Forum: Lawson Landmark

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Configuration Console      

Started By  Jay2
We have recently gone live with Landmark. I now am being asked to make changes to security classes within Landmark. I obviously need to take a the course on Using the Configuration Console. The problem is that it is telling me I need to be familiar with the Lawson Programming Language. I can not find any info on this online. Could someone point me in the right direction
4 24825 1
by Carl.Seay

Limit records extracted in a Landmark Query Node      

Started By  JimY
Is there a way to limit the number of records that a Landmark Query Node extracts  I am doing some testing and want to extract say the first 200.  Thank you.
3 21741 0
by LisaC

COBOL Slowness      

Started By  Corey
We are an Infor/Lawson customer working on an upgrade to their version 10 application suite. We are seeing significant delays in our batch job processing. When only one job is running with no users in our new environment we see process time 4 - 5 times longer than when they are run in version 9. We are running in a VM environment with the application and DB servers on separate servers running under Windows 2012 and SQL Server 2012 R2. After verifying and increasing resources on the servers we no...
6 23921 3
by rpowell460

Questions about Cloud Multi-Tenant vs Single-Tenant      

Started By  Woozy
Hi Everyone, We are currently running Landmark and LSF on-premise on  AIX/DB2, and there is some discussion about moving to Windows/SQL on the Infor Cloud.  One of the things that is being discussed is whether we should go multi-tenant or single-tenant.   We are HEAVY users of DB2 SQL queries in interfaces and flows, and we also do a significant amount of command-line scripting for things like triggering processes via our external enterprise scheduler. For those of you who are multi-tenant cl...
6 24573 1
by Woozy

Possible to call a Landmark web service from outside Lawson?      

Started By  Jonathan
Hello, Is it possible to call a Landmark web service from a custom .NET or Java application  Our requirement is to update GHR from a.NET application and I've been informed that the web services should be used for this purpose.  However, I can find no good documentation on it.  Has anyone successfully done this  Thank you. Jonathan
5 21529 1
by Chris

Secadm Error: Start Work called with null actor      

Started By  Woozy
Hi Everyone - I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Using the 'lawson' account, when I use 'secadm actor link {actor} {prodline} Employee {HROrganization} {Employee}' to tie the employee record to actor record, it throws error  'com.lawson.lajavarts.opf.OPFRuntimeException: Start Work called with null actor.' Both the actor and the employee exist. Anybody know where I can look to resolve this issue  I don't see anything in any of the Landmark logs... Thanks! Kelly   Her...
1 20987 1
by SecurityAdmin

Re-federating Landmark      

Started By  LarryTD
Is it possible to re-register the Landmark system, and then refederate it again with LSF Can a federated environment be unfederated for version 10.1.1   Asking for a friend.
3 21322 1
by AlanK

IPA v11, - Get actor from Employee ID using LMRK node      

Started By  dcasper70
This should be easy, but drawing a blank... In an v11 IPA, I have an employee number and am I'm trying to get their corresponding Actor. I know how to do it in SQL, and I know how to find it in Rich Client, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get the Actor value in an IPA for a given Employee.
10 22282 2
by Woozy

Landmark web issues      

Started By  Roger French
Redeployed the Landmark GEN and IPA web ear files into Websphere 8.5.5. on AIX, with Landmark version 10.1.1 Rich Client, federation are set up and work fine. After the redeployment, none of the web smoke tests for GEN or IPA are working. Example: for the SSOConfig smoke test, it results in a 404 error. For the Web Login smoke test, it looks like a java class is somehow missing. Here's a snipet of the error in the browser. I've already tried to undeploy/redeploy the web app, and also stoppin...
1 21302 0
by Roger French

Landmark Productline Copy      

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello - How do I make the landmark product line copy    I'm trying to create a new product line based on existing product line in same environment. Example: i have ltmtest and trying to copy ltmtest to ltmedev in same environment. How do i do it Any help is appreciated.
1 21746 3
by Jason Beard

Config Console Menu      

Started By  PD
I am trying to remove some items under the Chevron (2 arrows pointing downward)  in Business class 'EMPLOYEE' from form 'LRCEmployee' and I don't see how to achieve that. Can someone give me a few pointers   Thanks
1 20213 1
by PKS

Scheduling an S3 batch job from Config Console      

Started By  promano
Is it possible to schedule an S3 batch program to run from Config Console
0 4345 0

added field to ChangePayRate form - how to pull it in ipa      

Started By  dcasper70
Action Reason added to ChangePayRate form. How do I access that new value in the ChangePayRate flow I've tried using the FindMergedChangePayRate to get the WorkAssignment_reason_code value, but that field comes back blank.  Looking at the work unit variables, there's no reason code.  DO I need to do something additional to make sure the added field value is passed into the IPA  Am I looking at the correct field to begin with
0 4266 0

