Forum: Lawson Landmark

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ProcessAutomation install fails      

Started By  Gary Padgett
Landmark 10.0.3CU12 on Windows 2008R2 My LSF is on AIX 6.1 - LSF901ESP10/apps901MSP8 Landmark install was successful and Landmark is coupled with LSF901. When trying to install an instance of LPA, the application seemed to install OK but the app will not start in WebSphere.  Also tried the smoke tests for LPA instance - the links for the Rich Client work OK but the link to LpaAdmin fails (related to not starting in WebSphere).  Opened case with Support.  They hinted I might have an issu...
3 5428 0
by Gary Padgett

Landmark install issues in ssoconfig      

Started By  Larry Lamb
Hi, We are installing Landmark (on a Unix server with AIX) and are having an issue with the ssoconfig command when trying to load the SSOPV2.xml file - ERROR:  Bad Attribute value 'Use HTTPS only' is provided for attribute PROTOASSERT Any ideas We have checked the SSOPV2.xml file - (xxxxx's put in to redact our web url) SSOPV2.xml file:             SSOPV2         user         password         user,password         password         TRUE                 Use HTT...
4 6618 0
by elessarfl

Platform Change from AIX/DB2 to Windows - Thoughts?      

Started By  Woozy
07/25/2013 09:58 AM Delete Edit Quote Reply Alert I just posted a question over in the S3 System Administration form on this issue, but I wanted to catch any of you 'Landmark Only' folks. We are currently running Landmark 9.2.5/TM 3.4.2 as well as  LSF Apps  ...
0 3471 0

Updating actors and identities after federating      

Started By  Gary Padgett
Have a quick question re federating (coupling in my case) Landmark and LSF.  I have already done this in my CERT environment and we’re doing OK there. But I am  building a new Landmark environment on a new machine for our DEV environment, and will soon be doing this in production.  My question has to do with supplying the actors file and the services and identities file.  In CERT, I supplied these files so that they would get picked up in the initial install of Landmark.   But I ran into issu...
2 4669 0
by Alex Tsekhansky

Landmark LDAP bind service      

Started By  BDT
Hi , I have installed Landmark with LTM recently and i want to configure users using the LDAP bind service. Can you advise me on how to create this LDAP binding service so that i can authenticate users via AD. Regrads buddhika
0 3773 0

After federation and ldapbind some users cannot log in      

Started By  Gary Padgett
We upgraded this weekend - to LSF901 ESP12, apps 901MSP9, etc.  Also federated with Landmark (not using ISS).  We are bound to our corporate AD as well (we were previously AD-bound in LSF and are now AD-bound in Landmark).  We have some users who are unable to log in - getting message invalid userid or password.  The vast majority are successful. ANy ideas
3 4750 0
by Xin Li

How to grant limited security for Rich Client      

Started By  Gary Padgett
I need to allow a user to use Rich Client to update the LPA approval matrix - this would correspond to Applications -> Process Server Administrator -> Configuration -> User Configuration in my LPA product line.  How do I grant that access  It doesn't look like there is anything like that in the delivered roles/security classes. If you can send me something, my email is Thanks
1 3961 0
by Gary Padgett

LMRK Performance Tuning      

Started By  SP
My apologies in advance for the x-post, but I need to take the shotgun approach here hoping to hit something. I can't believe I'm going to post this question, but at this point I'm thinking why not, so here it goes. I am looking for feedback regarding performance tuning the LMRK GRID. Specifically I am interested in knowing what others have done to improve performance.  I am curious about max grid jvm size settings for the components listed below, as well as any overrides or specific ...
0 4652 0

10.2 custom action creation      

Started By  MC
Has anyone managed to write a custom action in 10.2    We had one in 10.0.1  but in 10.2 we get an error trying to do the same type of action.  Does anyone know if the steps have changed Thanks
0 4262 0

Update landmark to latest version 10.1.x and failed      

Started By  Xin Li
I tried to update landmark environment from 10.0.x to 10.1.x and got error below. Anyone has any idea what is wrong run /lsf_lmk_env/env/bin/secadm  -d gen  provision os -C -o -a WARNING: Undefined MessageProducer: SecurityProvisioningLogger Actor Name = lawson Service factory: com.lawson.webservs.service.ServiceLocalFactory created SpecRepositoryFactory: SpecRepository(PreloadOnEnstantiation): gen (SLVUW): Resolution time - already loaded java.lang.NullPointerExceptio...
2 6656 0
by Xin Li

Designate Default LMRK10 Prodline      

Started By  Woozy
We are in the process of upgrading from Landmark 9 to Landmark 10.  One of the slightly irritating issues we are having with v10 is that we can't figure out how to designate the Rich Client default prodline for a user.   In our environment, some of us have access to both the GEN and PRODHCM prodlines.  Currently, when we log in to Rich Client we always start out in the GEN prodline, and we have to select PRODHCM from the dropdown.  Yes, this only takes a couple of seconds, but there must ...
3 7943 0
by Woozy

Entry-Level Developer Position at Simplot      

Started By  Woozy
The J. R. Simplot Company is looking for an entry-level developer to help support their Infor/Lawson HCM system and other systems.  We are looking for someone to work with the current Infor/Lawson developer (me), and who can jump in and learn the development side of Infor/Lawson HCM products.  This includes Landmark/Talent Management 10, LSF 9 and 10, Infor Process Automation, Lawson ESS/MSS, and other Infor/Lawson systems and tools.  Background with Infor/Lawson products is helpful, but...
0 5048 0

