Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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Time Accrual    

Started By  Deleted User
Is anyone out there using Time Accrual and having success Our hospital has many different TA Plans and the process has been totally unmanageable. Does anyone have some experience and knowledge on an effective way to use this
3 15832 2
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
12/21/2006 4:58 PM

Changing Current Position Effective Date    

Started By  Deleted User
The data entry clerk made a mistake and entered a personnel action of Hire with an effective date of 01/10/6206. Unfortunately she added this action as immediate, and now I am trying to terminate this Employee and am getting the position effect date is greater than the term date. Does anyone have a solution of how I can get the term date information into Lawson Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
3 14205 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/1/2007 11:35 AM

Advance Pay    

Started By  Deleted User
We have not conquered how to deduct multiple advance pays within a single pay week. If we are advancing an employees pay they may receive up to 6 manual pay checks per week. The following week we are processing their time and entering in as one time deductions. In other systems we have used we have entered as one time deductions, netting the employees check down to zero. And in some cases the employee has gone into arrears. With Lawson, we have used the PR39 unsuccessfully. I...
2 14358 2
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
1/16/2007 3:15 PM

Notating Tax Exempt Deductions on PMTOUT file    

Started By  Deleted User
We'd like to have an asterisk show on the pay stubs for all deductions that are tax exempt. The PMTOUT is not currently providing that. Is this possible to do with Lawson We'd also like to have a notation area that indicates what the asterisk is representing. Do we need a Cobol programmer for this Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks
3 13640 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
1/16/2007 8:08 PM

HR data mart    

Started By  Deleted User
Has anyone built an HR data mart based on the Lawson tool set We are interested in possibly building our own by extracting data from Lawson into a SQL Server cube and using Microsoft BI tools... has anyone taken this approach Thanks in advance
3 13799 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
1/26/2007 5:52 PM

Short Term Disability    

Started By  Marla
I am new to this site. Our company is currently setting up the Lawson system for benefits/payroll. Our short term disability benefit premium is calculated as follows: annual salary / 52 = weekly salary weekly salary * 60 = weekly benefit Weekly benefit /10 = calculation amount Calculation amount * .77 = monthly premium the calculations in Lawson are based on annual salary. Is there a way to get the premium to calculate based on the weekly benefit Or should I use one ...
0 13917 1
3/7/2007 3:46 PM

CTP 48414    

Started By  Deleted User
Has anyone installed CTP 48414. We need to install this so that the PR160 will show the PTO balances on the checks/check stubs. It appears that this CTP fixes about 82 different things and I'm hoping BREAKS NONE. Any experience with this patch
1 13024 2
by  pvhmcJump to last post
3/9/2007 7:23 PM

domestic partner    

Started By  Marla
We are setting up our benefit plans, and our company offers domestic partner benefits. According the the training, we have two options. Setting up one plan that includes Domestic Partner, or setting up a sepaate plan for domestic partners. Seems like there are pros and cons to each. Does anyone have any experience with this, and would you recommend one plan or two
2 12886 1
by  cecstowellJump to last post
9/14/2007 1:01 PM

add-ins for HR10    

Started By  Phil Simon
Hello Anyone ever figure out if you can use the MS Add-ins to make changes on HR10 Thanks. Phil Simon
14 15015 1
by  Phil SimonJump to last post
4/17/2007 12:01 PM


Started By  Deleted User
Hi, How can the user_id (ie NT0000013) be translated to the login username We'd like to be able to identify who made a change. Thanks!
3 14110 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
4/6/2007 7:52 PM

Contingency Plan ideas    

Started By  Deleted User
We are new to the Lawson payroll. I'm looking for what others do for contingency plans. For example, what if an error happens and the day that you are to run payroll things go wrong. GSC takes a while, at times to help. Do others have back up plans on how to get people paid
1 12889 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
5/9/2007 5:59 PM

Writing directly to PA31 (applicants)    

Started By  Shane Jones
I am implementing a new Applicant Tracking System and we are looking to write hired applicants DIRECTLY to the Applicant table. I am wondering if anyone has done this and if anyone has suggestions for me I know about PA531 but I want to script the whole thing so that the users do not have to run a bunch of different processes. They will need to run something from the ATS (hosted system) - then I want to have something setup to just write the information to PA31 automatically. T...
2 12962 2
by  MARCO3535Jump to last post
6/19/2007 8:12 PM

storedbrec - no key change BSI errors    

Started By  Deleted User
We are on LSF9.0.0.2 with 803 apps and TaxFactory 7.0k. Has anyone seen the errors we are getting on PA100 BEGIN: Job Submitted: Wed Jun 20 09:02:57 2007 Step 1: PA100 Started. . . . . .: Wed Jun 20 09:02:57 2007 Token Command. . . . . .: /lawson8/law/prod/obj/PA100.gnt Executable Command . . .: /lawson8/gen/bin/lacobrts lacobrts /lawson8/law/prod/obj/PA100.gnt prod jamonte PA100JJPRD 1 Process ID . . . . . . .: 13712 ...
5 14131 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
6/21/2007 6:44 PM

