Recurring Job Question for patching

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Hi all -


Asking for your input please!  Question on how you would do this.  I've done it both ways.

We are going to be putting in ADFS this weekend and in a couple weeks, we are going to be installing another round of CTPs (we do these quarterly).  At my previous 2 employers, who both had Lawson - we never shut down every recurring job individually - the first thing we did is made sure no jobs were actively running in the job scheduler and then did stopjobqueue and that point no jobs could start (recurring or otherwise).  Then we did what we had to do and after everything was back up, the last step was to start the job queue back up and then recurring jobs would automatically start back up.

At my current employer - they go into every recurring job individually (we have MANY of them under MULTIPLE users) and change the stop date to the previous day so that the job immediately stops.  Once they are all done - then the sys admin does the work that needs to be done and then we go back in and restart EVERY recurring job individually by changing the end date back.

How do you do this?  Do you stop the job queue or do you stop every recurring job individually as well in recdef?  I just can't understand the need to do them all individually, but then maybe I'm missing something??

Thanks in advance for everyone's input!  it's a VERY time consuming process doing them all individually and I'm trying to make this an easier, and more streamlined process.

Jason Beard
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Hey Laura!  Long time.  

I agree with your "old" approach.  I see no need to stop each job individually.  

 Alternatively, dump gen/RECURRJOB and add stop date and import and then import without the stop date after the patching.


How'd the ADFS conversion go?

Jason Beard
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Hey Jason - thanks for confirming what I was thinking about the jobs.  It actually went pretty well - we had some bumps to iron out but overall not so bad.  Glad it's done!