XML Namespace prefixes within CDATA tag

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The PSA forms are xml based.
In this circumstance, the XML namespace is defined with a prefix

This means that you can invoke the A4 prefix to access elements defined
within the DTD.

However, the document also contains a CDATA tag. CDATA is character data, is in fact ignored ay xml parsers; e.g. if you place your javascript within CDATA, and the psa javascripts are found within CDATA.

However.... within the CDATA tag the A4 prefix is referenced:



Now the strange. CDATA in fact ignores entity definitions, so how can the A4 prefix be recognized; in fact A4 prefixes are invoked quite a bit within the CDATA tag?

If I am dong a mod, do I place the text I want to see within CDATA, or in the XML I want parsed?

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Anyone know about the PSA scripting format A4XML?
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Well....I can see this was a popular question.

The answer is both.

HTML and Javascript are placed with the CDATA tag.

The term A4 within CDATA, or anywhere else for that matter, invoked A4 forms, resultsets, object, actions, etc.

Outside CDATA is proprietary A4, or PSA xml.