Self Service Implementation Options    

Started By  Deleted User
We want to implement the Employee & Manager Self Service and had considered outside consulting vs Lawson. The cost is so high that we are considering the fact that we could hire someone to work full time for TWO years at a very good salary and still save money. Does anyone have advise for us in this regard Is it feasible that we could find a proprietary consultant that would want to do this for us at a lower cost It this a complicated implementation Would the fact that we will h...
2 12863 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
8/6/2007 11:50 PM

Issue With PA513 To Update Secondary Positions    

Started By  bkauffman
We are currently in the process of changing all of our current departments and cost centers to new numbers. We have been able to change all of our employees' primary positions. I am now trying to change information for users with multiple positions with a PA513. I try to perform a change to change the positions,but am receiving the error message 'position level does not exist.' Do I need to perform the PA513 in multiple steps-- the first being to end the current position and the second being to ...
3 12995 2
by  bkauffmanJump to last post
8/23/2007 1:01 PM

migrating users from one prod to dev    

Started By  Minh Nguyen
We're trying to move our user profiles (basically all laua information, jobs, and printer defintions) from our production environment to our development environment. We've contacted GSC and they claim that they will not support us with anything that involves the GEN db. Can someone please guide us in the right direction Is there an easy way to do this Thanks much!
2 12285 1
by  Minh NguyenJump to last post
8/29/2007 5:32 PM

United HealthCare.... Crystal Report    

Started By  Shane Jones
Hello Lawson Guru Community: We are changing health insurance vendors and I am going to be creating a new file to communicate enrollment to United Health Care. I was planning to use Crystal Reports and I was wondering if anyone is sending enrollments / terminations electronically to United HealthCare using Crystal Reports or another method that you would be willing to share. I can create the file but I hate to recreate the wheel. Shane
0 13464 1
8/28/2007 4:16 PM

Restricting HR from seeing other employees in HR    

Started By  Ellen Melton
We are UNIX/8.0.3; How can I keep HR employees from seeing each other's HR information We currently don't use HR security levels or record level security so I'm not familiar with those settings. The HR users are in different security classes.
2 12550 2
by  Ellen MeltonJump to last post
8/29/2007 6:25 PM

Crystal for TA Report    

Started By  Deleted User
Hi, I am trying to do a crystal report with a balance ending of a certain transaction date. In the emtatrans file balances are not stored. In the emtatrnsum file there is a year and end elig balance field. I am trying to take the the 2006 balance then add/subtract the transactions from 1/1/07 through 7/6/07. Has anyone done a formula like this I can’t get anything to work. When I use the 2006 year from the emtatrnsum file it triples the entry. ...
7 13642 1
by  Chris MartinJump to last post
9/10/2007 1:52 PM

Position control question    

Started By  Deleted User
I have an existing position that was once title Benefit Specialist and was set as salary. The current employee had agreed to go into an on-call status (hourly)until we can get the new candidate trained. Since then we have retitled the current position to be a Comp & Benefits Mgr and the status has changed to Salary and hired someone. Due to both employees working, one hourly and one salary, would I have to create another position code even though the employee is really replacing the one that had...
0 15808 1
9/11/2007 12:41 PM

Positions with one to one relationship to empl    

Started By  Deleted User
We initially set up our system wherein each employee had a unique position code. (one to one relationship).. We are being told by our Empl self service consultant that this is not a good setup and that we need to change this wherein there is position code that applies to more than one employee. Changing now is going to be a nightmare. Can anyone chime in on the pros and cons of our current process vs the new process that is being recommended. The Lawson implementation consultants a...
1 12733 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
9/13/2007 4:51 PM

BSI 8.0 client software install    

Started By  linda phillips
We currently tried to insatll the 8.0 software on our system and we are getting an error. {5012:ox80070005} has occured while running the set up. we have tried to remove the program and it will not allow us to becasue it has an error. We tried to rerun and we get the same error. The person has full rights to her computer so that is not the issue. Does anyone know where or how we can remove this program I have contacted BSI but they said to just rerun it, and this is not working. ANy help wou...
2 12328 1
by  linda phillipsJump to last post
9/21/2007 4:50 PM

Former employees owing Cobra payments    

Started By  Deleted User
Has anyone ran across a table that lists Accounts Receivable of former employees that owe Cobra Premiums, Life Insurance Premiums, etc.
0 12645 1
9/20/2007 3:07 PM

Paycheck view under Self-Service    

Started By  John Costa
OK, here’s one to baffle the best of you. I sure hope you can help me find a solution. I have one employee who is unable to view his paychecks under Employee Self-Service (ESS). Whenever he clicks on the “Pay Checks” link to see a list of his paychecks, he gets a “Invalid Parameter: CHECK_DATE>” error. He is also unable to view “Year to Date” info. He gets these errors regardless of what PC he tries to log into the Portal with. I have over 2,000 employees in the same security c...
19 17565 1
by  John CostaJump to last post
10/4/2007 2:39 PM

lp980 upgrade from TA to LP    

Started By  Phil Simon
Hello I have the Lawson LP Upgrade Guide and it references LP980 - a program that allows you to create LP plans based on the TA plans. For the life of me, I can't find this in the UG menu and have confirmed that it's not part of the regular batch of programs. The guide is from Feb of 2006. Perhaps they decommissioned this program The KB provides very little help. Any ideas Thanks. ps
4 12482 1
by  Phil SimonJump to last post
10/10/2007 10:57 AM
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