Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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ESS 9.0 New Hire Enrollment    

Started By  psfunkytek
We just completed our Benefits Open Enrollment in Lawson 8.03 with little issue, however immediately after we upgraded to 9 and we cannot get the New Hire Enrollment to function. When a new employee clicks the 'New Benefits Enrollment' link, they will get to the welcome screen, however when they click the 'continue' icon, the system will hang with a dialog box that that say's 'retrieving current benefits' then 'preparing your personalized enrollment', but if you click 'continue' again or close ...
6 6785 0
by  Sarah SJump to last post
9/7/2010 6:30 PM

ESS Employee Phone Book    

Started By  TBonney
Does anyone use the employee phone book option of ESS, under employment link If so, can anyone explain what files need to be granted access to in order to allow it to display all relevant results when a search is performed by an employee We have it accessible through our ESS role in LSF9 security. However, the employees can't search and are only able to see their own info. But, we're not sure how to expand the security to allow them access to view all employees names, phone numbers, etc. (W...
6 3431 1
by  Lisa HodgesJump to last post
9/14/2010 3:09 PM

Cycle Time counter in Absence Management    

Started By  vs
We just found out that the cycle time for PTO Accrual in Absence Management starts at zero instead of 1 as in Time Accrual. So, when we configure the plan to have PTO change at 105th week, it actually does it in 106th week since it counts 0th as first cycle. This is a strange change that Lawson did in Absence Mgmt. Has anyone had any issues due to this when they converted to Abs Mgmt from TA I cannot imagine that we would the only ones who encountered this. I would love to hear how you overcame...
1 3356 3
by  vsJump to last post
8/19/2010 11:31 AM

Lawson Backend    

Started By  DGardner
I am looking to create users in the Lawson database utilizing a CA's Identity Manager and I need to know what the backend to Lawson is and what would be the best way to create users without using thier interface. I have the ability to use JDBC and was wondering if Lawson supported this type of connection to it's user store.
5109 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
8/19/2010 9:01 PM

Dependent Verification    

Started By  KerriR
Our company just went through a verification process for all dependents having benefits (employees had to provide marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc). Now that that process is complete, we would like to flag the dependents that have been verified to prevent the employee from having to reverify in the future (if they drop benefits and then pick them in the future). Does anyone know of a way to mark a dependent as verified
2962 1
by  WoozyJump to last post
8/16/2010 2:47 PM

Separate company or process levels in exisiting company?    

Started By  abassett
We are adding 4 small 'companies' to our exisiting Lawson population. We were planning to set up 1 new company (because that has been the practice) with 4 process levels, but I wonder if that makes sense. All 4 of these new groups are actually part of the existing Company 1 organization and each has a separate tax id. Any thoughts on pros/cons of creating/not creating a new company for this Thanks for any input!
3795 0
by  MARCO3535Jump to last post
8/27/2010 6:13 PM

HIPAA 834 Translation    

Started By  TBonney
We want to submit benefits changes with our carriers electronically using HIPAA834 (X12) format. Lawson ( Env, 9.0/MSP5 Apps, Windows platform) creates the 'HIPAA834' file when you run the BN106. However, this file is missing the ISA segment & GS segment that create the header, has no field separators or segment terminators and is missing the trailer record too. Has anyone encountered this issue and come up with a solution that does not entail building one from scratch. We have mult...
3 4511 2
by  TBonneyJump to last post
8/31/2010 5:49 PM

PR12 Direct Deposit Distribution    

Started By  Deleted User
If an employee has multiple banks/amounts listed on PR12 Direct Deposit Distribution, what distribution is taken first What if an employee elected a $400 distribution but only had $200 left to be distributed, would $200 go to that account Or is PR12 designed as an All or nothing type of distribution
1 3028 0
by  Jodi KrueselJump to last post
8/23/2010 3:10 PM

LP251 testing    

Started By  MichelleW
We are currently testing the lp51-leave tracking screen, to see if it can replace the benefits leave log. When we enter a leave and then run the lp251(leave history) the employee data on the report is the current data. How does one capture the employee data at the time of the leave. If a CNA has a leave record, then later becomes a nurse the history report pulls her RN data, when she was actually a cna during the leave. How are others handling this
0 3276 0
8/26/2010 4:39 PM

Lawson MS ADD-INs    

Started By  Vijay S
I am new to MS ADD-INs. What is a .uwf file and how it is created I need to prepeare some templates and their corresponding .uwf files. Thanks - VjS
1 7095 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
8/30/2010 10:19 AM

PR160 YTD off    

Started By  LP Queen
Has anyone reported issues with the pmtout (PR160) file i.e YTD-NET-PAY-AMT is not capturing vacation paid out on a separate check in a previous cycle when vacation is being paid on the current cycle also on a separate check.
0 3561 0
8/30/2010 12:28 PM

WorkForce Software: Time and Attendance System    

Started By  Ronald
My company is in the process of hiring WorkForce Software to maintain our Time and Attendance. However, we have only one (1) reference from them whom they have worked for and are using Lawson. Does anyone have any information about this company and other companies they have currently done work for Good or Bad!! Thanks,
0 5883 2
8/30/2010 7:35 PM

PR195 error - cannot calculate percentage??    

