Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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Deferrered Compensation    

Started By  nicolek
I'm interested to talk to someone who has a unique deferred compensation plan set up. We curretnly have modifications in our PR140, 160 and 197 programs to satisfy our requirements. The difficulty of our plan is that we want to apply our 401k percent election to our 401k wages (base pay minus any deferred comp). Current set up with Lawson wants to take out the deferred comp amount and then multiply any 401k election to the original base amount. This is NOT how HR wants it to happen. The other ...
2 2821 2
by  Sumanth JJump to last post
2/4/2011 5:08 PM

Company match Roth and Traditional 401(k) plan changes mid year    

Started By  lpetroff
We currently offer company match plans of up to 4 for both the Roth and traditional 401(k) plans, however, they can only be in one plan at a time. My question is if we allow for mid-year changes from one plan to the other, how does Lawson recognize any company match dollars already taken from one plan to the other We currently use a descending balance on BN19.4 to accommodate for the maximum match. Thanks!
2 2939 2
by  lawsonuserJump to last post
2/8/2011 2:26 PM

BN32 Change with Addin    

Started By  Margar
We are in process of upgrading from 8.0 apps to 9.0.1. I have an add in to upload BN32 changes for DC plan and it is not working correctly in 9.0.1. Does anyone have an add in for changes to BN32 Thanks
10 7542 2
by  MARCO3535Jump to last post
2/1/2011 3:35 PM

Dependent Information on BN106 output file (HIPAA834)    

Started By  TBonney
Has anyone encountered an issue where the dependent information for an employee does not follow the insured/employee record when running the BN106 to create a HIPAA834 file for the insurance carriers It seems as though all the dependent data is there, but the it occurs later in the file and does not directly follow the associated employee/insured. I don't see any options on the BN106 to control this. Yet, the carriers are insisting the dependent data directly follow the insured data. P...
2 2775 1
by  TBonneyJump to last post
1/27/2011 1:22 PM

Web Time Entry Supervisor    

Started By  Sandra Badini
We are in the process of rolling out web time entry and have been reviewing options for transferring supervisor rights. Has anyone found a workaround for transferring supervisor rights without creating a second user id
2 2624 0
by  Pete HenryJump to last post
2/1/2011 4:24 PM

Beneficiary Change History    

Started By  Shane Jones
Does anyone know where the system might hold history of ESS changes to beneficiary elections I need to see past beneficicary elections but Lawson does not effective date and end date the records. They just overwrite the current record and the past record disappears.
4 3588 1
by  RBHJump to last post
2/1/2011 12:15 PM

W-2's PR299 Problem with Retirement Indicator    

Started By  Jodi Kruesel
We are experiencing a problem when running PR299. The Retirement Indicator is not displaying a 1 and should be for employees that have a Y in the Retirement field on the Year End tab of the HR11. If you have tested PR299 for year end 2010, what are you seeing with this report I've logged the issue with GSC and am actively working on the issue but would appreciate the insight of other users. Thanks!
11 3443 0
by  Jodi KrueselJump to last post
1/27/2011 2:06 PM

PA31.1 User Fields    

Started By  RachelM
On PA31.1 we're looking into using User Fields to enter in the recruiter's Lawson ID for recruiting incentives. When I clicked on User Fields from PA31.1 Recruiter Incentive was already listed, however it's not defined. When I got to HR04.4 there are several fields listed with 'values' off to the far right side. It appears that I can define these values on HR04.7 but how the heck do I get there to do that I would like to include a list of Lawson IDs and the recruiter's name on HR04....
1 2867 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
1/25/2011 2:43 PM

Which forms used for :-Worked Department Code; Assigned department Code ?    

Started By  Vijay S
Hi All, Via which Table/Form we can find Worked department code and assigned department code for an employee Thanks- Vijay
1 2661 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
1/25/2011 10:21 AM

How do you setup GTL so that it goes in and out of SAME GL acct    

Started By  Deb S
We have only been on Lawson PR for a year. We would like the Non-Cash Income items to have no affect on GL. Anyone know how to setup the Lawson system so that these items are a wash in GL:crazy:
4 3308 2
by  Carolyn LeeJump to last post
1/27/2011 6:21 PM

Query Wizard    

Started By  Jennifer Burke
I am using query wizard to upload a list of employees hired between 12/01/2010 and 12/31/2010. Can anyone tell me to format this in the criteria selection of query wizard Thanks!
2 4772 1
by  Vijay SJump to last post
1/27/2011 3:31 PM

Canada T4 Reporting    

Started By  Trevor
Hello, I'm trying to find the place in Lawson to add the DPSP Registration for our T4 reporting. If you know where it goes, please let me know! Thank you, Trevor
3047 0
1/25/2011 11:20 PM

BSI Display Log Question    

Started By  Woozy
We are trying to research a problem with a PR80 calculation, and we are trying to figure out if this is a deduction issue or a BSI issue. When we look at the BSI log, it appears that there is an Input section, an Output section, then another Input section and another Output section. Can someone explain what the first Input/Output is and what the second Input/Output is I know just enough about Payroll to be dangerous, but it appears that everything is right in the first Input/Output secti...
0 3314 1
1/26/2011 5:14 PM

PR140/PR80 Custom Calcs - multiple passes???    

