Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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Update HR11 User Fields from Portal?    

Started By  Deleted User
We need to allow employees to update a single user field on HR11 from Portal ESS. Can this be done Can we use Javascript to make an AGS call to update the user field If not, can we store the employee input on a file in some UNIX directory (by using Javascript) and later update via batch (I am a Javascript novice). There is of course the Personnel Actions form in Portal, but this is available only to Managers. We are using Lawson Env, Portal,...
9 18171 2
by  DarrylSJump to last post
6/24/2009 4:39 PM

Implementing Lawson Payroll?    

Started By  psfunkytek
I work for a retailler with approximately 3,500 employees at 200 locations using Lawson HRIS with a payroll interface.  Currently we are meeting and reviewing payroll vendors for a 1/1/09 change and I have been asked to provide an overview of Lawson payroll. Does anyone have a Lawson payroll implementation ROI /Project Plan type document that they are willing to share  I am specifically looking for information on the time and resources needed to implement and any additions to staf to support i...
5 5934 3
by  GregJump to last post
7/7/2009 2:55 AM

automatic import to PA41 ? (resubmit)    

Started By  MARCO3535
I need to find a batch method of uploading new job requistions from a HODES applicant tracking into Lawson.  The only method I saw was PA535, which is used only for Lawson e-recruiting. I was told that was not an option, because of the position defaults setup in Lawson. Is there a option I can use and are position defaults really a 'deal breaker' for PA535 Any ideas Thanks
4 4048 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/18/2009 1:07 PM

Any MSS plain vanilla implementations?    

Started By  Keith Ruckstuhl
My employer has been using Lawson for some years, paying for manager self service (MSS) but not successfully able to implement it. I'm new to the organization (working in HR), and have taken responsibility for getting MSS up and running. We keep running into system limitations for basic HR processes, and appear to be faced with the decision to abandon MSS, or use our talented IT folks to make lots of changes, to the extent that we have to expend significant resources to make the system work for ...
6 5576 4
by  jeremy.zerrJump to last post
6/1/2009 2:32 PM

Interfaces to third party administrators    

Started By  Liz Pillsbury
Hello, I'm new to this forum. We currently use Lawson Benefits Administration but will be  discontinuing use of that module and changing to use of a TPA and payroll deduction via interfaces. Does anybody out there do this who could comment on their methods
2 3848 1
by  Liz PillsburyJump to last post
5/21/2009 5:52 PM

Long Term Care    

Started By  donnaM
We are thinking about implementing a Long Term Care plan.  Can anyone make recommendations for how to set this up in lawson  Premiums will not be table driven, as each individual will have their own policy.  Therefore, I was thinking of setting it up as an FSA with an After-tax deduction, but I am open to alternative approaches.
1 3087 1
by  donnaMJump to last post
5/20/2009 9:18 AM

Adding Location Phone to PA02    

Started By  Kim panella
We use position defaulting and we update the employee's work location phone number however this is not included on the PA02.  We are currently keying this and would love to have it default as well.  Will Design Studio work for this
0 3588 0
5/20/2009 7:41 PM

e-Recruting Large Candidate List    

Started By  Deleted User
In e-Recruting has anyone modified the Candidate display page so this more candidates are listed
0 3464 2
5/22/2009 5:52 PM

PRUEDED Custon Calculation for Union Dues Calculation    

Started By  bkauffman
I am currently trying to create a custom calculation for a fairly complex union dues calculation. I am trying to use the PRUEDED file to create the calculation. It looks like I am not getting the paycode as an input.  Is there any way that I can modify the DED Inputs within the PRUEDED file to include paycode Any advice anyone could pass along regarding custom calculations within Lawson would be GREATLY appreciated!
5937 3
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
7/6/2009 9:59 PM

Tracking pay rate (components)    

Started By  Shane Jones
I am looking for a suggestion....   I have associates that have two components of their salary.   (Base salary and a commission draw.) I am trying to find a way to track these two pay components separately but I am not seeing a clear way to do this.   If I put it on the ALT RATES screen it does not default the additional pay for the associate. Lets say the associate makes $20,000 as a base salary and $15,000 as a draw against commissions.   I want to put the 20,000 in the salary rate field on ...
1 3689 0
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
6/2/2009 8:36 AM

PA52 Comments in MSS    

Started By  Theresa Wagner
Has anyone ever customized MSS to use comments  The Portal form allows comments, but it is not available in self service.  The client would like these comments to flow through the approval process in ProcessFlow.
2 3645 0
by  Theresa WagnerJump to last post
6/2/2009 9:14 PM

PA100 not passing Benefit information to BN35    

Started By  Deleted User
We had an issue when processing a job status change using PA52 in pending mode (immediate = 'N').  PA100 was not picking up the employee benefit information that was to be passed to BN35 prior to running BN100.  The employee's personal actions were being processed however no benefit information was being updated. We found if we ran PA52 in immediate ('Y') mode and bypasses PA100 the employee was updated correctly. Lawson recommended updating our PA100 along with other programs (ctp's 61955, 60...
4167 0
6/9/2009 3:00 PM

Lawson ESS/Kronos ESS    

Started By  Shane Jones
Anyone think this would work to 'Automatically' log associates into KRONOS   Lawson System Technology: How to create and use a black box service   Article ID:556034       Description:   I would like to set up a black box service so that our end users can access a non-Lawson web...
0 11682 1
6/9/2009 4:31 PM

Employee renumbering    

Started By  Deleted User
I will need to do this project one of this day and I would like to know the things I need to know if there is anything not in obvious side that I might miss and ruin my life.  Any advise is welcome')' unselectable='on' style='width: 20px; cursor: hand; height: 20px'>
5 4027 4
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
6/15/2009 8:05 PM

Payroll accrual-Multiple accounts/Overtime?    

