Forum: Infor Global HR (GHR)

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GHR to WFM Interface      

Started By  Rajachidambaram G
I have setup the interface configurations on LTM side and extracted the data(.csv file) by using WFM standard interface process flows. Then i had transferred all extracted csv file to WFM system. But i don't know what i should to next in order to import csv file to WFM system, Please some one help me  on this and share the related documents.
0 4934 0

How Mass upload canidates with req's      

Started By  wargo22
We are trying to mass load all our canidates and requisitions.  I have the import layout for candidates and the file layout for requisitions in spreadsheet designer.  However I don't know how to upload the assignment between the candidate and their requisition.  Does anyone know a way to mass upload this  Any information would be helpful.
0 4287 0

Feedback Regarding Healthcare Analytics      

Started By  Chris Perozek
Hi -  I am very interested in hearing feedback regarding Healthcare Analytics.   We have recently gone live (in May 2016) on LTM Global HR version 10.2 and find that reporting is a challenge using Crystal and SQL.  I understand that is why a company like Dashboard Gear is able to carve out a niche market by solving Lawson reporting difficulties.  I have been told that since we own Healthcare Analytics (but have not installed it yet) then there should not be a need to use something ...
0 3801 0

Send Email action through Manager Space to My Staff      

Started By  Aurora
Through manager space, there are two ways to send an email to your staff.  There is the link on At A Glance, under the employee's name, that opens an new email through outlook.  There is also the action of 'Send Email' through Actions (right-click or Actions drop-down).  This is where I am curious to know where the documentation is going to know that an email was sent.  Unlike with Candidates, there isn't a tab for Correspondence that lists emails sent.  I can see the email in the queue as admin...
0 3698 0

LTM V11 cu17 Create all reporting relationships      

Started By  Connie
We are testing LTM V11 CU17 and have found that when we add or change a supervisor a 'rebuild reporting relationship' kicks off wiping out the managers mystaff.  This job takes about three hours to run so there are managers that may not see MyStaff or only see part of Mystaff during this update.  Lawson did update the security and is why this is happening now.  In V10 I have supervisor maintenance jobs that run in the early morning hours but now it is happening when HR makes updates to superviso...
2 5622 1
by Gok87

LTM via web      

Started By  Gok87
Hi Guys :)   is there a way that i can access LTM via web user interface. right now we are using rich client. i am aware Ming.le is a option.but is there any other option   Any advice is highly appreciated   Gokulkumar.
1 4880 0
by Gok87

Employee UI choices?      

Started By  whsmacon
We're planning a go-live with LTM/HR on Landmark and a lot of people in my organization are wondering what others are doing for their end-user (employee) UI. We have EMSS on S3 and ES/MS on LTM but Infor has also told us of an HTML5 solution ... but even keeping within what we currently have, there seem to be a lot of options on this (EMSS, ES, ES via Ming.le, etc). I'm thinking that we would just send folks to a URL that points to a rich client applet and let them use Employee Space but that br...
9 7422 4
by whsmacon

RecruitBPM ATS & Lawson      

Started By  choco chum
RecruitBPM is about to execute a new perhaps best applicant tracking system which will integrate with Lawson. We acquire to find a way to knot our job codes/numbers in Lawson to the job search category in the new ATS software system. Has any-one tried this before And if yes which field was appropriate that you used Thanks for your help.   Darren Hayes Minnesota
0 5202 1

Resume Parsing Solutions      

Started By  Deleted User
We are looking for a resume parsing solution to utilize with LTM.  What solutions are you currently using and how effective are they for your organization  Any feedback is much appreciated.
13 13897 4
by Fitness Model Diet 1

Create Reports      

Started By  jenn siebel
Does anyone have a way to hide the 'Create Reports' feature that shows in Manager and Employee Self Service.  We encountered this while testing Landmark Cu36 and do not want all employees to have the ability to create reports.  Based on feedback via our ticket with Infor, hiding this menu item is an enhancement request.  Has anyone found any other way to make this functionality unavailable Thanks!
3 8085 2
by Woozy

Did any one able to Publish Candidate space Externally to Internet?      

Started By  xxxxxttysfh
We are having issue to publish Candidate space Externally can any one help us
3 5266 0
by xxxxxttysfh

We're finally getting to Go-Live!!      