Started By  Woozy
We are trying to resolve an issue on a deduction code that uses a custom calc. When we animate the PR140 or PR80, we've noticed that each deduction code is processed by the custom calc code multiple times. Why does it do this Can we tell what PR140/PR80 process is happening when this is being called, or do we just have to step through the whole thing I appreciate any information you can give us about this. If anybody knows of any relevant KB articles, that would be very helpful too. ...
5 3674 1
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
1/28/2011 7:40 PM

Company paid taxable health and dental insurance    

Started By  Sandy6
I am interested in learning how other organizations handle company paid health and dental insurance that are taxable. Do you use Absence Management Do you use an interface file to load into Lawson every pay period It would be treated the same way as GLT with the BN150. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks. Sandy
2659 0
by  Sandy6Jump to last post
2/8/2011 12:44 PM

Tax Fields    

Started By  TommyT
I need to create an extract file containing fields like: State exemptions FIT Marital Status FIT, State, Local additional tax amounts Work locality... What files hold these fields I dont see them on employee....
1 2630 0
by  TommyTJump to last post
2/7/2011 7:18 PM

Tracking Years of Experience by Position    

Started By  Ashby Judy
Is anyone tracking years of experience by position rather than date of hire If so how We are healthcare organization. So if I was hired as a nursing assistant in 2000, but became a Register Nurse in 2003. I would not have 11 experience as an RN. Any suggestions Userfields maybe Or do you have query of the PAEMPPOS table
7 3211 0
by  Ashby JudyJump to last post
2/9/2011 12:34 PM

Does anyone interface RedPrairie with Lawson Payroll?    

Started By  wilcoxmad
The powers that be have told me we are going to start using RedPrairie for our time keeping system. We currently use an out dated version of KRONOS. Just wanted to see if anyone else is using them.
2 3137 0
by  Jason BeardJump to last post
2/16/2011 7:17 PM

Cross-company supervisor reporting relationships    

Started By  Chris
Hi all. We currently have two companies defined in Lawson from a legacy implementation. We have not yet set up a supervisory structure in Lawson for Manager Self Service, but want to do so now. We have many instances where people report across the companies (i.e. employee in company A reports to supervisor in company B) or where entire departments report across the organizational boundary. It appears Lawson will not allow a cross-company supervisor relationship. Has anyone else had a sim...
0 3325 1
2/15/2011 4:11 PM


Started By  khrhs
Is there anyone using Lawson to send COBRA information to a COBRA vendor We currently do not use any of the COBRA functions in Lawson. Thanks.
0 3368 0
2/15/2011 5:18 PM

Middle user exit for PR12 not working    

Started By  Arnab Mishra
My middle user exit does not work.When I debug I see that control never goes to the middle user exit in PR12.1.I compiled the program as well as user exit many a times.But still the issue exist.Can somebody help me with this please
1 3440 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
2/18/2011 12:17 PM

Processing Pended ESS transactions    

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
We are set up in Lawson as one company and multiple process levels. Each process level does their own employee maintenance. We are on LS9 security and those users do not have LID nor terminal access. When we run the BS531, the BNBATCH and BNDEPBATCH are created in the employees print directory. But to commit those records to the employee, you need to run the BN531 and BN532. The default delivered path for those is the common work directory. I am looking for advice on how to handle this...
2 3044 1
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
2/19/2011 3:08 PM

PR12 change PRINT field to default to a 1 - No    

Started By  Greg Moeller
Is there a way (other than Design Studio) to get the PR12 PRINT RECEIPT field defaulting differently We want to change it to default to Not print -- we're stopping the mailing of our Direct Deposit Pay stubs for all those employees who are 100 Direct Deposit.
2 2678 0
by  Jeff WhiteJump to last post
2/22/2011 10:47 PM

Resident State or Tax State only stored in HRhistory?    

Started By  Deleted User
We ran a pr299 for Georgia and I was running some queries to doublecheck the 's. My research shows that 'work' state is stored with PRTIME and Quartwage, but resident state or 'tax state' is only stored in Employee table (which is overwritten when changed), timerecord (which is wiped out when payroll is processed) and hrhistory field 81(which is up to us whether to have logged to history or not). This can't be true, but I've looked and looked and cannot find any other place that the pr299 wo...
3362 2
2/23/2011 2:46 PM

Combining special pay with regular payroll    

Started By  aphillips
We are trying to reduce the number of payrolls we have to run. We want to add bonus pay, incentive pay, commission pay, etc into the regular payroll run. Our issue is that we use ADP and they can only accept 8 direct deposit accounts. We have employees with up to 4 accounts currently. Since the combined processing creates a separate pay record for type of pay, it creates up to 4 accounts for each record. Has anyone else run across this issue and how did you handle it Do you limit the number of ...
2 2478 1
by  aphillipsJump to last post
2/25/2011 4:05 PM
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