Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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Differenece in PORTAL and Screen Values ?????    

Started By  Vijay S
Currently i am analyzing an online program .it takes the hourly pay rate , no of hours and several tax deductions and output comes out to be GROSS PAY and NET PAY. The same form i am analyzing in PORTAL after entering the same data, what i found is that the NET PAY differs !!!!!!! i am not able to figure out what the reason could be The portal program have been customized!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but still i am not able to find out the cause as i am new to PORTAL!!!!!!! Have somebody faced the same pr...
2 2685 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
5/18/2010 10:32 AM

EMSS Security - Garnishment    

Started By  liz
Hi, We are implementing EMSS. We are using 9.0 security for EMSS. Is there anyway to secure the employee garnishments from Leader's view. We want to remove leaders access to view garnishments for their direct reports. Thank you so much for your response. -Elizabeth
3 4120 1
by  Elizabeth ArditoJump to last post
5/19/2010 11:50 AM

ESS/MSS--Payment Modeling Issue with After Tax    

Started By  Vijay S
Hi, I am facing a problem with payment modeling in ESS/MSS. While populating default values it is giving error with NET AMOUNT (when compared with PR89 screen)and some arbitrary number populates under AFTER TAX field (Like 0.52). Again when i press 'GET CURRENT DATA', This After TAx amount adds up to NET AMOUNT which is already incorrect and again produces incorrect NET AMOUNT(when compared with PR89 Screen).But when ever i press CALCULATE every thing comes out to be fine(When compared wit...
6 3118 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
5/31/2010 8:23 AM

MSS Job Requisition?    

Started By  Deleted User
We are looking at implementing MSS for Job Requisitions and passing data to Position Manager then back into Lawson via Applicant side possibly. Does anyone have any advice regarding the implementation of MSS Job Requistions Is there a work flow diagram for MSS We would like to control job requisitions by the managers fte value. If they don't have an available fte they can't post a requistion. Can this type of control be setup Is there any type of output file (standard/custom) th...
2 6035 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
5/28/2010 12:23 PM

Changing SupervisorCode On HR11 Using Add-Ins    

Started By  bkauffman
I am trying to upload changes to the supervisor code on HR11 using MS addins. When I try to perform the upload, I am getting the error message that I must inquire first. Has anyone had any sucess uploading to HR11, and if so, what is the secret to be successful Thanks for any assistance that you can pass my way.
5006 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
5/21/2010 6:01 PM

Does anyone have the BSI client 8.0.m software???? Help!    

Started By  SteveT
BSI is at version N now and want to charge $150 for archived versions. Does anyone out there have the 8.0.m client download they could send me Thanks Steve
7 3014 1
by  SteveTJump to last post
5/21/2010 11:37 AM

Step and Grade change    

Started By  Barry
We currently have 4 base steps for employees. This need to change to 7 steps after July 2010. So an existing employee at step 4 would go to step 7, and an employee at step 3 would go to step 6 and so on. A new employee would start at step 1. To complicate this, the 4 steps are actually 24 steps depending on the employee's certification status. So step 1-4 is no certification, step 5-8 is one certification, step 9-12 two certifications, ect. With the change, step 1-7 is no certification, ste...
4 4464 2
by  BarryJump to last post
6/2/2010 12:43 PM

EMSS Manager Vacation    

Started By  TommyT
What is the general approach taken to the situation when a Manager is out and someone needs to be able to access his/her employees for transactions
1 2810 0
by  Joe O'TooleJump to last post
5/24/2010 2:00 PM

ESS/MSS Exception Time Entry    

Started By  TRACY
Is anyone using ESS/MSS for exception time card entry and summary approval that would be willing to send me screen prints of both employee and manager screens, and possibly your HS01 and HS02 set ups
2 3149 1
by  TRACYJump to last post
5/25/2010 6:42 PM

What does getSeaPhrase(PAY_RATE,ESS) do ?    

Started By  Vijay S
Can anyone please tell me What does getSeaPhrase() mean in javascript/html I am bit novice to javascript. for ex getSeaPhrase('PAY_RATE','ESS') Thanks-VjS
2 6332 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
5/31/2010 4:08 AM

outsourcing payroll, while using Lawson    

Started By  Robyn Myers
Hello, I am interested in learning if anyone is using the Lawson HR/Payroll system, yet they outsource the actual payroll processing. Specifically, I need to find out how the process works. Do you capture time entry in PR35 or PR36 then ship a file to the vendor How do benefits and absence management files get processed How do your benefit vendors get their payroll deduction related information If you process payroll, as described above, can you please contact me at ...
3 3191 2
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
6/3/2010 12:46 AM

Backloading history years after implementation    

Started By  Kathy Koval
When we converted to Lawson, only certain employee history (performance ratings & salary increases) were converted. We are now contemplating backloading previous hire and termination dates as well. Has anyone tried to backload history and if so, are there any suggestions on the easiest way to do it Thanks.
4 3231 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
6/4/2010 5:27 AM

Incomplete Enrollments through ESS    

Started By  TBonney
Does anyone know of any kind of reporting that can be run after a benefits enrollment period is done with ESS, which will identify for the HR department any incomplete or missing tasks or documents that may be required to in order to complete the employee's enrollment in their chosen elections I do not find anything in Lawson Knowledge Base about this. Thank you!
9 4140 2
by  DawnLJump to last post
6/8/2010 11:49 AM