Started By  Elliot Hospital
When running Accrual Program (PR195) for Report Selection P (Percent) and Deduction Cycle 1, I am receiving 'Deduction Cycle only allowed for Report Selection D' This has worked in the past, why is it not working now Has anyone got this to work with 'P' percentage method Is there a CTP to fix this
1 2794 1
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
8/31/2010 7:58 PM

Tool for HIPAA 834 formatting    

Started By  Scott A
We are loooking for a tool to format the HIPAA834 file into the provider's format. Any suggestions on a good 3rd party tool
3 3256 1
by  Jeff WhiteJump to last post
9/1/2010 1:47 PM

pa52 error message: Position does not exist for entire time period    

Started By  MARCO3535
An employee was due for an increase at his (then) current position this past spring, but the increase action was overlooked. In the meantime, the employee transferred to a newly created position. The employee’s director realized the errors of her ways and tried to adjust the employee’s rate, but tried to do it on his new position. Lawson returned an error: PA52 Error: 'Position does not exist for entire time period' I know that the director should have created the increase action & asso...
2 4353 0
by  MARCO3535Jump to last post
9/1/2010 6:44 PM


Started By  DawnL
When our HR department runs the PA100 it does not write future terminated records to BN35. As such, our BN100 does not cancel the records on BN32.1 nor does it write a COBRA record to BN70. What is odd is that the PA100 does write future new hires to BN35. Not sure why future terminations are not working. Can anyone help We are currently on 9.0.0. Thank you.
4 3454 1
by  BradFJump to last post
9/1/2010 3:23 PM

deductions taken not showing up on lawson query    

Started By  spatterson
Has anyone ever run into this situation where the deduction was taken on the PR14, I can see it on the PR51 and its on the payroll journal but when I run the lawson query, none of the deductions for that pay show up on any of the queries. Its happened multiple times but I cant figure out why. We have to then manually add the deductions to our reports so they tie.
6 3671 0
by  spattersonJump to last post
9/3/2010 10:37 AM

Philadelphia City Tax?    

Started By  Deleted User
Calling all resources who deal with (nasty) Philadelphia city taxes.... The short comment - we generally do NOT withhold any type of local or city taxes on our employees. However, an employee has requested Philedelphia city taxes be withheld from his pay. I've done the requisite set up, and upon testing, the calculation is 3.928 of his gross income, which is a figure I did find on the City of Philadelphia Dept of Revenue website. A lot of explanation for my question - can this city ...
0 3195 0
9/2/2010 4:20 PM

Can multiple PR530 jobs run at once?    

Started By  Woozy
Are there any issues with running multiple PR530 jobs with different batch numbers at the same time without causing db problems We have a custom program that we use to format time files from various sources into PR530 import format. Each location creates PR530 import files with different names, so these jobs can all be run simultaneously without issues. Since we have different Payroll Processors for our different locations, it would be helpful to allow multiple PR530 jobs to run at the sam...
10 4769 1
by  WoozyJump to last post
9/7/2010 2:20 PM

LP Limit Issues    

Started By  Deleted User
We are having some limit issues in LP that I am hoping someone else has experienced. Our policy is an earn as you go plan, so accrual moves to available with each pay cycle, this time can also be used as soon as it is moved to available. There is a limit on the amount of time that can be accured in a plan year based on tenure. My issue is that we set this up with an ongoing balance limit, which we have now found out limits on the available not the accrual. So, I have set up an annual accrual ...
4 4312 1
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
9/4/2010 1:28 AM

LP Maximum Balances by Employee    

Started By  TRACY
Does anyone know of a way to get maximum accrual limits by employee balance I checked with Lawson as I have been unable to find the correct tables. They say it is not stored anywhere by employee max. Can anyone help:cry:
3 3126 1
by  mark.cookJump to last post
9/8/2010 11:14 AM

Equivalent of actrlimit in LP?    

Started By  sk
I would like to know, what is the equivalent of the TA table ACTRLIMIT in Absence Management(LP) where can we find the following fields - Limit Type, Thru Lim Cyc, Max Balance SK
2 2912 1
by  skJump to last post
9/8/2010 8:04 PM

Partial position manament?    

Started By  nicolek
Has anyone heard of partial position management set up We purchased a sucession planning package and it's requiring one-to-one relationship with employees/positions in order for it to work correctly. The vendor said they found this as a viable option for us in Lawson. I know that if we change our set up, we lose a lot of the functionality in Lawson, i.e. budgeting, counts, requisitions, and some ESS/MSS functionality. Appreciate any feedback.
2 3131 0
by  nicolekJump to last post
9/13/2010 8:31 AM

Custom Calculation in Absence Management    

Started By  Michael Beaupre
:confused:Kara, our GL Specialist, brought an issue to Lawson which is that our Flex Leave liability is not posting from the Absence Management (LP) System to the General Ledger according to normal accounting rules. The Lawson Rep is recommending that we create a custom calculation in LP by setting the variables in LP07.1 and then writing code in the LPCUSTOMPD Library. If someone has a simliar custom calculation in LP that they would be willing to share, I would really appreciate it. Gracias...
4 3594 0
by  Michael BeaupreJump to last post
9/10/2010 6:59 PM

HR15 upload...HELP    

Started By  Carrie Miles
I am trying to upload to HR15 (user defined fields). Bascially we want to do a 2-step upload. First to PA31 (which works fine) but then we need to upload the HR15 for each of the applicants we just added through the PA31 upload. I have a template that I found online, but I must be missing something. How do you do the two step process
9 5238 1
by  Carrie MilesJump to last post
9/14/2010 8:34 AM
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