New Menu      

Started By  Srini Rao
How do I create new menu in employee space. We like to add the new menu under employee space --> ToDo -> PayAndBenifits --> Benifits (new menu) --> different links to S3. Any help is appreciated.
2 5263 0
by Srini Rao

Workunit Delete Error - Cannot get Transaction for rollback      

Started By  Adam
Details for Incident 7515865 - Workunit Delete Error - 'Cannot get Transaction for rollback' .RadGrid_AlSkin .rgRow td, .RadGrid_AlSkin .rgAltRow td, .RadGrid_AlSkin .rgFooter td { border-top: 2px solid 828282; border-bottom: 0px solid 828282; } .RadGrid_AlSkin .rgFilterRow td { border-bottom: 0px solid 828282; } .RadPanelBar_AlSkin div.rpHeaderTemplate, .RadPanelBar_AlSkin a.rpLink { background-color: transparent; background-image: url('../Telerik/AlSkin/PanelBar/PanelHeader1200.png')...
2 5152 0
by Adam


Started By  Srini Rao
Hello, How do I add company logo and custom message on the login page. I tried to edit the \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Landmark\installedApps\ServerNameCell01\lmrktest-gen-law-env.ear\sso.war\v3\login.html Off course I rebooted the server but I do not see my changes. Please Advise
3 6804 1
by Rick McCahan

Has anyone gone to Landmark from S3?      

Started By  martingibbs
If this isn't the right forum, please let me know.  Has anyone gone from an S3 installation over to Landmark and kept some or all of your existing S3 setup Example would be moving over to Landmark but keeping a feed to Payroll, or HR11. We've been brainstorming some ideas here and while we're pretty sure nobody has done this, it doesn't hurt to ask. Thanks.
4 7339 0
by Tim Cochrane

How are 'Classic' workunits(bpm) maintained once Landmark is activated?      

Started By  Demi
We have recently installed Landmark in our test environment and have activated the federation of users.  We have also set the PF flag and flipped the switch to process the flows on landmark. I am currently in the process of writing a flow for the landmark side to delete all of our approval wu's once they have completed and are older than 30 days.  What I've run into though is, even though the flows are all running though Landmark; 'classic' workunits are still being generated in the bpm administ...
1 5937 0
by Carl.Seay

Rich Client packaging (VDI)      

Started By  muzammils
Is anyone here able to package the Rich client We will be rolling Lawson out to 3,000 users and absolutely can't go manually into any machine to install the Rich client. I'm looking for any helpful recommendations and tips from anyone who has had other Infor client in similar situations.
1 6211 0
by JimY


Started By  Jay2
Is Admin_ST considered a 'Super User' role
3 6007 0
by Woozy

New Phone Type      

Started By  Srini Rao
How do we add new phone type to the 'Add A telephone pager or fax number' screen. Currently it has landline, mobile, Pager. Fax and TTYTDD. Administrator --> resource --> resource --> open the resource  --> Select Personal Information (on Left) --> Add Phone.
3 5375 1
by Woozy

Landmark secadm command      

Started By  redanker
After upgrading to env  secadm delete actor command no longer works as expected. we receive  Error: Unable to load data area DEFAULT.  It says Actor xxuseridXX has been deleted, but it has not.
1 6161 0
by redanker

Landmark Spreadsheet Designer      

Started By  Frankie Hennessey
I am receiving the following error message 'Value does not fall within the expected range' after installing Landmark Spreadsheet Designer.  This message occurs when I open Excel and try to open the spreadsheet designer once it has been installed.  Has anyone experienced this error msg before
2 6321 0
by Lisa Hodges

Strategic Sourcing & Contract MGMT downtime procedures or suggestions on how to handle unscheduled & scheduled downtimes      

Started By  Deleted User
Hello everyone!  We have been live with Lawson Contract MGMT for since June, 2013 and are in the final testing and implementation phase for Lawson Strategic Sourcing. My leadership has tasked myself and some team members to brainstorm how we will handle scheduled and especially unscheduled downtime issues. Does anyone have any procedures for these two Landmark systems they would be willing to share with Children's Medical Center in Dallas (AKA- ME) OR any suggestions or ideas that could maybe gi...
0 4267 1

IPD Java Script      

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello, I'm creating a process flow to clean phone numbers in Landmark system.  I'm trying delete any special characters in phone filed , I used the following java script for my assigned node.. vPhone = fld.LEMPhone.replace(/[\(\)\.\-\ ]/g, '')  I get the following error.... Activity completed: Start Activity started: Assign1400  (Run Id: 5) Activity Assign1400: Error evaluating expression: vPhone = fld.LEMPhone.replace(/[\(\)\.\-\ ]/g, ''); vPhone = Variables in Process: ...
3 6321 1
by Srini Rao

Loading Spreadsheet Designer      

Started By  ALB
We are setting up a room or rooms for training and working sessions.  We have multiple PCs to be used by multiple people throughout the project.  Due to rights issues, not everyone can load ISD initially.  It seems like once ISD is loaded, the PC user can load it for him/herself.  Is there a way it can be loaded once rather than having every person who uses the PC load it
0 4852 1
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