Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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PTO accrual on check stub in ESS    

Started By  Greg Moeller
Anyone have a quick way to get the amount of PTO that an employee accrues per position/per pay period to display on either the detail button from ESS/Pay or to display right on your pay stub when checking via ESS
7 17329 3
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
10/15/2010 7:29 PM

Anyone Using Bottomline Paybase for Check Printing?    

Started By  Woozy
Hi Everyone, We are in the early stages of implementing S3 payroll, and we're looking to chat with some customers who are using BottomLine PayBase32 (we're on version 8.2) for payroll check printing out of Lawson.  We are on LSF 9, apps 9.0.1. We've been told that the Lawson PR160 Laser Check File (PMTOUT) maps directly into PayBase32, but we haven't been able to get any confirmation of that from LPS or MyLawson.  We have several questions about the mapping and interfacing into PayBase...
3 6367 3
by  Steve WilsherJump to last post
11/17/2010 3:35 PM

Lawson Core HR Functionality/Outsource Payroll?    

Started By  Kelly Gorman
Does anyone use Lawson's Core HR Process Suite, but outsource the payroll function  If so, what vendors do you use and how successful is it
3 4797 3
by  megmezJump to last post
11/4/2010 3:47 PM

Work Eligibility Listing    

Started By  RachelM
I noticed that the Work Eligibility documents listed in HR11 > Work Eligiblity are outdated. Do you know if a patch was released to update this How are you tracking expiring documentation Currently, we track via Lawson the first time around and once the document is updated then they go on a spreadsheet. Are you overwriting the I-9 data to ensure that the most current data for documents that expire and need to be recertified are listed on HR11 > Work Eligibility
3 3394 1
by  RachelMJump to last post
10/8/2010 3:06 PM

New Year Benefits Set Up... Help!    

Started By  gamole
Hello to anyone who can assist here.... Our HRIS Manager left the company and I am stuck with the task of making sure our benefits carry over into 2011. We are chaning carriers so I will need to add new meidcal carriers, etc. I'm not sure where to start.... BN15 I know he ran something as well to easily stop all benefits to end 12/31 so we could load the new ones... We have a very basic set up.. no COBRA, Flex Plans/Credit, stocks, vacation, or invoicingng for excess life insurance, etc. ...
4 4228 0
by  DawnLJump to last post
9/22/2010 2:10 PM

Timekeeping With lawson    

Started By  JWM7165
I am new in using Lawson Payroll and my compnay has tasked me with finding out information about what Lawson can and cannot do We currfently use a differnt interface for timekeeping. Does anyone have experience and does Lawson have a Timekeeping add on we could use Any help will be greatly appreaciated.
2 5217 1
by  Wendy HJump to last post
9/17/2010 9:34 PM

Employee Wage Report (PR270) in Crystal    

Started By  Carl Gifford
Has anyone recreated the Employee Wage Report (PR270) in Crystal We would like to be able to burst this report via Crystal (not using the backoffice) but I have not been able to reproduce this report in Crystal. Any insight would be appreciated.
2 3292 2
by  Carolyn LeeJump to last post
9/23/2010 10:43 PM

Making AN AGS CALL -- Not updating    

Started By  Vijay S
Hello everone, Our client is opting for paperless transaction for pay stubs. I need to add a option object on Direct deposit screen with a button. When the button is pressed It should update Print_Receipt flag on PR12.1. The directdeposit.html is calling directdeposit.js and i have modified the same. OPTION id coming fine with Button on the screen.... I have written the code for the same ... but it is not updating the flag neither any error mssg is coming. Since It is mine fir...
0 3613 0
9/22/2010 2:35 PM

BN305 Changing Email Addresses?    

Started By  Woozy
We've encountered a strange issue, and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. When we run BN305 'Highly Compensated Employees' in Update Mode, it is pulling the email addresses of some of the employees processed by the report, and overwritting email addresses for one or more other employees that aren't being processed by the report. We didn't notice this until it had been run in PROD, but we've since duplicated it in two other prodlines on another box. I have a CASE ope...
7 4454 2
by  WoozyJump to last post
10/22/2010 1:45 PM

New Country Code setup    

Started By  kadkins
Has anyone out there had to add a new country code in Lawson Currently we only have 1 company set up and we only use one country code - US. It appears that to add a new country code, we have to set it up in multiple places (IN, PR, HR, etc.) Has anyone ever undertaken this sort of change before If so, are there any recommendations you might have or challenges/tips/tricks that might help Thanks in advance Kyle
0 3887 1
9/28/2010 12:14 PM

Global (US and International) clients using Job codes and position with Lawson 9    

Started By  Jamela
Hello, Our organization would like to speak with global Lawson clients who use job codes and position codes in Lawson 9. We are reviewing our current processes and want to know how other global clients are structured. How well have they worked for your organization What are some of the pitfalls What value did they bring How are job codes structured How are position codes structured Feel free to send me an email if you are willing to chat. Thanks, Jamela Galloway...
0 3480 1
9/29/2010 2:21 PM


Started By  RachelM
Is anyone out there using PA90 0 Health & Safety Incident I work for a large bank with multiple locations in multiple states. We have very few Worker Comp cases filed. I'm wondering if setting up PA90 is worth my time. Can you run the OSHA 300/300A logs from Lawson
1 2915 0
by  Karen PloofJump to last post
11/10/2010 5:58 PM

PR198 already posted - checks have last pay period date    

Started By  Deleted User
Our PR department ran the PR140 with last pay period dates. The checks are printed, PR197 has been run, PR198 has posted. Any tips on what to do to to get the checks with the right dates and the PR198 in the correct GL period
1 2724 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
10/6/2010 9:35 AM

LP31 Eligible Accruals are a pay behind.    

