Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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Extra Email Address    

Started By  Deleted User
For disaster recovery(DR) purposes we would like to store an additional email address for employees. Preferable this would be in Lawson. For example a disaster may involve something that takes out the corporate email servers so the employees work email may not be an option in a disaster. The additional email address and some contact data are being shipped off site to a hosted DR solution. The user fields for employees is only a char(10) field so that is probably not an option. The email add...
5 3411 3
by  NickJump to last post
4/10/2011 5:11 PM

Job Scheduler PA345    

Started By  TRACY
I have never used the job scheduler, sad I know. I would like to have the PA345 run on a monthly schedule, and send to the HR folks that monitor this. I have no idea how to begin and can not find instructions in any searches I have used. If possible I do not want the report to print (because of confidentiality), but would like the report emailed to the users. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
7 4164 2
by  TRACYJump to last post
3/3/2011 8:36 PM

ESS - Home & Supplemental Addresses    

Started By  Deleted User
when an employee changes their home address in ESS or HR changes with a Pers Action it is automatically defaulting into the Supplemental Address fields. We do not want it to default. Can I turn this off If so, where/how
1 2972 1
by  Pam ButterfieldJump to last post
3/8/2011 3:58 PM

SERP (supplmental executive retirement plan)    

Started By  Karen Siegel
Has anyone setup a SERP plan within benefits application The details I have are: 1) The current SERP is considered the employees money at the time funded and therefore is considered compensation. Employer pays this. Money is kept in special account at retirement vendor. 2) Will be based on a 5 year vesting. 3) The employee is not taxed until fully vested. 4) This original payment does not raise the employee’s taxable income and is not reported on the W-2. 5) Once the empl...
0 3657 0
3/4/2011 5:01 PM

ESS/MSS Time Entry and Approval Flow    

Started By  Lacey
I am looking for a flow document for the screens time entry goes through. We are working on implementing self service time entry and we don't know the process after the employee enters time on ESS. We know it goes to supervisor for approval but don't know what screens this information sits on and how it eventual gets into Payroll for processing. Also, we are looking to create a system for a second approver. If the supervisor is on leave and does not approve time for employees we need it to g...
4 3535 2
by  LaceyJump to last post
3/24/2011 7:29 PM

ESS Security - Form access through URL    

Started By  jcooper
We found that a logged in user who has access to the PA67.1 screen for ESS can get the XML data for any employees by going through the /servlet/Router/Transaction/Erp url and entering in the proper url parameters which would include the desired employee number. I've found other posts on this site which seem related to getting data from this URL, but none which clearly state how this can be locked down. This user is an ESS only user, no admin roles/security. They just have Inquiry a...
3318 1
by  jcooperJump to last post
3/10/2011 4:37 PM

PA26 Review - Addins    

Started By  Deleted User
We've changed our review codes and want to update our prior review records with this new coding structure. Is there an easy way of doing this using Addins
4 3394 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
3/15/2011 7:15 PM

BN106 HIPAA834 file    

Started By  ChristiB
Has anyone been able to successfully get address changes to show up on the HIPAA834 file created by BN106 If not, how are you handling transmitting address changes to your insurance providers Our address changes are being done via the MOVE life event on ESS.
2 2811 0
by  ChristiBJump to last post
3/15/2011 12:48 PM

Payroll Tax Processing/Filing    

Started By  mpfrimel
We're looking at alternatives for reporting and paying our Payroll taxes. We currently outsource the process to a third party but are considering bringing it in house. Does anyone out there process their taxes internally and would you be willing to share the process. We are a national retailer (49 states/600 localities, release levels).
6 3087 1
by  Sumanth JJump to last post
4/1/2011 5:59 PM

Printing in Design Studio    

Started By  Chad
I can't seem to find this anywhere in the forums, so I apologize if it is out there and I am duplicating someone else's question. I've created a button via Javascript in Design Studio and would like the button to send the form to the printer. I've tried using both portalWnd.print() and window.print(), but both have the same issue. Only a certain amount of the form will actually print. There is a vertical scroll bar on it, and unless I make the window big enough to show everything before I tr...
0 3150 0
3/21/2011 6:43 PM

PA02 Position Mass Delete    

Started By  Lacey
We have done a complete restructure of our positions in the system. We end dated the old positions, but would like to remove them all together so we have a better flow to LBP. Since there is no FC line I cannot find a way to delete via add ins. There are over 1000 positions to delete so a manual process would be time consuming. Any tips on how to get them out TIA!
2 3251 0
by  LaceyJump to last post
3/25/2011 11:06 AM

LP07 - Zero Multiplier    

Started By  Tracy Stites
I have always been able to create a lp07 zero calculation using 1 x empty service class. Today we are unble to do this. Lawson Support states that they have changed the functionality within the service class so we are unble to use an empty service class as a multiplier on LP07. We have been told to find a different work around. They suggested we use a .000001 multiplier but this will return a value. They have no other suggestions. My client is using all the other given factors on the HR...
1 2824 0
by  Tracy StitesJump to last post
3/25/2011 5:13 PM

PA52.1 error message    

Started By  RachelM
We have Canada and USA set up in Lawson. We do not run payroll or BSI in Lawson. We are trying to change an employee's zip code in Canada on PA52.1 The following error message pops up when we try to change. 'Cannot add deduction for emp; Country code does not match' What am I doing wrong
1 3079 0
by  RachelMJump to last post
3/29/2011 8:46 AM

