Upgrade 9.0.1 to 10 with Platform and DB change???

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Robin T
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We are definite on moving off our HP-UX platform to a VM Windows platform for our upgrade to Lawson 10 apps.  At a recent MUG meeting, I heard that SQLServer is quickly becoming the database of choice.  I remember hearing a statistic on what percentage of Lawson installs are on a SQLServer database, but can't remember the number.  Does anyone know what that is?  My boss is asking.  He is also asking if the time is right to move from our expensive Oracle to SQLServer.  Can a database and/or platform change even happen with an upgrade?  We could migrate to Windows on a straight 9.0.1 to 9.0.1 migration and then upgrade but right now I just want to understand my options. There are lingering concerns of performance issues related to both Windows and SQLServer.  Any feedback on personal experience that anyone has had in that arena would be appreciated! Robin
Kwane McNeal
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Robin, This migration is quite complex. Give me a call, and I can give you more detailed feedback. Kwane 505-433-7744
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Hi Robin,

Earlier this year we considered doing the same, migrating from Oracle/Unix to Windows/SQL and upgrading to v10 at the same time.  During our research we found that yes you can migrate and upgrade at the same time.  There are new tools available.  We contacted Infor Professional Services but there are other Partners that have expressed their ability to do the same.  Our decision not to move forward at this time was not from cost or complexity but was based on other factors. 

Hope this helps.


David Britton
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When we started planning our upgrade to V10 from 9.0.1.x we initially planned to switch from Unix/Oracle to Windows/SQL Server in a VM environment. When we started getting price quotes for SQL Server we realized the cost savings to switch from Oracle were not significant. Apparently MicroSoft changed their pricing structure for SQL Server recently. The preceding is from our database gurus that got the price quotes. Additionally all of our development/Lawson support staff has a Unix/Oracle background so were facing a learning curve switching to SQL Server. While not a dramatic change it would be significant, so in the end we decided to stick with Unix/Oracle.