Started By  Deleted User
I have a number of employees whose LTS accrual correctly however they are not being moved to eligible till the next pay run. I'm having trouble figuring out why this the accrual last & eligibility last dates are a pay off. We pay biweekly, the rules are setup to pay cycle adjust. Has anyone else had this problem and how do you correct it
5 3643 0
by  MichelleWJump to last post
11/1/2010 11:23 AM

Benefit Setup for Supplemental Life    

Started By  CMH
Our company is thinking about offering a Supplemental Life plan, therefore, it will be a new benefit with an age table. I was wondering if any anyone has set this type life plan up and would be willing to share some of the things I might encounter. I do not have any plans set up with the BN02 age table, so any help will be appreciated.
2 3044 0
by  CMHJump to last post
10/27/2010 11:47 AM

Is it possible to invoke a program through User Exit !!!!    

Started By  Vijay S
Is it possible to invoke a program through User Exit !!!! I am not sure, I am trying but it is not invoking !!! Kindly suggest!!!!
1 2931 1
by  wilcoxmadJump to last post
10/13/2010 6:19 PM

Questions regarding BN106 & it's data contents...    

Started By  TBonney
We're new to the BN106 process, for creation of a HIPAA834 file, so please forgive me if these are stupid questions. (We chose to run in Validate mode, which as we understand, should produce a 'full' file including all emplopyees for the chosen beneft type and plan.): 1. Are there any prerequisite jobs that must be run before you can run BN106 2. Can BN106 be run multiple times, without impact to other jobs, tables, etc. 3. Is there something else that needs to be done to get the BN106 to...
1 3915 2
by  TBonneyJump to last post
10/11/2010 12:31 PM

Defined Benefit Plan Contribution    

Started By  lpetroff
As far as the contribution goes for the defined benefit plan, is there a way to stop the contribution based on a maximum number of hours worked I realize it can be done based on a dollar maximum, but haven't been able to find anything on hours. thank you!
1 2987 0
by  Ashby JudyJump to last post
11/1/2010 4:31 PM

W2's Online    

Started By  Cindy Ashwell
My company wants to migrate to electronic W2's but not sure how to approach this. We do NOT have Lawson's ESS. We do currently use MHC and print them. We would like to speak to anyone who is providing W2's electronically to find out how you are providing this service and any complications you might have.
2 5025 1
by  mark.cookJump to last post
10/27/2010 5:37 PM

Finger Printing Employees - where do you store that info?    

Started By  RachelM
I work for a bank and the Dodd-Frank act will require us to finger print current and new employees who work with Securities. For those of you who finger print currently, where do you store that information in Lawson For those of you in financial institutions, what will you be doing once the Dodd-Frank act kicks in How will you be tracking that info
5 2877 2
by  Karen PloofJump to last post
11/10/2010 5:39 PM


Started By  Vijay S
Hi :), I am facing a strange problem. Under Beneficiary in ESS/MSS When user tries to update the Address (ADDR1,ADDR2,ADDR3,ADDR4) It gives an AGS call to BN47.1 but here Address doen't gets updated but City and postal code gets successfully updated in BENEFICRY tabvle. I did an alert for AGS call. Address values(1 to 4) are picked up correctly but at the end they are not updated in Database :(. I have attached the AGS Syntax and Print screen !!! Please Suggest!!!
2 2882 1
by  Vijay SJump to last post
11/6/2010 2:17 PM

Reverse Action Report    

Started By  upasana
Hi, Please suggest is there any report which can confirm about any reverse Personnel Action processed through PA52 screen. Thank You Upasana Mehra
1 3488 1
by  upasanaJump to last post
11/15/2010 10:23 AM

QN732 - Created multiple deduction records that is preventing payroll from running    

Started By  lcgreen98
We were told by our Lawson consultant to run QN732 during the process of going live with Benefits Self Service. All was going well until we went to run Payroll. We are not currently allowing retirement plan enrollment through Benefits Self Service (DC plans), but for some reason when we ran QN732, it created multiple DC deductions. There are so many that we cannot get them out to run payroll. We tried to run BN103 to terminate the deductions (we figured this was easier to make up and expl...
2 3646 0
by  lcgreen98Jump to last post
11/17/2010 1:02 AM

mass payroll history reporting    

Started By  sk
One of things we wanted to explore in our Lawson system was to see if we could do a mass payroll history reporting Is there a standard lawson report program which produces the entire payroll history data per employee for multiple years So that we could then use it and push the data to imaging to save. Any Ideas are welcome SK
3 3002 0
by  skJump to last post
11/24/2010 8:15 PM

Multiple life insurance plans that need to share the same cap    

Started By  Sandy B
We have 1x's your sal the company pays at a flat rate, then you can opt for 2x's your sal at the low fixed rate, or 3x's your salary which will use the age/rate table or 4x's your sal using the age rate table. All 4 tiers need to use an overall cap of 800k. Any one trying to do something similar how can we set this up to share the same max
0 2596 0
11/23/2010 7:17 PM
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