Started By  RBH
Hi - We're now 10 weeks from go-live on GHR and TA.  I'm so ready to get there!  We have started developing a go-live and post-go-live plan, thinking through having 'boots on the ground' in our different facilities, as well as a 'command center' for addressing and tracking issues. I would be very interested in other client experiences with go-live and post-go-live, and any suggestions on how to do it differently/better would be great.  Would you mind sharing Thanks.
0 4498 0

Lawson LTM - HRM Interface debugging      

Started By  Gok87
Hello Guys :)   Please help me how to trouble shoot this error    Work assignment 2 Missing mappings:ProcessLevelDepartment   I am trying to get the Lawson LTM -> HRM interface right.    ProcessLevelDepartment is a cross reference code and when i check no mapping required it process the record but not when i need a mapping. PLease help
3 6083 1
by Gok87

Knowledge about web service in landmark      

Started By  Gok87
Hi Guys :)   I am new to web service creation in landmark. I am trying to understand what is a best example to leverage web service. i have never used it before.   Thanks, Gokulkumar.
6 5572 1
by Gok87

Landmark LTM- Performance issues      

Started By  Gok87
Hi Guys:) we are facing heavy performance issues in LTM (Landmark) and we are live only for 1 and half years now and we have a maximum of 3000 employees in the system. Below are some major places were we are facing heavy performance issues 1. Consolidated appraisal PDF generation - 3 to 5 mins 2. Action request form time taken to open - 1 min and on clicking submit to initiate action and for the form t o get closed- 1 min 3. Appraisal maintenance > Historical and Finalized tab to open...
0 4586 0

Reversal/Corrections in GHR & S3      

Started By  skeyz
Currently in S3 we process corrections and retroactive actions by inserting an action into the history stack where it should have happened.  Depending on how far back the action should insert this could involve backing out additional actions that have taken place, inserting into the stack and then re-adding the additional action back into the system.We have a custom program then developed to help calculation any retro payment owed to that employee. Needless to say this is very time consuming wor...
0 2830 1

Successful validation message on submitting the action request from landmark rich client      

Started By  Gok87
Is there a way to show a message 'Your action request has been successfully submitted' on initiating the action request. Successful validation message on submitting the action request from landmark rich client
2 4049 1
by Gok87

Lawson Application Designer for Landmark      

Started By  Gok87
Any one tried customizing landmark using Lawson application designer   like Creating  - a new business class  -  a new form etc.   which via config console is not possible till now.   Please guide me.
3 5034 1
by Gok87

Copy a List view from one user to another      

Started By  sam_cbsi
Hello, Is there a quick and easy way to copy a custom list (or Personalized list) to another user I am the system admin for my company so I have full access to do so if this is possible. We are using Infor Landmark TM version Thanks! Sam
0 5431 1

All Actions Menu, Label      

Started By  amal.b
Hi,   Does anyone know how to add a label to the all actions menu Currently, you can only tell  that the chevrons are a menu when you hover over them.    We are using Landmark version    Thanks
0 4725 1

Audit Legal Name in TM Employee Record      

Started By  Woozy
Hi Everyone, This is a biggie...  We are trying to find a way to identify employees who have a legal name that is different from the name we have stored in TM so they can be validated and updated. Although our HR procedures designate that the Employee.Name.{Given Name/Middle Name/Family Name} is supposed to be the employee's 'legal name' (from I-9 or Soc Sec Card in the US), we know that many or most employee records are not populated in this way.  Since we have hundreds of HR Reps doing data ...
0 5087 1

Manager ability to view all Work Assignments      

Started By  Paula
I have a request for Manager's to be able to 'see' all work assignments, but only take actions on the ones that they are the Direct Supervisor.  Has anyone else built this type of functionality  If so, would you be willing to share how you did this.  Also has anyone ever had to create a derived field that would total up the FTE's of multiple work assignments
1 4468 1
by Aurora

Employee Space and Enwisen SSO      

Started By  yatta23
We currently login to Enwisen HRSD using SSO (BLACKBOX) from EMSS.  We will begin using Employee Space in the future as part of our TM implementation.  We would like to continue to use the SSO to login to Enwisen.  We are using the to make the configurations to Employee Space and are unsure how to continue to use the SSO. Do you use new URLs via the Landmark server or do you continue to use the same URLs that were used for EMSS   Also we would like to add a search box on the left...
0 5135 1

TM Data Maintenance Utilities Scheduling      

Started By  bearcat32
Hello, Does your organization schedule any of the following utilities that are delivered in TM within Administrator>Utilities>Data Maintenance *Rebuild Manager Employee Data *Generate Manager Org Chart Records *Rebuild Organization Unit Work Assignment Records >If so, what is the frequency of the scheduling >Are there other data maintenance utilities that you run on a consistent basis We have encountered issues with inconsistent info displaying on the Organizational Charts as well as ...
2 4861 2
by bearcat32

Historical Performance Appraisal Data      

Started By  giesewendy
We would like to get the historical data on our 2015 performance appraisals, meaning we want to store the manager name of the person that actually approved/reviewed the appraisal.  Right now the consolidated appraisal has whatever manager the person currently reports to when we generate it 'on-the-fly'. So, if they have transferred, the historical document shows the current manager.   How can we either save the historical appraisals in a mass .pdf save (we have 4000 employees) OR get a copy of t...
9 5280 1
by PattyG
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