Access to Imagemaps in Landmark      

Started By  Jay2
We have created a custom role based on HRGeneralistActorOrgUnit_ST This should give access to the HRGeneralistActorOrgImageMap, which it does, but it also gives access to the ManagerImageMap.   How do I remove access to the ManagerImageMap
0 4159 1

Rich Client no longer loading after Java update      

Started By  hussey1213
I updated my version of Java from V8 Update 151 to V8 Update 171 and I can no longer launch my Rich Client. I've added it to the security exceptions but still will not launch. Any ideas
2 23710 0
by Matt Gordon

Finding a Security Class /Business Class      

Started By  FireGeek21
Is there a table that lists the Business Classes assigned to a Security Class  Or is there a way to query Business Class properties to know what Security Class(es) it is assigned to.  I know I can locate the Business Classes by opening specific Security Classes within Configuration Console but looking for something more automated or quicker than opening 30 Security Classes looking just for one Business Class. Thanks!
1 22225 0
by Dave Amen

Login Failed--intermittent      

Started By  tambrosi
Hi All,  been looking at this for a few days now and not sure what else to try or where to look. Have open issue with Infor.  Get an intermittent  Login Failed/Time out error when using the syscommand node in IPA.  If we rerun the job, all works fine.   Any ideas or help would be appreciated. Thanks Terry   logs message:  Executing on S3 - https://d10mngl.wmsn   Error while executing System Command activity. Login Failed...
0 5032 0

Spreadsheet Designer (Landmark) User Access Templates?      

Started By  RNoll
Can someone please point me to the direction of any templates for user maintenance for Landmark using the Spreadsheet Designer I appreciate the help in advance. Thank you!
0 4443 0

Add Fields to Form appearing Read Only      

Started By  Roger French
Landmark 10.1 Attempting to add a field (FTE) to the ChangeRelationshipToOrganization form. The field and the correct data appears, but it is Read Only and cannot be edited. I want the field to be editable. Note: this field is not a calculated/derived field. I noticed a few other fields on this form ChangeRelationshipToOrganization like the Pay Rate which are also not editable. On the Work Assignment form I am able to edit all of the allowed fields, including FTE and Pay Rate. The LPL on ...
0 4036 0

Asych with S3      

Started By  Roger French
Within the Asynch process, as I understand it, Landmark can synchronize with a S3 productline. How and where do you change the S3 productline to synchronize to Or does the S3 productline have to be the same name as the Landmark Data area it's synching with   Thanks, -Roger
0 4292 0

Conditional Hide Field      

Started By  Roger French
Trying to hide an existing field in any screen in GHR/LTM. Landmark 10.1.1.x I want to use a conditional hide on a field, but it does not appear to be working with any kind of condition on any field.   For example, in the Benefits tab of an Employee (Administrator>>Resources), I want to conditionally hide a field. Here's a snippet of the code, I simply want to prove that a simple condition 'visible when (false)' will actually work. Yes I know the condition is placed inside of the () but I'v...
1 20147 1
by Jason Beard

Auto-populate User Field Value      

Started By  Shawn
Here's my example: I have a User Field called PayElement and another called PayElementAmount in the same business class. I created 4 possible states for the PayElement value, and I need PayElementAmount to auto-populate on the form with the corresponding amount for each of those 4 states depending on which one is selected in PayElement. How can I accomplish this Thanks in advance! Shawn
0 4321 1

Understanding Landmark Technology      

Started By  LawsonNovice
Hi Guys,   I am seeking a better understanding of Landmark. I am fairly new to Lawson, but perhaps my background working with Middleware infrastructure, particularly WebSphere might help me latch on faster. I've been tasked with researching Landmark Technology. As you all know, it's java-based runtime environment that seems to be Infor's path forward from LSF Cobol-based S3,   My issue i'm getting bits and pieces of the picture... I understand GRID management (webstart, interface).  I unde...
1 22318 1
by jrbledsoe

Approving Workunit within Rich Client      

Started By  pops
Can you tell me how to approve or reject a workunit in Rich Client instead of logging into Lawson and accessing my inbasket  I did t before but cannot remember the steps I took to do this.   Thank you! Allen
3 20099 1
by JimY

LPL/Configuration Console - Add Item to LRCMyStaffMenu      

Started By  FireGeek21
Would like to add an item to the list that appears when you click on the My Staff icon. It is the LRCMyStaffMenu. Would like to trigger a process flow from a newly added item in this list. THANKS!!
0 4604 0
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