Forum: S3 Interfaces/Conversion

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Interface Lawson with 3rd party Report System      

Started By  ArthurThum
We need to interface 3rd party report spolling system to Lawson. Need to be able to take Lawson reports and attach parms to them to pass to command line lpr command. Looking for way to get reports from prtmgr and pass them and what they are named to a script to setup this command.
11 25747 0
by Suhas

Writing Rule With Date Function      

Started By  Dennis Amory
I am writing a security rule that uses the date util functions dateFormat( ) and dateDiff( ). The rule is successful if I enter a hardcoded date in the function (such as '20051130' or '04/24/2013'), but not if I enter the field from a form (such as form.TRD_TR_DATE). Any idea how to fix this
4 21655 0
by Dennis Amory

Lawson Integration      

Started By  Elam
I would like to integrate Lawson System Foundation and Lawson Application to push the Contract file, Item Master file, Vendor Catalog file into Lawson system and retrieve Item Master, Invoice History, PO History, Vendor Master from Lawson System. Gurus please let me what is best way to develop a solution
2 22240 0
by Greg Moeller

S3 web services pack      

Started By  Gary M.
Hi, I'm very new to the Lawson products.  We have S3. Can anyone tell me what I can find detailed information on the S3 web services pack  I'd like to know what wsdls are available.  Also, does it require an extra license Thanks, Gary
0 4901 0

Handling Bad Data      

Started By  Chad Dirst
Greetings, We have some bad data in our database which is causing issues in one of our interface programs.  We are working on ensuring this data does not get entered on the front end, however, we are also looking to have checks in the interface program to ensure we can handle the data appropriately.   Here is a sample of the data as seen via SQL     Staplesßéó  Medium-Weight Here is a sample of the data as seen in the Debugger:     Staples^^^^ Medium-Weight I have tried to define a tabl...
2 21236 0
by Chad Dirst

AGS return from AP20      

Started By  Lee Blattner
I added an AP Invoice to Lawson from an external application and checked the XML response for API-OBJ-IDr0 and got 0 (zero). I checked the AGS return in Lawson AP20.2 itself and it was also 0 (zero). Maybe 5 or 10 minutres later, there was a 7 digit number but it does me absolutely no good if I can't get the OBJ_ID from the XML response. Is there a way to get the APINVOICE.OBJ_ID when the invoice is created Or am I missing something
3 21653 0
by Lee Blattner

HIPAA 834 file      

Started By  RickyY
Hi, we recently switch our health insurance to Delta and they are requiring a HIPAA 5010 834 file. Has anyone generate the 834 from Lawson to a vendor We are new at the 834 and not sure where to start. Any advices, sites, or suggestion is greatly appreciated. Again something in detail would be nice because we're very new at it. Thanks. Ricky
1 22939 0
by jaherb

Immunization tracking in Lawson      

Started By  Alex
Just curious as to the prefered place in Lawson to store immunization information. We store it in our EMR but also like to store in Lawson. Thanks
1 21671 1
by John Henley

Oracle WAM interface into Lawson S3      

Started By  jb2012
I'm looking for vendors that have demonstrated the capability to interface Oracle WAM into Lawson S3. We have two divisions that will not be abandoning Oracle WAM and do not want to rekey requisitions into Lawson S3. Are there best practices and what companies are leaders in accomplishing this Thank you!
0 4744 0

HR511 Problem?      

Started By  Mickey
TMP1.1845 file HR511PRW The workfile is trying to update a record and get this error Operation sequence for member TMP1.1845 not valid Any ideas  Basically created the CSV and want to update a record in Lawson.  Thanks in advance
0 5026 0

Any issues using PAEMPPOS table to evaluate FTE?      

Started By  Sarah
I am testing a new eligibility file that will be going to a vendor. We are required to send current employees who are eligible, employees who were eligible but are now ineligible because of a status change (old FTE>=.40 and newFTEEligible employees {EMPLOYEE.EMP_STATUS}in['A','L']AND {EMPLOYEE.FTE_TOTAL}>=.40 OR   Employees who have lost eligibility in the past 7 days due to status change {PAEMPPOS.DATE_STAMP}IN {Date_Report}TO {Date_Report}-6 AND {PAEMPPOS.FTE} >= 0.4 and {EM...
0 4099 0

Inspect and replace with double quotes      

Started By  jcarrott
I am trying to inspect for a character '' and the replace it with a ' (double quote) on a windows system. The system does no seem to support single quotes or hex. I used '' as a simple place holder that I wanted to replace with a double quote. Does anybody know how to do this
2 25229 0
by Phil Romov

IC500 - lost drill around functionality      

Started By  LauraP
Using IC500 to load inventory transactions to Lawson: We currently use IC500 with the 'F' Flat File option in the job parameters and it works fine.  After the transactions process, the user can look them up in IC50 and all drill around functionality/data is there and works fine. We are changing the IC500 job to use the 'T' (Table) flag instead of the 'F' (Flat File) flag for input. I have populated the ICCTRNHDR and ICCTRNLIN tables as identified in the Lawson documentation....
2 22449 0
by Greg Moeller

laua Security Issue - Please help!      

