Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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BN32.1 Mid Year Flex Spending Acct Changes      

Started By  AndrewHCM
Hello Everyone!   Has anyone encounter multiple deduction records active (PR14) when changes on BN32.1  for mid changes to flex spending accounts   This occurs when following the prescribed method in the user guide with Stop/Add on BN32.1.   Thanks for your help!! Andrew
0 3625 0

LP: Time Off Plan with Annual Hours Worked Review      

Started By  Brandon
Hi -  Has anyone built a time off plan where the hours you accrued were only made available to you if you worked a certain number of hours in the year (if you did not meet the minimum hours worked, the accrued hours do not become available to you)   Without having to use IPA, I am wondering if this can be done with standard configuration. Thanks
0 4302 0

Point in Time Report      

Started By  Vandana
Hi all, I recently joined a NGO in DC and we have Lawson S3.  I am trying to find a report either within Lawson, or through Query add-ins that can give me point in time data.  I need to look at salaries for all staff who were active from 1/1/17 to 12/31/18.  I'd also like to include hours worked as a field if possible.  Anybody have experience with this
7 95708 0
by John Henley

Dependent address (HR13) maintenance?      

Started By  Liz Woodworth
Hello, Wondering if/how many employers maintain and send (to benefit vendors, for example) dependent addresses [on HR13] that are different from the employee's address [on HR11].  Thanks in advance!
0 3612 1

clear arrears/zero check/hours only ded code      

Started By  giesewendy
[fyi, I have posted this question on another community forum, as well.] We have employee deductions in arrears in PR39.    The arrears are from BN15 plans and one PR14 deduction for 401kloan (not in BN system). In PR80, we are using an hours only paycode.   The PR39s are added and we attempt to post an offset to an A/R account   Once calculating, only the EMPLOYER deduction ends up on the PR80 check. Even though there are PR30 one time EMPLOYEE deductions existing, when we perfo...
0 3627 0

pr13 -      

Started By  vicentaT
Does anyone use CIC Plus
0 3874 0

834 with Term Dates?      

Started By  Kelly H
We are looking at sending actual term dates via an 834 to our medical, dental and vision providers.     Is there anyone doing this Perhaps someone who recently moved not doing it.  Are you sending them as two separate files I have some other questions, but perhaps I can send those directly.     Thanks!
6 89559 0
by David Wilson

Employee Self-Service Hide Fields      

Started By  rlke4827
Hi,   We are trying to find a way to hide particular fields in ESS - address change and emergency contact change. For example - phone number country code. Our business is located in only one city, so I don't want to complicate things for employees by having country code.  Is there any way to do this Thanks, Rachel
2 93608 0
by JimY

MN Wage Theft Law implementation      

Started By  Chris Gawarecki
The MN State Legislature recently passed additional requirements to be posted on paychecks/SOEs that detail how the paycheck was calculated. Some of the changes ask for an detail  the rate of pay and basis, including whether the employee is paid by hour, shift, day, week, salary, piece, commission or other method. overtime or shift differentials, provision for paid vacation, sic time and other Paid time off, and how pay will accrue. Also included is a list of deductions, allowances allowed (e.g....
0 3711 0

MSN ADDins not returning data      

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
Has this happened to anyone  I am very frustrated.   My add-ins query will sometimes run and return data, other times it looks like it is running but no data.  On uploads, sometimes I get message, others no message but upon querying the form, the data was added.   Solutions
1 95228 0
by Kat V

Time In Position      

Started By  Mark Petereit
OK, I think I'm missing the forest for the trees on this one. I've been given a list of 27 position codes and asked to produce a listing of everyone currently in those position codes and how long each person has been in that position. It's the recursing back through the chain of PAEMPPOS records for each person that's baking my noodle. I can't just pull MIN(EFFECT_DATE) because they may have been in that position before with a break in service, and I have to consider ONLY their current length ...
2 93580 1
by Mark Petereit

457b BSI Overrides      

Started By  Bettie
Hi all, We currently have a 457b pre-tax plan and are using BSI group overrides for that. We are looking to add a ROTH after-tax deduction to our current 457b plan. When testing the BSI overrides, it does not appear to be factoring both the pre-tax(BSIP004) and the after-tax (BSIP026) when looking at the maximum, so it is deducting over the total annual limit. We believe it has to do with the option selected on the BSI override. Should it be 'Aggregate to Highest Maximum' We tested...
1 93746 0
by thekboose

Pa100 Error      

Started By  mlt
I have a problem, I have an employee who resigned from the company and then one year was hired in another position. I entered the transaction in PA52, then when I went to execute PA100 I showed this error: Processing PA100 (Action Update) File PROD/EMPLOYEE. tsStoreDBRec error is Record was modified or deleted since your retrieval (131). Additional information is 100. Additional Text is: ModifySqlRec(LAWSON.'EMPLOYEE', 0). I read the ladb.log and don't shows anything...
4 99251 0
by John Henley

