Forum: Infor Global HR (GHR)

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Loading History into LTM    

Started By  JasonE
Has anyone loaded history from S3 into LTM.  We are in the process of installing LTM and the HR team is wanting to import History so they do not have to go back and forth between LTM and S3.  We have asked this of our Infor team and they have not been able to provide us with another entity that had done it.
7 6054 3
by  Jeff WardzalaJump to last post
9/24/2015 6:02 PM

Displayed Menu Labels - Lawson Talent Managent    

Started By  SRCockrell
Hi Everyone, My company is currently in the middle of our implementation and I am doing a lot of the configuration work.  However, I am having a really hard time figuring out how to change the title displayed for menus. For example, the Manager Find talent menu's header states 'LRCManagerFindTalentMenu' and I would like for it to read simply 'Find Talent Menu'. Additionally, we are using the HRGeneralist security role for multiple users all of which are not HR Generalists. I would like to be ...
3 4988 2
by  Peter OJump to last post
2/20/2015 7:41 PM

Custom Business Class    

Started By  Srini Rao
Can we create custom business class in LTM (We are on 10.x) Some thing like dbdef in S3.
3 6145 2
by  WoozyJump to last post
9/25/2015 3:15 PM

Changing the background    

Started By  Srini Rao
How can I change the rich client's back ground Theme. We like to change the theme to our custom logo. Thanks ---Srini
4 5900 0
by  Peter OJump to last post
3/6/2015 5:56 PM

Enwisen and LTM/S3 integration    

Started By  bearcat32
Is anyone using Enwisen in conjunction with LTM/S3 If so, what type of integration is set-up between the applications Thanks
6 6274 1
by  msjmg111Jump to last post
5/29/2015 1:55 PM

LTM Employee Self Service    

Started By  L G
Hi Does anyone have experience with LTM ESS. How customizable is it vis a vis S3 ESS Specifically do we get the company and employee attributes for the logged in user just like we used to get in S3 ESS if they had the employee identity defined for S3 ESS We have tons of custom pages that use Employee id to identify the user's employee number and give the employee his /her details.
8 9545 2
by  mterleskyJump to last post
2/24/2015 2:08 PM

Approach to creating a TM test instance    

Started By  bearcat32
Hello all.  What is your approach to creating a TM TEST environment. Do you create based on a db restore of PROD or manually create using ISD,etc. From what I gather this is not as straightforward as it is with S3.    Thanks for any feedback. Regards,
0 4211 0
3/10/2015 2:57 PM

ESS Find a Co-Worker Configuration    

Started By  Kimr
Has anyone modified the GHR Employee Self Service - Find a Coworker link  Specifically, we want to use this feature but do NOT want the Employee ID displayed and can not find a way to hide it
1 4624 1
by  Peter OJump to last post
4/1/2015 6:31 PM

Outlook Integration with Talent Acquisition    

Started By  RBH
Hi - We have purchased the Talent Acquisition module, but have not yet started our implementation (starting shortly!).  We are trying to decide if we should implement v10.2 or v11 and have been told that v11 brings us integration with Outlook, similar to what we currently have, but I cannot find that documented anywhere to verify. Our current Applicant Tracking System (ATS) allows for the Recruiter to click on the 'interview' button on the candidate's record, which then launches an Outlook ca...
1 4746 2
by  Peter OJump to last post
3/30/2015 7:51 PM

Reporting from LTM    

Started By  Regenia
Hi, We want to use Crystal Reports and LBI dashboards to display data. In TM the derived fields and the encrypted fields do not display using a ODBC connection to the oracle database. I need fields for term reason, SSN, mailing address to name a few. I can parse term reason from the audit log using some oracle functions, and I could get mailing address and SSN from S3 if necessary in a query but I would like to know if there is an easier way to get the term reason than parsing the xml in the au...
3 6495 4
by  Peter OJump to last post
5/14/2015 5:46 PM


Started By  Patrice Briley
Does anyone enter employees into the system prior to their actual started date (future dated hire)  If so, how do you handle the situations when the employee never shows up for work.  In our situation we enter them into the system but don't count them as ever starting unless they show up for the first day or orientation.  If they are a no-show we need to find a way to remove them or flag them as a no-show so they are never included in our counts as a hire.  Anyone have any creative ways they ar...
4 5131 2
by  Dave CurtisJump to last post
6/16/2015 11:34 PM

Talent Management feedback    

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
We are looking at acquiring a talent management solution.  Can you give me some feed back on Lawson's product  Are you also an S3 customer  How long have you been using it  Does it work for you  If not, why not
1 5300 2
by  Jay PobisJump to last post
8/11/2015 5:58 PM

Rehire Resource - Missing ActionRequest id    

Started By  Jessica M
I have created a process flow for ReHIre Resource (GHR) as our HR dept wanted this to go to HRAdmin for approval vs the immediate approve. The landmark trans node is using the following query: _dataArea='' & _module='hr' & _objectName='Employee' & _actionName='FindRehireResource' & _actionOperator='NONE' & _actionType='SingleRecordQuery' & _runAsUser='' & _pageSize='30' & _relationName='' & _setName='' & _asOfDate='' & _effectiveDate='' & ActionRequest='' & Employee='' & HROrganization='100'  ...
8 5526 1
by  Jessica MJump to last post
7/21/2015 3:12 PM

