Reconciling AP170 Summarized Transactions

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    I'm being asked to write a report reconciling journal entries with an R_SYSTEM of AP, ORIG_PROGRAM of AP170 and DESCRIPTION of Summarized transactions.

    From what I can tell, there are no matching records in APDISTRIB.

    Does anyone know how I could back into this?

    John Henley
    Posts: 3353

      Unfortunately, there is no drill-back from GL to AP for payments created by AP170. 

      This is from Lawson KB article 46585:

      Drilling to Accounts Payable From GL - Article ID: 46585
      User would like to drill back to Accounts Payable information from General Ledger.

      The drill around function to AP is best discussed in terms of source code, system
      code, and type of transaction.
      System Code   Source Code     Drillable       Program       
      AP    AD      Yes     AP175 Expense Posting 
      AP    AC      No      AP175 Accrual Posting 
      AP    AP      No      AP170 Cash Posting    
      AP    AC      No      AP170 Accrual Posting 
      CB    CL (Accrual Side)       No      CB175 Transaction Postings    
      CB    CL (Expense Side)       Yes     CB175 Transaction Postings    
      Notice that accrual postings cannot be used to drill down to AP while expense postings
      can. Also note that journal book causes JE's to not be summarized, thus when using
      Journal Book (Set to Y in GL10), all transactions can be drilled back to AP.



      Thanks for using the forums!
      John Henley
      Posts: 3353

        One option you might want to consider is the 'journal by document' setting as well as turning on 'detailed account posting' for the AP and cash accounts; this will create more detailed AP/cash accrual transactions to

        AP170 fills the GLTRANS "REFERENCE" field with the check number.  AP175 won't do that (although it can be done via a simple modification to AP175)...but the 'journal by document' will create SEPARATE journal entries for each AP invoice/voucher.  Which might be just as good, if not better for auditing.

        1. Turn on Journal by document for the company on GL10.1
        2. Turn on detail 'interface posting' flag for the company/acct unit/account on GL20.3. Do this for the cash account and the trade AP account.
        3. Process some payments thru AP170 and post in GL.
        4. You will see GL45 that separate GLTRANS records are created for each payment.

        The 'journal by document' option is set per company--not per company/system code (i.e. it's "all or nothing"); it controls how many JE's are created.

        The account summary/detail flag controls how many rows per JE.

        So (assuming in still created just one JE), for this approach to work it needs to be accompanied by a review of the chart settings for each account and re-evaluate the summary/detail flag for each account...

        Thanks for using the forums!
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 142
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          won't that drastically increase GL volume?
          John Henley
          Posts: 3353

            In my experience it's not that drastic, maybe 10-20% assuming they run multiple suites. Which is offset by the benefit of increased auditability/visibility. This has been an issue an a number of clients. Lawson really needs to address it by stamping the gltrans objid into appayment to support drill and reporting.


            Thanks for using the forums!
            Ruma Malhotra
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 412
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              Have you looked at the GL240 je listing. If you look on gl45 you get je header number or the control gorup number. If you put this number in the report it will give you a lsiting of all the detail jes that made up the summarized transaction.

              You can do the same online by using GL41.

              John Henley
              Posts: 3353
                Ruma, the GL240 listing does not report details for these transactions.
                Thanks for using the forums!
                Ruma Malhotra
                Veteran Member
                Posts: 412
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                  What if you write a GL290 report to list all transaction hitting the cash account and reconcile this to the GL cash account on the balance sheet for the period.
                  John Henley
                  Posts: 3353
                    That would only reconcile GL to itself; I think Deron's underlying mission is to reconcile GL to AP (payments and trade AP).
                    Thanks for using the forums!
                    Advanced Member
                    Posts: 42
                    Advanced Member
                      What about payment discounts? Since they are realized at the time of payment don't they transfer to the ledger on the AP170. Would those amounts be drillable if the journal books are in detail rather than summary?