Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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ESS/MSS and Image Now    

Started By  Deleted User
We have Lawson's EMSS and ImageNow. We currently use ImageNow for HR document imaging, AP and GL and it is working well, and we link from ImageNow into Lawson. We are inquiring if anyone has set up or attempting to setup a process when a Manager opens SS and is viewing their reporting employees, we can link into that employee's documents in ImageNow. So it's a link from Lawson to ImageNow. Any suggestions on how we could approach this would be appreciated.
1 12770 3
by  jlswildcatJump to last post
4/28/2010 8:56 PM

ESS Direct Deposit Changes    

Started By  TBonney
How does everyone handle changes to direct deposit through ESS Does everyone allow new accounts to be added, or only changes to existing accounts Out Payroll manager is asking if we can limit the changes to just that, changes only. For some reason she would prefer that new account adds continue to go through her department. Does anyone else do this Thanks for your feedback!
4 6003 4
by  TBonneyJump to last post
5/4/2010 3:21 PM

ATS Tied to Lawson    

Started By  Deleted User
We are getting to roll out a new Applicant Tracking Sysyem which will integrate with Lawson. W need to find a way to tie our job codes in Lawson to the job search category in the new ATS. Has anyone done this and if so, which screen and field did you use. Thanks for your help. Cindy Hudson
6 6120 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
4/21/2010 1:25 PM

How do you handle ESS Security?    

Started By  psfunkytek
We are upgrading to 9.0 Apps in April, but our OE will be handled in 8.03 (9.0 Environment) in March.  I was mortified when our IT department told me that in order to use self service, employees would have to have a Windows network ID, and their initial login MUST be in one of our locations, on a company computer on the company network (appearently subsequent logins will be available via internet at their home). We are a retail shop with almost 3,000 employees and most locations have one comput...
6 3530 0
by  psfunkytekJump to last post
5/4/2010 10:33 PM

Upgrade - 8.1 to 9.0.1    

Started By  Jodi Kruesel
We are nearing the end of your testing for the upgrade from to We have encountered an issue with PR132. When and employee has received OT pay during a pay period and then receives a backdated pay change that includes a day the OT was previosly paid. Upon running PR132 after the backdated pay change, PR132 is overpaying OT by the amount he EE already received. In other words, it does ot recognize that the EE received OT pay at the previous rate of pay. We have been worki...
9 3409 2
by  Janelle MJump to last post
5/3/2010 11:52 AM

Arizona state withholding A-4 on PR13    

Started By  pris
Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering if any of you know where I can find information on how to set up an Arizona A-4 form properly on PR13. I tried knowledgebase and it wasn't of much help. 1:09 AM March 25
5451 2
by  prisJump to last post
5/5/2010 4:45 PM

Imputed Income    

Started By  Paula
Does anyone know if the imputed income that the BN150 calculates for 'group term life' should be added on the earnings side AND 'washed' out with a deduction on the other side so the employee is taxed on the excess cost of the life insurance only
3 4210 2
by  PaulaJump to last post
4/21/2010 6:21 PM

Lawson Files    

Started By  willareynolds
I know I found all Lawson files on this sight and now can't find them. I am particularly looking for the TA and LP files so I can see the relationships with other tables. Thanks,
1 3336 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
4/21/2010 6:32 AM

Fica Exempt Employees for HIRE Act    

Started By  HAYES
What is the best way to handle the setup for employees exempt from the employer portion of FICA as defined by the HIRE Act
4 6522 0
by  Carolyn LeeJump to last post
5/5/2010 5:51 PM

PR39 & PR14 Emp Deduction    

Started By  Deleted User
To handle a gift shop deduction at one of our locations we use to use PR14 and manually enter the transaction. The deduction code was setup with a descending balance type, net to zero-no arrrears. This location is now using quickcharge which is populating PR39. We were hoping that PR39 would populate PR14 and eliminate the manual entry/corrections however it's not. If payroll doesn't adjust the balance amounts every pay the PR39 records won't pull in. Is there a way to setup PR14 and/or PR3...
2 4439 0
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
4/21/2010 6:37 AM

Recover EIC payments for inelegible employee    

Started By  Deleted User
We have an employee who was incorrectly paid monies under the Earned Income Tax Credit - EIC. What is the proper method to recover these payments The Employee was not 'system qualified' via the PR113 in Update mode.
0 3178 0
4/22/2010 12:55 PM

Pay Period Dates    

Started By  TommyT
I need to come up with the first pay date following a variable date. Does anyone know what table the pay period beginning and ending dates are stored in
4 7846 0
by  RobertJump to last post
4/27/2010 4:15 PM

ESS Time Entry    

Started By  Joe O'Toole
We looking into collecting time puches via ESS. Is there more than one way to do this in 8.03 ESS I've seen posts here about 'ESS Time Entry' but our 'Enter Time Records' bookmark does not work. Error '\lctprod\law\persistdata/lawson/portal/content/pages/pr_time_record_entry.xml - was not found'. We're on LSF9 and I'm wondering if this bookmark is not for 8.03 apps since that XML file is not there. Thanks for any info.
2 3422 0
by  Joe O'TooleJump to last post
4/26/2010 4:25 PM