Incentive Compensation    

Started By  pknaul
Has anyone ever built a plan using a formula with the target variable comp, component weight and the external metric numeric other amount 1  I'm trying to build a plan that basically takes 10 of the base salary (target variable comp) x component weight (comprising of a bunch of mainly percent interpolation external metrics) x a funding value with I'm trying to use the external metric numeric other amount 1.  If I don't include the external metric numeric other amount 1 in the build, it works f...
0 4307 0
8/10/2015 3:30 PM

Inactive Work Assignment    

Started By  Chad Dirst
We have a custom flow that will inactivate a work assignment.  However, when inactivating a work assignment for an employee with two (2) positions it does not remove the employee from the inactivated position.  The employee is still visible to the 'old' manager even though their work assignment is activate.  I've run some tests and see the SupervisorChartNode on the WorkAssignment clas is populated when I think it should be blank.  However, I have tried initiating numerous Actions against anyt...
2 5181 1
by  Chad DirstJump to last post
9/24/2015 5:54 PM

Customizing Candidate space UI for external Job boards    

Started By  xxxxxttysfh
Hello all I replaced the header.jpg files with my company logo fies and I have clicked use Customoixable UI.   But  i am still not able to see my Company logo  I
3 5183 1
by  DoloJump to last post
3/21/2016 8:03 PM

LTM Local Modification Not Under Subversion    

Started By  Deleted User
LMK ENV 10.1 CU27 Trying to install LMKTM 10.2 CU11 (on CU6 now) Developer had me edit Employee.busclass (OCT 2014) without checking it out of Subversion (did not understand Subversion then). Now during CU11 update, after receiving CU11 into repository the jsvn status cmd showed Employee.busclass as a modified file. After failed attempts at jsvn commit, revert, update cmds,  we deleted the file, then added the file in the working directory so no jsvn modified file but we got the CU6 version of...
0 3917 1
9/9/2015 4:16 PM

Global Human Resources (GHR) Adoptees    

Started By  Christopher T
Our health system is moving to Infor's Global HR (GHR) and will be implementing the Talent Acquisition piece at the same time. I am seeking contacts at any other healthcare organizations that have moved to (or are moving to) GHR. I know of just one other healthcare organization that has implemented GHR. We lost our original GHR consutlant and Infor has been struggling to find a replacement with significant GHR/Talent Acquisition implementation experience. I am currently reviewing our orga...
0 2488 0
9/29/2015 6:48 PM

GHR v11 - Leave of absence processing    

Started By  rubyrod
We are getting ready to start our implementation of LTM GHR v11.  On page 356 of the GHR User Guide it talks about Leave of Absence Processing and how to set it up.  Does anyone currently use this process in GHR and if so, would this be good to use for FMLA purposes  Any feedback/advice would be greatly appreciated.
0 5482 0
11/3/2015 3:57 PM

Design and Build LTM    

Started By  KW
Is it possible to build Talent Management in a Test Landmark Environment and Copy the setup and build to a Production Environment  Has anyone done this
4 5028 2
by  WoozyJump to last post
12/28/2015 4:11 PM

History reporting in GHR    

Started By  RBH
Hi - We are getting close to our go-live in GHR and are starting to discuss reporting...and we're learning that the world of history isn't as straight-forward in GHR as it is in S3.  Has anyone that has gone live on GHR figured out a way (easy or not) to do history reporting off the audit tables Thanks. Ruth Bellinger Holladay
1 3781 4
by  WoozyJump to last post
2/1/2016 9:34 PM

40 Hour work week instead of Annual Hours    

Started By  Paula
ADP client that is moving to GHR for the HR portion.  They are remaining on ADP Payroll.  They use a 'standard hours' field in ADP for the number of hours worked.  It can be anywhere from 1-40.  They do not use annual hours to calculate pay rate.  Has anyone ever created a field or used IPA to do a calculation to derive hours/week.  I suggested a user field that they populate and pass over to ADP, but they don't like the fact that the FTE and Annual Hours are then incorrect.  Any suggestions
0 3896 0
2/17/2016 9:20 PM

Competencies in LTM    

Started By  Deleted User
We are a hospital implementing LTM and would like to know what competency libraries other organizations have used. Did you outsource competency development or do it in house   If you did it internally can you share your methodology and process with us   What lessons learned do you have   I know this is a lot of information.  We appreciate any insights anyone can provide. Thank you.
0 4133 0
3/1/2016 10:53 PM

Moving from Lawson Talent Management to ADP Vantage    

Started By  jjj999
We are thinking of moving from Lawson Talent Management to ADP Vantage. Generally speaking, is the candidate data from Lawson able to transfer over into another applicant tracking/talent management system
0 3729 0
3/16/2016 6:02 PM

dumping LPMH tables    

Started By  Russell Spreeman
Is there a good way to dump the data from LPMH tables We are moving to another system and our HR department can only see bringing up each job description one by one and exporting the text for each. We have about 1800 and would rather just dump them. If MS Addins could access the tables this would be easy but LMPH is hosted for us. Is there a solution to this We have to get it done one way or another before our licensing expires in a couple of months.
0 4979 1
4/4/2016 6:30 PM
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