Position Control Management      

Started By  rlke4827
Is there anyone here who works in the Public Sector that utilizes position control in Lawson We currently use it, but I believe we could be doing it more efficiently.  I'm interested to learn how others utilize it, particularly in the public sector.
2 97321 1
by rlke4827

Payroll Test Scripts & Scenarios      

Started By  marland34
We currently have HR/PR v10 of Lawson and are in the process of implementing Lawson ERP. Does anyone have any testing scenarios or scripts they could share to ensure we don't miss any integration or interface steps between Payroll and Finance/Supply Chain Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!  Marchelle
5 97593 2
by TressaG

Kronos time records to Lawson      

Started By  Mary Porter
I've seen a couple of threads here about Kronos and Lawson. We are currently sending position codes to Kronos but we would like to start using the Job Code instead and then marry it to the process level and department when creating the time record for PR530 to pull in. For anyone currently using kronos, is this the right approach We are trying to make it easier at the clock for employees when transferring departments and not having to type/remember a position code, and also cut down on the numb...
17 64573 4
by Katy Prince

HR/PR Test Scripts and Scenarios      

Started By  marland34
We currently have HR/PR v10 of Lawson and are in the process of implementing Lawson ERP. Does anyone have any testing scenarios or scripts they could share to ensure we don't miss any integration or interface steps between HR/PR and Finance/Supply Chain Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Marchelle
0 4261 0

Does anyone interface Kronos with Lawson Payroll?      

Started By  spatterson
We are getting ready to implement ADPs E-Time and Attendance which is Krono's time system (they just resell it) and I was wondering if there were some folks out there that I could contact regarding the experience they have with there interface from Kronos to Lawson PR. Is there anything in Lawson that we have to do before this implementation We are on 9.0.1 and we currently use the Lawson time card and the employees supervisor enters only exception time (vacation,sick). When we go with...
6 97110 1
by sadams

Denying ESS Changes While Payroll is Running      

Started By  TBonney
What is the concensus on the preferred approach to deny employees the ability to make changes (address change, direct deposit change, etc.) in ESS while payroll is being run One suggestion we had was to remove the group that has access to the bookmarks for these tasks. (We have one global group, to which all portal users belong.) This would be done as one of the 'pre-payroll tasks' and then the group would be added back to the task once payroll was completed. Our thought was to ju...
14 98673 0
by thekboose

Crystal Report - Suppressing Group Header      

Started By  tommyg-006
Hello,   We wrote a report in Crystal to analyze turnover activity.  The department is in the Group Header and the turnover detail is in the Group Footer in the report.  Is there a way to conditionally suppress the Group Header based on detail from the Group Footer  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!
2 84780 0
by Margie Gyurisin

Crystal Report Transfer Activity (Mimic PA340)      

Started By  tommyg-006
Hello,   We are trying to write a Crystal Report that will mimic the PA340 report in Lawson.  Our end users would like to see the description for both the previous and new value from the transfer activity.  We have attempted to develop a crystal report, but with mixed results.  Has anybody written a Crystal Report for transfer activity that they would be willing to share  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!
0 4436 0

EEO1 and pay data reporting      

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
If you are interested in monitoring Infor's response/solution to the EEO pay data requirement that might take effect this year, someone kindly entered a ER.  You can endorse and subscribe to it - HTTPS://ERS.INFOR.COM/ERS...AILS.ASPXERID=36093
1 73544 0
by Kristie Starzyk

BN321 with Dependent SSN      

Started By  Sell Wran
I need a listing of all dependents and their plans. However, the BN321 seems to only list employee ID. Can I add the dependents SSN on to the report or is there another report that provides all dependents of employees and retirees with their SSN
2 72179 0
by Margie Gyurisin

1094C Output      

Started By  rcarter
So I have been tasked with validating our 1094C output against the IRS schemas and currently I'm having to edit every XML tag in the file because our system didn't output the namespace prefixes on the XML tags.   Can someone point me in the direction of how to get those tag prefixes fixed in the 1094C output
2 71825 0
by rcarter

ACA BN299 Manifest File      

Started By  Kristie Starzyk
I'm in version 10.0.8, and the BN299 manifest file is still not generating the Augmentation Number... anyone else having these issues  We are in the process of upgrading to Version 10.0.10 and when I'm testing, it works in that version.  Just curious if we missed a patch for our current version that is obviously programming fix in 10.0.10.   Thanks!
11 68918 1
by pjnowak
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