ESS > Employment > Phone Book    

Started By  TBonney
Does anyone use the Phone Book task in ESS, under the Employment link How can you allow unrestricted access to all employees for this link, yet still limit all the other tasks to allow the employee only to view the data associated with their own personnel record in HR11 We have conditional formatting tied to most of the forms/files associated with ESS queries so an employee only has access to their own information. As a result, the employee phone book is only displaying the employee's ow...
2 2891 1
by  TBonneyJump to last post
6/8/2010 4:08 PM

Not allowing print option after benefits elections    

Started By  TBonney
Has anyone determined a way to prevent the option of printing an elections confirmation after doing enrollments through ESS Our HR department wishes to display a notification that a confirmation will be mailed to each employees home address. however, I have been unable to determine thwe best way to do this. I know the phrase that is called giving them the print option is UPDATEBEN_14. However, I have been unable to determine which document actuially calls this phrase. Any help would be...
1 2776 1
by  TBonneyJump to last post
6/8/2010 3:50 PM


Started By  Vijay S
ON ESS/MSS(9.0) when i click on 'year to date' payment details gets displayed but suddenly a pop up appears and everything turns out blank POP up messsage: 'Problems with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly or functioning properly. In the future you can display this message by double-clicking the warning icon displayed in the Status Bar' ' object doen't support this property or method!!!! It even displays the line number and character where the error is!!!!...
0 3083 0
6/9/2010 5:08 AM

New Hire - HR stops    

Started By  Deleted User
Anyone ever had a situation where you can no longer enter a new hire We get a error on lower screen that item groups exceeded - but that has been displaying for a some time - without stopping new hire process. We enter new hire on HR11 .. then it auto populates all the tax fields etc via pr13 screens. windows, sql 2005, apps 9.0.04, env
0 2888 0
6/14/2010 12:40 PM

Absence Mgmt: Rehire Original hire date used for calculateing cycle number    

Started By  vs
Hi, We are trying to implement Absence Management. The issue that we have right now is when the system tries to calculate PTO accrual for rehires that are not eligible for service credit, it still looks at his original hire date to calculate cycel number instead of looking at the Adjusted Hire Date which is same as Rehire Date. Any clue on why this could be happening Thanks in advance. Vivek
2 3390 1
by  vsJump to last post
6/15/2010 7:11 PM

LP145 issue    

Started By  vs
We are trying to run LP145. It ran fine in Report mode. But when we ran it in Update mode, it hung up. However, when we try to see the queue, the job is not running. Now, we cannot run any other jobs because they think that LP145 is still running. Any clues Thanks Vivek
2 2801 0
by  vsJump to last post
6/15/2010 8:53 PM

Arizona SIT tax formula changes    

Started By  Deleted User
We see a BSI TaxFactory Bulletin 181 that contains new formula number codes for Arizona state tax (changes effective July 1, 2010). As we understand it, there is a Lawson patch that may do some of the following: -create a new formula number field for AZ SIT only. -move that field from PR13 (where 'formula number' normally resides) to PR14. (PR13 may also contain that field but it will be read-only.) -change the PR140 program to accomodate these new calcs We run this first payroll 7/2...
3473 1
by  Jodi KrueselJump to last post
6/21/2010 11:11 AM


Started By  lpetroff
Is anyone using Lawson's e-recruiting module We have it, but have not installed it. I really haven't heard any positive comments about it and am wondering if it is worth it. Thanks!
1 4656 0
by  lpetroffJump to last post
6/22/2010 3:38 PM

MSS - Transfer/Promotion Personnel Actions and Related Process    

Started By  Jodi Kruesel
We are in the analysis phase of rolling out transfer/promotion personnel actions to our managers. I am hoping that others who use this functionality will be willing to share how their processes work at your company. Some of the questions I have are: 1) Who enters the PA, the manager who is losing the employee in the transfer or the manager who is gaining the employee Since the HR07 controls which supervisor has access to the employee in MSS, timing becomes an critical issue. 2) What type ...
0 3578 2
6/23/2010 5:04 PM

New CTP for BSI compliance due 8/15...anyone not doing this?    

Started By  CindyW
We are right in the middle of going from 8.0.3 to 9.0.1 - and there is a ton of testing and other work yet to be done. BSI has now come out with 8.0.o, for the Arizona tax law changes, and the corresponding CTP from Lawson is HUGE. I can't imagine how we'll manage to get this CTP in by the 8/15 date - that is also around go-live date. Is anyone else NOT upgrading their BSI app to the new version and skipping that CTP, for now
7 3241 1
by  CindyWJump to last post
6/29/2010 8:50 PM

HIPAA834 file format issue from BN106    

Started By  TBonney
When running the BN106, it was determined that although it is suppossed to generate a HIPAA834-compliant file, it does not actually do so. The file created by BN106 does not include header records, trailer records or field or segment delimiters, all of which are required for the HIPAA834 format. Additionally, Lawson does not even provide a translation tool that would populate these records/fields as necessary. (I thought the ED501 might, but I am told this is not so.) How have people gotte...
1 3741 3
by  Jeff WhiteJump to last post
6/29/2010 6:05 PM

Employee added to system multiple times    

Started By  Joe O'Toole
We have a custom form based off of HR11 that allows store managers to hire applicants into Lawson. Occaisionally we're seeing employee's being added multiple times (with contiguous employee numbers) to the employee table. Under normal circumstances HR11 will warn you when adding the same FICA number to the system, but it seems that this business logic is suppressed when the custom form runs and our form does not allow a duplicate FICA number to be hired so it sounds like the browser session is g...
0 3142 0
6/30/2010 2:59 PM
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