PRUEDED Custon Calculation for Union Dues Calculation

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    I am currently trying to create a custom calculation for a fairly complex union dues calculation. I am trying to use the PRUEDED file to create the calculation. It looks like I am not getting the paycode as an input.  Is there any way that I can modify the DED Inputs within the PRUEDED file to include paycode?

    Any advice anyone could pass along regarding custom calculations within Lawson would be GREATLY appreciated!

    Ragu Raghavan
    Veteran Member
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      I am not sure that will be correct. Let us say an employee has 10 timerecords. The deduction calculation routine is not called for each time record, but just once after the total earnings has been calculated. So which pay code of the 10 timerecords do you want to refer to ?
      Veteran Member
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        We use the PRUEDED here for a custom retirement calculation - and because the deduction isn't calculated on all wages, we have a pay class on the deduction itself on PR05 - sounds like this is what you need for yours -

        Good luck!
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          I believe you are correct. This is what I'm looking for. I have one additional quesiton, do I need to select "Custom Calculation" from the "Calculation Type" to make the program look at the PRUEDED file?

          Thanks for your help.

          Veteran Member
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            Yes - and you'll want to recompile the programs that call the PRUEDED library -
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              I have one additional question regarding the PRUEDED file. Where do I need to put the file so that it is seen by Lawson during the compiles? I've seen a reference to a couple of different locations for the file, and I'm not sure which is correct. Lawson's knowledgebase article suggests placing the file at %lawdir%\pdlib\PRUEDED. I'm assuming the custom calc is product line specific, so I don't think this location would work.

              Thanks for any insight that you can pass along.

              Ragu Raghavan
              Veteran Member
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                prior to apps 8.1, it was %lawdir%/productline/pdlib
                8.1 and later, %lawdir%/productline/prsrc/prpdlib

                There should already be a Lawson delivred PRUEDED file. You just need to replace it with your custom code.
                Basic Member
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                  Well it looks like I'm headed in the right direction,  but our formula is quite involved and it doesn't look like Lawson handles the calculations within the PRUEDED file. My programmer would like to set up temporary variables to remove the calculations from this file. Does anyone know where temporary variables are stored in the Lawson code? Any advice that anyone can pass along would be greatly appreciated!
                  Ragu Raghavan
                  Veteran Member
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                    This can get quite tricky. Let us say you want to refer to the variables in PR140, you would probably defined it in PR140WS.
                    If you want to refer it only in PRUEDED, then in PRUEWS.
                    If you want to refer to in multiple libraries, then you will need to defined it in one of the wslib files and link them using libdef.

                    Diane Macie
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                      We currently have 2 unions (CNA and SEIU). The CNA dues calculation ws complicated and we had to write a custom program to handle this calculation. Program runs before the PR140 and creates a csv file which is then uploaded into payroll.
                      The second union - SEIU - has a caluclation that necessitated the use of a custom calculation on the PR05 using PRUEDED.
                      Let me know if you have additional questions, I might be able to help or at least steer you to someone who created both of the above mentioned programs.
                      Ragu Raghavan
                      Veteran Member
                      Posts: 472
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                        If you are looking for external help in coding this, please spec it out and email me offline. I will be happy to provide an estimate. I have done quite a few of the user exits and custom time card processing.

                        Ragu Raghavan