ESS 50/50 deposit splits    

Started By  Deleted User
Has anyone ever run into an issue where an employee uses ESS to set up a 50/50 split for DD's where if there is not an even amount being paid that the system generates a check for the remainder non divisible by two amount Here is an example: an employee makes $300.01, so 150.00 goes to one account and 150.00 goes to other and the system generates a check for the remaining penny. This would not happen if the person made $300.02, $300.04, $300.06, etc. . Anyone have any ideas about this
11 3042 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
4/7/2011 2:39 PM

New Dependent Age Eligibility Rules - NY, CT, NJ    

Started By  Sumanth J
We have 50 BN15 Medical plan codes for various levels (HMO, PPO, etc) and tiers and for all of them Dependent Age is 19 and Student Ageis 25 in BN17.1 We are wondering how to accomodate recent changes to dependent age rules. Lawson suggestion is to setup separate BN15 plan codes for those state residents which would mean we will have to setup additional 50 BN15 plans for NY, CT, NJ and it doesn't seem like the best way. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
0 3586 1
4/1/2011 7:04 PM

Manager Self-Service - Personnel Actions    

Started By  dtracey
We have been developing the MSS-Personnel Actions task without customization, including related ProcessFlows. In doing so, we encountered two major system issues; 1) if we left the PA52 Change function available for MSS-inbasket view, a manager could make changes to the original action at any time while the action was going through the approval process within the process flow, 2)the PA52 Add functionality allows the submitting manager to add new actions via the inbasket view. Our intent was NO...
3 3598 0
by  Roger FrenchJump to last post
4/4/2011 3:46 PM

Payroll History Conversion PR560    

Started By  Deleted User
We are adding a new Process Level and they want to bring in their check history detail for 2011. When we implemented we brought in check detail, so I'm very familiar with the PR560 csv file. This is the first new Process Level we're adding. I don't know what to tell them to use as their Check ID and Check Numbers as I'm sure that their numbers duplicate ones that we have already used. How do others bring in a new PL's check history
2 3175 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
4/5/2011 4:25 PM

PR14.2 State Lock In Withholding    

Started By  Deleted User
We're on apps 8.1, and just received notice we need to lock in an employee's state withholding exemptions. From what I can find on the KB, Lawson has added the functionality in v9 - does anyone have a work around for earlier versions I know, at the worst, we can check the employee's record before the payroll runs to ensure the correct marital status/exemptions are used, but I'm hoping for a less manual option. Thank you!!
0 3365 0
4/5/2011 6:05 PM

HR Writer    

Started By  Deleted User
I have a basic report but when I run it the status field is blank thanks in advance
1 3249 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
4/11/2011 10:24 AM

Lawson Standard Reports    

Started By  SkaddenCourtney
I'm looking for a list of standard reports Lawson comes with. Anyone know where I could get this. I searched the knowledge base on Lawson support and came up with nothing.
2 11274 0
by  SkaddenCourtneyJump to last post
4/11/2011 8:38 AM

Electronic Time Sheets    

Started By  Deleted User
Hi; We are on an Iseries platfrom, Environment; apps. Is anyone using a 3rd party web based time entry system that can easily interface with Lawson. Our payroll is usually around 120 employees. I would also to know if there are other 3rd party systems that replaces Time and Accrual. We need an application that calculates the employees accrued vacation and sick leave. Thanks very much in advance.
0 3210 0
4/8/2011 4:08 PM

Other Coverage Flags    

Started By  Kelly H
We currently have a user field set up to reflect other coverage for medical and dental (one each). However (similar to my wellness credit question), an employee may not have other coverage in the current plan year, but then have other coverage for the future plan year. In order to get the opt out credit, they have to have other coverage. During open enrollment we experience issues because their flag currently may be set to 'N' but for the new plan year, their flag should be set to 'Y' and...
0 2786 0
4/8/2011 4:36 PM

ESS Waive Plans - Health    

Started By  Kelly H
We currently have medical and vision plans set up under the benefit type of HL (Health). This is because we cannot set up the vision under any other benefit type. We will be rolling out BSS within the year and are making plans to add waive plans to each of our benefit types for all of our groups. How will this work with the vision plans Should we set up two waive plans One for medical and one for vision ETA: We are currently not using Categories on the BN15. It appears that w...
5 3008 1
by  Kelly HJump to last post
4/12/2011 11:25 AM

Group Legal Plan Benefit    

Started By  Shoe
Do any of you offer a group legal plan (e.g. Hyatt Legal) as part of your benefit package I felt my only option was to set the plan up as benefit type RS (spending account), there being no 'other' benefit type categories. It's creating issues with start and stop dates. Either I've set up the BN15 incorrectly or I shouldn't use this type. If you have been through this and can offer advice, I'd be grateful for it. The guides don't offer any assistance in this specific area and I've spent hou...
8 3072 1
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
4/14/2011 7:58 PM

Combo Roles ESS MSS w LS9 Security    

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
Sorry for the cross post but we are in the midst of rolling out ESS to the organization. we already have MSS live and have run into this glitch. It is preventing us from bringin our managers live with ESS. We just discovered that if we give a manager both the MSS and ESS role, they are able to drill back to information on their direct reports that they should not be able to see. Example: With MSS role only, they do not see dependents. When ESS role is added they do even though the ...
2 2731 1
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
4/18/2011 3:34 PM
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