a special order and used a patient charge code instead of a supply code. The GL code is valid and needs to remain active for the account unit but we are hoping to find a easy way of hiding them from our RQC users. Anyone have any idea...
1 48864 1
by Kat V

GL ZONE      

Started By  Raymundo Romero
Hi, I'm doing a research to create a new zone in our GL, but I would like to know if can iIdo it without the need to create a process Level. Thank you All for your help.
0 4462 0

Lawson and accounts payable      

Started By  wat444
I'm new to this site and new to Lawson as well. I'm in accounts payable and to say that I'm confused would be an understatement! Beyond frustrated that at this point we pretty much only know how to scan and code non p.o invoices. Any basic information would be huge! How can I settle with statements that come in How can I view invoice status
3 47374 1
by jrbledsoe


Started By  Chesca
Hello, I am viewing a custom program and came across this API 900-FIND-BEGRNG-CMT-PURCHORDER and have no idea what it does and can't find any documentation. Is this supposed to be a data file o database
2 48633 1
by Ragu Raghavan

AP Query      

Started By  Boyd
I am looking to create a query that includes vendor , vendor description, payment and payment date. Any thoughts or help is appreciated.
5 51283 1
by Boyd

AR Period Close error      

Started By  Paul
Hi , In error we have closed the AR period before running the AR190 Report which pushes through all the periods transactions in to GL, there doesn't appear to be an option to reopen the period or to run retrospective. We are faced with having to go through every invoice batch and make manual journals in to the GL , is this really the only option, we really need to reopen the period if possible
4 45694 2
by Jason Beard

Report Writer Question      

Started By  Okcard57
We are currently working on the implementation of S3. I've been tasked with creating all of our financial reports in Report Writer. Eventually we will implement Birst and move most reporting to Crystal, but initially we will be using the canned report writer within Lawson. My question is, is there a way to hide rows that return no data within RW10 I have the majority of the reports created, but am unable to figure out a way to hide these rows. It makes the reports look bad when r...
1 49251 1
by jrbledsoe

EDI and Wire Transfers      

Started By  JonA
Anyone processing invoices through MA540 and paying the vendor through wire transfer
1 48295 0
by SWilkins

One invoice to multiple PO's      

Started By  pglibra
Good morning, I was asked to find out if anyone is applying one invoice to multiple PO's. If so, how is that setup in Lawson Thank you PG
1 44896 0
by JonA

How to set up new printer in LID on Windows 7      

Started By  mland
I am trying to set up a new printer in LID. When I log into Lawson test portal, the printer shows up in the dropdown list but I get the error 'Error occurred during printing'. Is there a step I am missing
1 50163 1
by JimY

PO Subsystem set up      

Started By  AndreaS4
Hello, We are adding a new hospital group. This is the first company I have had to add since we went live. I have not had an issue with most things, but I am not sure how to set up the PO subsystem. I will not be able to close on month end unless this is set up. Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you, Andrea
1 41937 0
by Kat V

PO135 already run in update mode      

Started By  Chesca
Is there a way we can figure out what user ran this program in update mode This program is usually run in report mode
2 45610 1
by Chesca

Accounts Payable Workload Metric for Lawson?      

Started By  NBayless
Hello, I just joined the group today, so if this is in the wrong place I apologize. I'm a new Lawson user, and just got an AP Manager job a few months ago. I'm having problems getting any kind of report that can help measure AP workload, specifically how many invoices in a certain amount of time that each processor processes. This is probably even the most important AP metric there is. Right now I have no idea how to measure workload. I've been told by our Accounting Manager that th...
4 46491 1
by O. Johnson

Infor/Lawson customers who use McKesson PMM for Supply Chain only, and Infor/Lawson for Accoun and Financialsts Payable      

Started By  mlbrassington1
Are their any Infor/Lawson customers who are using a different solution (McKesson for example) for their Supply Chain but have AP and Financials in Infor/Lawson
1 40320 0
by Kat V

Fiscal date mapping      

Started By  Chesca
I have a query that pulls Purchase orders from POLINE, PURCHORDER, and MMDIST. I having a hard time mapping the fiscal year, does someone know how to get the fiscal year for each po
2 36752 0
by Chesca

Matching GLTrans to Invoices/PO      

Started By  DennisJMitchell
Is it possible to match information from a general ledger adjustment to a PO or Invoice I have dumbed every table I can think of to find something I can use to tie the GLTrans information to a PO or invoice. The system code for the adjustment I am looking for is IC (Inventory Control). Are there definitions available for the system codes (IC, OE, PO, WO, PH) so I can see if IC type system codes even tie back to an invoice or PO
1 47137 0
by Kat V

Disc Date vs. Due Date      

Started By  Christina C
We have many of our terms set up with a discount and net due. For example, 2 10 days with Net due 30 days. However, we are finding that our payment runs are pulling invoices by the due date, not the discount date. How can we have the discount drive the payment date Thank you!
0 10486 0

MA60.3 - Filtering results      

Started By  Bev Edwards
When we navigate to MA60.3, we are seeing all lines for Invoice and PO., Is there a way to filter and only see the lines that need to be fixed instead of having to page through one by one
0 3936 0

GLCHARTDTL description update      

Started By  Chesca
Hello, the finance team asked IT to update some of the descriptions and we have no idea what Lawson GL screen update the GLCHARTDTL description update, could someone please tell me what screen updates the GLCHARTDTL or could we update the account descriptions
3 46704 1
by Deron

Required Fields      

Started By  Maria
Is it possible to make certain fields required in Lawson 9.01 We are integrating with a procurement company for our PO/Invoicing process. We will need to send them a supplier feed, but when setting up suppliers in the AP10.1 screen most fields are not required. Is there a way to make them so Thank you!
1 36248 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Cannot delete non-GL journal entries GL45      

Started By  Ariel
I am trying to delete some old entries that are lingering in GL45. However, I am unable to delete those Journal Entries that are in an unreleased state. The error message that I receive is: 'Cannot delete non-GL journal entries'. Any insight on this is much appreciated. I've been carrying stuff forward for years now and would just like to get it out of there. Thanks, -Ariel
2 43646 1
by Patricia Wilson

AP Distribution User Field      

Started By  Debra Jones
I'm new to Lawson and not sure of how the tables interact. I currently need help in creating a report which lists the invoice , date, amount and Distribution User Field 5 that's coming from the Ap22.5 form. Is there anyone that could direct me to the correct table joins
1 42202 0
by Kelly

Invoice Void Audit      

Started By  FrozenIT
Hello Everyone. I'm trying to get a list of invoices that have been voided out of our system. Oftentimes they're rebuilt, and I can't get a good list from AP135, as the void process seems to wipe the change audit for that invoice number. I'm trying to find out who and why voided the invoice in the first place, but can't get any good information, either through reports or through the database. FYI, Cloud-hosted, v10, MS environment. Thanks very much for any ideas.
2 45167 0
by FrozenIT
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