PR23 Addins    

Started By  mouse
Does anyone know where I can find an addins to do a 'change' to PR23 records I'm thinking I need to use a hidden key, but I'm struggling with howto do it. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
2 3183 0
by  Jodi KrueselJump to last post
4/28/2010 4:23 PM

ESS ability to CHANGE dependent Info    

Started By  Deleted User
In ESS, if I have my husband as dependent 1 and my child as 2, this is how it shows in the EMDEPEND. In the HRDEPBEN table it REFERS to these 's in regards to WHICH dependent is on the insurnace policy. With the ability for employees to make changes, if I decide that I want to remove my husband and add my mom (for example)...there is no delete, so I may just CHANGE all of the info on dependent 1 (name, dob, ssn, relation, etc) dependent 1 is my mom and not my husband. The unique key re...
3817 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
4/28/2010 4:13 PM

Enforce Data Entry PA52    

Started By  TommyT
Is there a way to enforce data entry on PA52.1 My users have to enter 1 date and one status on a certain transaction and they continually forget to enter the date, which gums up a process flow.
3 2811 1
by  JbeardJump to last post
4/28/2010 6:47 PM

BSI Tax Factory - State Unemployment Rate / Max    

Started By  Rob Conrad
Hi - Has anyone been able to pull State Unemployment Rate and Maximum UI Contribution Limit out of BSI We see the information in the BSI console, however need to pull it into an SQL Query directly from the tables. BSI has been absolutely NO help - I love it when a vendor gives you the 'proprietary' response. 'TaxFactory tables are proprietary information. I will not be able to assist you with your request. Thanks, XXXXX - Support' We're on 9.0.1. SQL Server 2005 - incidentally, t...
0 5517 1
4/30/2010 3:11 PM

EMSS implementation    

Started By  Lisa.Cruse
We are implementing EMSS but need to see about limiting access to various screens in EMSS. Right now we have '-1' accounts for those that need daily entry/update functions. We also have regular accounts that we would like to use for EMSS functions. We are also planning to use kiosks for users that do not have a computer and placing several offsite from the main office. The problem we are having I believe is that our security tech is binding the regular account to a '-1' account and the regul...
1 3235 0
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
5/4/2010 12:23 PM

California Check.......Please!    

Started By  psfunkytek
On the eve of our start to processing payroll in Lawson 9.0, our legal counsel asked for a delay so we could review how pay rates are printing on the check stub. In California, one of the things we are specifically required to display on paycheck stubs is 'All applicable hourly rates in effect during the pay period and the corresponding number of hours worked at each hourly rate by the employee' We are looking to outsource check printing and the Lawson delivered check print file doesn't...
0 3282 2
5/3/2010 5:39 PM

contractor /mgr access to MSS    

Started By  mark.cook
I have a question about the ability to add a person to Lawson, give access to MSS, and assign employees to them that is a contractor. We have not to date had a situation of a back fill manager position that was handled by a manager that we needed to address with MSS access. Has anyone run into a similar situation that might have some creative ways to handle with limite impacts to set up, interfaces, etc
3 3177 0
by  mark.cookJump to last post
5/7/2010 3:03 PM

EMSS and Process Flow    

Started By  TommyT
I notice that a group of new process flow services are available with 9.0.1... Can I assume that since these services have triggers and run flows that we can set up inbaskets etc based on a managers EMSS Action
3 3469 0
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
5/5/2010 11:16 PM

Cobra - Eligible Events    

Started By  Karen Sheridan
We send a file to our Cobra administrator weekly based on events in Lawson. A stopped benefit (EE or DEP) triggers the program to look at the employee and attempt to determine the reason and put them on the file. Employees can stop their benefits for a number of reasons that do not make them Cobra eligible. If you are extracting data from Lawson for Cobra processing, can you share your business logic and process TIA, Karen Lynn Schuette
0 4548 3
5/5/2010 5:48 PM


Started By  Tom Sinkula
How / when does the RESET_DATE column in the TATRANSUM table get set When there are multiple rows for an employee, plan, and employee_group is the row with the most current date the row I want to select as current data
0 3119 1
5/13/2010 1:55 PM

Vacation Sell with Full Flex Benefits    

Started By  Kellie
Has anyone created a vacation sell plan with full flex benefits
0 3373 1
5/14/2010 5:29 PM

Shift Differential default rate.    

Started By  Wade-T
Hello, I know that the default setup for a shift differential is (rate shift diff rate) * hours, but is their a way to have just the shift diff rate * hours We are receiving a file from Kronos that gives us a person's 12 hours for a day, 9 standard REG hours, and 3 that are shift eligible. These 12 hours, are coming in an import file as two records, 12 hours with no shift code, and 3 hours with a shift code. Right off the bat we are overstating our hours by 3, plus the 3 hours are g...
0 3842 1
5/17/2010 1:36 PM
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