Started By  spatterson
Can the PR195 payroll accrual be used for multiple accounts if the employees payroll is split multiple times on PR23 Also can the PR195 take into consideration overtime If not, what are other companies doing to match up the accrual to where the payroll goes to get a better picture of the payroll costs on a monthly basis How are other companies factoring in overtime in their payroll accrual Are you using something outside of the PR195 to do the payroll accrual Some of our employees have up ...
0 3980 1
6/10/2009 12:44 PM

Exporting Personnel Actions    

Started By  bkauffman
I have an issue with testing in our organization. Sometimes it takes weeks for me to get our HR  department to enter personnel actions for testing purposes in a test product line after I apply a patch or MSP. Do you know of a way to use MS addins (or lawson program) to extract a range of personnel actions from our production product line and then use addins to import them into the test product line  If I could achieve this, I could bypass the HR data entry and proceed with testing in a MUCH mor...
5 3989 2
by  bkauffmanJump to last post
6/15/2009 8:01 PM

Share your Certification Listing????    

Started By  Shane Jones
Hello: We are looking to roll-out 'Certification Self-Service' and are hoping to save some time....   We are in the Financial and Insurance industries and I am looking to build the cerifications on HR81.6 before we roll it out to make it a little easier.  (Define on PA22 -> Certifications -> HR81.6) Things like: CPA=Certified Public Account, PHR=Professional in HR, MCSE=Microsoft Certified System Engineer, CIC=Certified Insurance Counselor, CPCU=Chartered Property Casualty Underwri...
0 3737 0
6/24/2009 4:14 PM

Which First: TA to LP or Apps 8.1 to 9.0?    

Started By  Deleted User
We just completed our environment upgrade from 8.0.3 to LSF 9.0.6.  We will be from TA to LP this year, and are also planning to do our apps upgrade from 8.1 to 9.0 this year. I understand that TA is being decommissioned next June, and that TA will be supported ONLY for users on Apps 9.0 or above (do I understand this correctly) We currently have only HR/PR apps (as well as e-Recruiting, and Process Flow.) My questions are: Is there a particular order that anyone can recommend as fa...
1 5586 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/25/2009 1:21 PM

Crystal Report w last date stamp ref on EMPLOYEE table    

Started By  Deleted User
What Lawson table stores the effective date (date stamp and user id) that displays in the upper right corner of the HR11  I want to display these fields on a Crystal report so that I can pull records that I updated to the system today with an HR511.  I don't see it in EMPLOYEE, and I guess I need to do a link......  In the past, I've created an employee group, but I'm doing more of these extracts now, and that is getting cumbersome.   Thanks for your help.
1 3254 0
by  MichelleWJump to last post
7/14/2009 12:48 PM


Started By  Deleted User
If I wanted to display the date stamp, user id and possibly effective date ( field in upper right corner of the HR11 that has to be filled in for HR11 screen changes) on a Crystal report, what table would I find them  They are not in the EMPLOYEE or PAEMPLOYEE.  Is it HRHISTORY, and if so, do I have to reference the field number for at least one of the fields that I updated  Thanks for your help.
2 3125 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
6/29/2009 5:55 PM

Custom Calculations Creation    

Started By  Deleted User
Does anyone have experience creating custom calculations for retirement plans re-enrollment rules  I am able to define the initial enrollment based on Lawson, however, there are many variables when someone is re-hired and when they re-enter the plan.
0 3465 0
7/7/2009 5:53 PM

Employee/Manager Self Service Customizations    

Started By  Deleted User
I am interested in other companies that are using employee/manager self service.  We are finding numerous things that we may want to customize.  An example of this is adding commas and $ symbols.  What customizations has your company done to the self service screens and how much time did it take to do them
2 3960 2
by  Tim CochraneJump to last post
7/13/2009 11:24 AM

PR ACH File Layouts    

Started By  Twasti
We are implementing PR (Windows V9) does anyone know if the ACH Record Layouts are the same as V8, as that was all that I was able to find on If they have changed for 9, does anyone have the layouts Thank you, Terry....
3670 0
by  TwastiJump to last post
7/15/2009 1:37 PM

Manager Self Service Job Requisitons    

Started By  Deleted User
I would like to get information from or talk to someone that has either implemented or looked into implementing job requisitions via manager self service.  I'm interested in understanding why you did/did not implement it, what your experience has been in using it, customizations that needed to be made, and what the process flow is that you use with it. Thanks
0 3262 0
7/14/2009 11:30 AM

On Line W2s    

Started By  Deleted User
Forgive me if this is posted elsewhere as I came up blank when searching the forums - If you're displaying W2s for employees via ESS, did you use a vendor such as MHC, or did you develop in house I was on the support site, and surprised to see under ER that supposedly the functionality is available for iSeries.  I know this has been a request of clients since the inception of ESS, and I'm pretty surprised it's not standard yet.  We're implementing an outside vendor for benefit enrol...
2 3447 3
by  mark.cookJump to last post
7/16/2009 11:38 AM
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