Started By  LauraP
Apps - 8.0.3  Environment - 8.0.3 Unix Oracle Yesterday we hit max users in laua (2,000 is max - we had 2,062).  All users after the 2,000th user lost all access in Lawson. And I couldn't see any users in laua past the 2,000th entry. We changed the parameter (to 3,000), bounced Lawson, rebuilt the security dictionary (just to be thorough).  I can now see ALL users in laua again - but the problem still exists with all users after the 2,000th user having no access to Lawson...
1 21559 0
by LauraP

Need info about going from PFP to PFI current      

Started By  cindy MHSIL
Can anyone give me info on a conversion from PFP to PFI recently.  Needed knowledge, how long how hard what kind of testing.  We dont have many existing flows to convert.  Any usful info about current PFI
4 22041 0
by cindy MHSIL

Add extra comma to the end of the CSV      

Started By  Nancy
We have a 4GL program that we have written to output a CSV file for one of our vendors. The vendor has stated that they need a ',' at the end of each CSV record after the last field in that record. Does anyone know how to get the extra comma at the end of the last field  We thought about adding another field to the record and just moving a comma into the field but because the file has each field enclosed in double quotes  the comma ends up being in double quotes also.   Any help...
2 21860 0
by Nancy

Add Run Group Param to AP520      

Started By  desichet
Since AP520 does not offer Run Group Parameter as found on MA540 OR GL165. I there a way to add new Parameter on AP520 screen and execute AP520 using new Param We need AP520 to process only selected records where Batch Number, Auth Code will not work. We are usign Lawson 9.0.1 on system-i.
2 22485 0
by Steven Gray

AR503 - Converting Historical Payments      

Started By  Garth Gerwing
Does anyone have any experience using the Lawson AR Payment conversion process: ARCPAYMENT->AR503 We are required to convert/import historical payment occurrences from an external system. Our plan for payments is to track the source/type of payment via the 'Pay Code' value(s) - which are at the payment batch level. However - the AR Payment Conversion process/data apparently does not allow for me to qualify my payment data by 'Pay Code' - even though the on-line and interface of pa...
0 4207 0

RQ10 Invoke      

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello - I'm trying to bring the requisitions into Lawson from external system. We used the RQ500 but we are consistently facing an issue with interface. I'm thinking to re write the interface to create RQ10 records directly into RQ10 by Invoking the RQ10 in custom program. When I invoke the RQ10 for ADD function, some reason it does not initialize lot fields and it returns error messages. Do I need to any special functions before RQ10 ADD functions
5 22255 0
by Greg Moeller


Started By  Lynne
Has anyone used RQ511 for order interfacing from Omnicell  If so, do you have the detail line of the input file  Lawson can't seem to provide it to me or tell me how RQ511 works.  Thanks!
5 23261 0
by JimY

Convert-> AR Cust & AP Vendor: One Shot?      

Started By  Garth Gerwing
We need to convert all of our customers into Lawson AR. Our plans are to eventually use the AR->AP integration (as per AR48) -whereby AR credit values can be transported to AP for refund purposes. Lawson facilaites this AR->AP integration via 'linking' an AR Customner occurrence to a corresponding AP Vendor occurrence. Is anyone aware of an Lawson conversion/'integration construct whereby we can convert our customer base to both AR Customer & AR Vendor in one shot - which would include th...
0 5242 1

AP520 Interface Data update from External Systems      

Started By  Sri
Hello Friends, I am new to the Lawson system and forums. I am trying to Integrate Lawson system using BizTalk tool. I do not have access to Lawson system. I am trying to create NonPo Invoice(AP520). Does Lawson expects two .CSV files one for header data and other for Detail data. Thanks for the help. With Regards Sri
12 29761 0
by Srini Rao

Batch Processing API's      

Started By  wwaters
Has anyone used the Lawson Batch Processing API's I am trying to use ULOADJOB and UCRTJOB to update my PO120 job definition. The program retrieves the current job definition via ULOADJOB, changes the PO field to the PO that I am working with, and then issues UCRTJOB to update the PO120 definition. The program runs, but the job definition is not being updated. I am not seeing an error message anywhere indicating what went wrong. Please help!!
6 24274 0
by wwaters

Customer Comment Conversion (ARICOMMENT)?      

Started By  Garth Gerwing
I see that Lawson has provided a staging table to support comment conversion (ARICOMMENT - consumed by AR506) - and that by leaving the 'transaction/invoice-related' elements blank, the process will interpret these comments as 'Customer' comments.  However: - there are appears to be no on-line dialogue to support conversion corrections (as per other conversion constructs) - the ARICOMMENT table has a single 'Comment' element of 40 CHARS (which is less apace than desired) Does anyone...
2 21810 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Transaction Integration -> Lawson A/R      

Started By  Garth Gerwing
We are required to integration transactions (Invoices, Debit/credit memos) from a non-Lawson billing application -> A/R. The billing application will be an in-house J2EE application - so ideally, we would like to enact this integration on a real/near-time service basis. Existing transactional integration to A/R is kind defined as a 2-step, batch-oriented approach: 1) Populate ARITRANS/ARIDISTRIB and optionally ARIITEM - via AR97.1,AR97.2, AR97.5 2) Execute batch job of AR560 to move...
1 22704 1
by Claudia W.
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