Forum: S3 Interfaces/Conversion

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How do you reference the current date in 4GL?      

Started By  Deleted User
Hello Everyone, I am writing an interface that will select data the previous week. I would like know how to get the current date so I can determine my date range. Thanks in advance! Bonnie PS. If you could reply to my e-mail address that would be great.
1 34315 0
by John Henley

How do you export the whole database?      

Started By  Deleted User
Is there a way to export the Lawson database in its entirety without going datamart-by-datamart I'm trying to export all the corporate Lawson data into an ASCII star schema but am only able to extract one mart at a time. Does anyone know a way within Analytic Architect (or otherwise) to extract all the tables and structures at once into an ASCII star schema (So I can load it into Oracle, we do not use Essbase or Microsoft Analyis Service). Thanks in advance.
2 30982 0
by Deleted User

AC data conversion      

Started By  Keri White
My company recently converted from one Lawson company to another. In this process we converted open AR invoices. Since we use AC/BR to create AR invoices, I need to find a way to update the AC/BR data related to the open AR invoices I converted so that in the event an invoice needs to be cancelled (via BR21) the reversing entries point to the correct company. Is this possible Does a conversion program for this sort of thing even exist Thanks! Keri
1 30765 0
by John Henley

IC527 Item Interface      

Started By  Steve Williams
Do any users here use IC527 to generate an item master report, or any of the other IC52X reports I'm right now in a slightly heated email exchange with GSC, due to the fact that our IC527 reports have the purchase UOM price inserted into the 'Patient Charge' field (CD3, field 25). We don't have or use the PC module at all, and the database element that this information is supposed to come from is empty - actually, the whole table is empty (PCCHRGITEM). None of the KB articles or the IC...
12 37375 1
by Greg Moeller

Load Data Onto Portal Screen      

Started By  Deleted User
My company has a program that new employees use to learn about the company and they also input their employee information and select benefits from this program. It is saved into a database. Is there a way to load that data onto HR11 portal screen for example so that it can then be validated and saved into the Lawson DB
1 31112 0
by John Henley

Migating from DB2 on zOS to UDB on AIX      

Started By  Deleted User
Has anyone tried this migration We are concerned that the Lawson Utilities may not be able to cope with the migration of EBCDIC to ASCII. How does it handle Packed Data fields Are there any issues we need to address ASAP We are getting 'no problem' answers from Lawson Support but I have burnt too many times not to make sure with the rest of the customer base. Thanks.
3 31460 0
by John Henley

EDI and 834 data      

Started By  Greg Moeller
We are implementing the transmission of Benefit Enrollment data to the insurers, using the BN106 application. Lawson does not currently support the translation of the HIPAA834 data file into EDI X12-04010 834 format. What translator engines are other clients using for processing the HIPAA834 data files
5 34546 0
by John Henley

Interface to Lawson      

Started By  Deleted User
As I mentioned before, we are moving to a program called EPIC to do some of the financial work - Pateient Refunds - that send a csv to us to import to APCINVOICE. I have a couple of questions about the refund file before I ship it off to Epic. CVI-VENDOR - Spec states that this field is alpha. Can I put a numeric value here for the vendor ID YES. CVI-BATCH-NUMB - Is this the date of the file CVI-TAX-PNT-DATE - Is this the date of the file CVI-DUE-DATE - Is this the da...
0 14933 0

pt accounting interface      

Started By  linda phillips
WE are currently looking to interface creative socio medics with lawson. Has anyone done this interface and if so are you will to share your information. we are 8.03-msp8 and ser pk 4. This will be a once a month interface
0 14462 0

gltransrel upload      

Started By  linda phillips
Has anyone uploaded files into gltransrel and have the system add a leading number to the file We are 8.03 msp8, 4 and we are trying to load a file into the system. It has taken a for an example a credit for 10.00 and made it 210.00. The system added a leading 2 to every number if it was a credit or a debit. If anyone could help shed some light on this, It woulds be appreciated
5 32668 0
by linda phillips


Started By  Deleted User
I get this error when doing 'importdb' with the csv file. The field it is referencing as 'too large' is blank Error: tsStoreDBRec error is Database error (94). Additional information is 1843. Additional Text is: StoreSqlRec(LAWSON.APCINVOICE) OCIStmtExecute() returned OCI_ERROR code 1843 parse offset 88997888 ( ORA-01843: not a valid month ) Error at line 2, Field 65: is too large for field size of 25 2 Record(s) Proc...
1 34536 0
by Greg Moeller

LP570 PTO Balance upload conversion      

Started By  Deleted User
I'm trying to run the LP570 to upload our PTO balances for our implementation. I get this vague error: Unable To Open File With Mode 'r' KB articles state this could be a variety of things. I have the file name in uppercase, I have RW access, etc. I've pointed jobdef to where I stored this file (same place I put the other conversion files which worked fine). I'm baffled and in a desperate situation as the LIS/Help Desk is taking their time guessing what this could po...
1 31376 0
by Deleted User

Conversion of Customized Lawson App. to RPGILE      

Started By  Deleted User
Hi, We have a customized Lawson application running in Unix Operating System. We are in the process of converting the application to RPGILE in Iseries. I need clarification as below 1. Do I have to convert all the programs manually in RPG ILE or is there an utility or tool which can be useful for converting all the source code from COBOL.UNIX to RPGILE/AS400 2. How to go about converting the database, indexes , business rules .. etc in Iseries 3. How to load existing ...
2 30821 0
by Deleted User

Payroll History removal      

Started By  Deleted User
We are in go-live and want to use our current data system as our go-live with the exception of the data created by running a payroll (want to remove any evidence that we ran a payroll). I've reviewed various items in the data file text and technical text in effort to find out what tables would have to be 1) wiped out and 2) what tables would need values reset (i.e. comphist and coda). Apparently the pr300 purge of hist does not take out everything. Does anyone have the info on this, is it...
0 14513 0

hr04 conversion program?      

Started By  Deleted User
I did not see a conversion program for the hr04 items and was wondering the best way to get this info from our test environment into our live...which has to be either manually put in or converted. The addins I think involve hidden fields and are quite complex. Does anyone have a template for the addins or any ideas. (I'd like to just copy the database table, but I know that this will bypass the edits and is not supposed to be done). thanks
1 31177 0
by John Henley

PR560 payroll history      

Started By  Deleted User
We are pressed to get our 2007 payroll history into the system and I had a few questions. The consultants made this sound as if it was going to require extensive testing. If my upload sheet passes in report mode, I'm assuming that it will pass in update mode. I'm also assuming that the system will then take the data and properly add to the current totals in the system (though I plan to query to check)...but is this really supposed to be this complex of a project I know that we've worked ...
0 14010 0

bn106 834 file format woes      

Started By  Deleted User
I've done some reading and research enough to know that the bn106 is not going to give me what I need to transmit to the various benefit vendors. My question is - how far does this file take you and what remaining things have to be accomplished before you have a file ready to send Will this require a programmer or special software Any suggestions are appreciated.
2 32882 0
by Sam Simpson

850 Correction Progam ???/      

Started By  Deleted User
Has anyone created a Cobol program to correct transations (IE INVALID SHIPTO) I was trying to steamline the correction process.
0 13595 0

Multi Product line in COBOL PROGRAM ??      

Started By  Deleted User
Can you access tables in LOGAN Product LIne from another PRODUCT LINE in COBOL I am trying to get to WEBUSER in a Batch Application program.
4 30287 0
by John Henley

RQ500 and Cerner/Surginet      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Wondering if anyone is successfully interfacing Surginet pref card data into RQ500. We were told by Cerner that they would not write us an interface, so were thinking if we could come up with the data, we could get it into the format that RQ500 is expecting. Anyone out there using Surginet with Lawson What types of interfaces do you have implemented We'll share ours with you!
2 28284 0
by Greg Moeller

What do you do when a divestiture occurs??      

Started By  Tim Salaver
I have an issue that I'm trying to resolve which I don't believe is easy. My client is going through a divestiture of one of its companies so it needs to group 15 companies into 2 separate environments to their respective acquiring organizations. The expected result is to have a set of companies that appear completely separate as if they were always like that.   I know I can't use any of the Lawson utilities because none of them separate the data by field. For instance, I want all of related c...
3 22864 0
by John Henley

Impact of Lawson upgrade on other custom application      

Started By  Pravin
We currently have an environment 8.0.3 with 8.1 application. We are planning to install LSF 9.0 on new server and then migrate the 8.1 applications to the new environment. Wanted to check what will be impact of environment upgrade to other custom application built around it. For e.g We have Lotus Notes application which connect Lawson using DECS. Internally DECS either invokes AGS call or DME call to update & reterive data from Lawson. So will this interface needs to be redesign or will there ...
1 22582 0
by John Henley

FTP in 9.0LSF      

Started By  linda phillips
I'm not sure if I have the right area but here goes. We are 8.03 apps on 9.0LSF env. Like all of you FTP is a mjor hitter in the lawson world. We are RCO and have had a number of issues with FTP. WHen you pull the files from Lawson such as a csv file you get a broken pipe message or the file does come across but not complete.  If I try and move a file csv to the system so we can interface with lawson I get broken pipe or again not all the file comes across but it reads comp. Has anyone had or se...
0 6382 0
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