Forum: S3 Security

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Batch Jobs      

Started By  KerriR
Does anyone have the exact setups that are needed to allow users to submit batch jobs  We are using LS9 and some of our users are getting 'security violation' errors when trying to inquire on their jobs (HR170, PR260, PA490 are some examples).  If they wait about 10 minutes, they can then inquire and run the job without any problem.  I find this very interesting because in my mind, security is either on or off, there's no in between.  So why would it NOT work one minute but work 10 minutes late...
24 14858 1
by randys

LSF9 Security & Distribution Lists      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Hi everyone! Where do I find my LAUA distribution groups in LSF9 security I've been looking for several hours now, but can only find a way to secure printers and job queues. We have lots of distribution groups created that the users still want to have access to, but I cannot find where they are at in order to add them to an appropriate security class. Thanks in advance, -Greg
6 7354 0
by Greg Moeller

Printers in Portal and LS Security      

Started By  Roger French
I'm doing some work with printer issues in Lawson portal. Some users are using LS Security and when they're in Portal and running jobs such as CU201, when they actually want to print the report, the report shows up in print manager find, and it displays fine on screen, but when they want to send to printer and click on the drop down of the Printer field to list all of the printers, NO printers appear.  These users DO have the BatchRole in their LS Security. I've checked the BatchRole for ...
3 6619 0
by Dave Amen

MSS and ProcessLevelControl      

Started By  MC
We have placed a custom rule, then an role in RM for MSS users.  This custom rule is checking the PROCESSLEVELCONTROL feature in RM.  The goal was when the manager would create a personal action they would only be able to select the departments that are in the specific process level...Works like a charm for fields like Department (only shows the departments that the mgr has access to).  The problem is the Expense Account / Sub Account and activity.  when we have the rule for Process Level contro...
5 4610 0
by MC

Securing AP 90 by Acct Unit      

Started By  Carla Ferrari
We are trying to secure AP90 by users' accounting units, using the RM attribut AccountingUnitControl.  Tried writing a rule against APDISTRIB, DIS-ACCT-UNIT file using getDBfield, with no luck.  Has anyone else tried to secure this form
6 4908 0
by Karen Beyer Goode

Needing help locking down drill screens      

Started By  Ronnie
We are in the process of implementing our infor 10 system. We are currently on Lawson 9 and have been now since 2008. HR has just noticed during implementation that managers can potentially go to PA42 and drill around and see info they should not see. The way they can do this is by getting a job requisition workunit in their inbasket to approve or deny. Inside of the details for that workunit there is a related links screen which takes them to the form where they can see info on the requisition...
11 4904 0
by KatieW

LSA Report      

Started By  This_Guy
I was hoping someone can help me figure out how to develop a report in LSA that will show the audit history for a specific person that has access to the LSA tools, when they accessed, add/changed/modified a record, date stamps, etc.. We were told by a consultant that we can certainly design this report to help audit who is accessing LSA. Anyone
0 4524 0

Set form access to Read Only for all forms      

Started By  Jon Gustafson
I just found out from an audit that we have two users that are Business Analysts and they need to have read only access to the forms in production.  They have every security class assigned to them, so I am really hoping that I do not have to create a hundred new security classes with read only access. Is there a way that I can globally grant them read only access to all forms in a productline or environment   Jon Gustafson
0 4770 0

Copy User's Jobs When Deleting User      

Started By  Kyle Jorgensen
When you delete a user from security it gives you the option to copy the user's jobs to another user. We've found that when we do this the jobs do copy but if the 'departing' user's job had any setup in jobdef (file distribution, csv attributes, etc) the job that gets created for the 'receiving' user is missing all of the jobdef setup. Are we doing something wrong, or is this just how it works (which is lousy)
4 6704 2
by Scott Perrier

PROCLEVEL and 9.01 security      

Started By  MC
We recently upgraded to 9.01.9  and we are now experiencing a issue if we have more than 1 process level in the RM ProcessLevelControl field.   We are only using this with ESS/MSS to prevent managers from selecting department(s) etc that they do not have access to from within Personnel actions.   We are using the PROCLEVEL element group and did not change our definition during the upgrade. We have a few mgrs. that have emps in more than 1 process level.  Prior to this upgrade the multiple ent...
0 3959 1

HREMP element Group      

Started By  Garry Ferwerda
We have had our back office users on LS9 security for a while and we are now implememting EMS security.  We also have multiple accounts, one for back office and one for EMS that we planning to combine (eliminate the back office login).  We use the HREMP Element group to enforce record level security in the HR modules.  We have discovered that for a certain subset of HR employees that they cannot access their own information in EMS once the EMS and back office roles are applied to a single login ...
0 3977 0


Started By  TJ Mann
lsdump all 172 roles - took about 15 mins. lsload -o all 172 roles - took 17 hours. anyone uses lsdump/lsload on Roles   i normally use lsdump/lsload only Profile, and it goes much faster.
0 4524 0

Setting an account for Lawson Security Admin access      

Started By  Ronnie
OK,   So we have 1 account we usually use for just all open access for all lawson. So we usually use this account to create accounts in lawson security.   Things are changing. We now have a few employees who may need to create user accounts in Lawson Security Admin. With this said....I am not sure what all I need to set role wise etc for a user to just be able to use Lawson Security Admin application.
5 5818 0
by Brian Allen

Prohibit Job Submission      

Started By  Gina
Hello, I am looking for a way to prohibit IT Support Users from submitting batch jobs in the production environment.  These users still need the ability to view job queues and manage jobs submitted by others.  They also need to be authorized to the programs so that they can setup or maintain job defintions and job schedules (recdef).  But just not submit any jobs themselves.  I have tried denying them access to the job queues, but that was too restrictive as they could not even look at jobs sub...
2 4167 2
by Ari

Don't allow drill around but allow search      

Started By  Nancy
We want to allow some users access to PA22 but do not want to have access to drill around. The only problem I am having is with the employee table.  The users still need to be able to use the search to find the correct employee by name. Do I have to go into each field on the employee table and deny access to it except for the employee number, and name fields to allow them to search Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.
2 3955 1
by Nancy

Prevent User from submitting more than 2 jobs      

Started By  Gina
When multiple PR295 jobs are submitted one right after the other, it forces other users jobs into a waiting status. This creates issues when we are trying to peform the ACH Payment cycle. Is there a way that we can prevent a specific user from submitting more than 2 jobs at a time
1 4193 1
by Jimmy Chiu

Lawson Security changes not taking effect      

Started By  Shaun C
We just upgraded to Lawson 10.0.6 and when I add or take away a ROLE in ISS it doesn't seem to be taking affect.  I cleared IOS cache and the server cache in LSA.  I've had it sit all night and in the morning still not in effect.  Once I bounce WAS then it finally will take and work.  I'm at a lost at this point.  The ROLE is showing in both ISS and LSA and ran a report in LSA and it also shows the ROLE is attached to user.  Then you go into Portal can't access forms.  If I bounce WAS it will fi...
4 6039 1
by Jimmy Chiu

Lawson Security Reports      

Started By  Daniel
I am trying to run an attribute report in Lawson Security that needs to include criteria for an attribute(Role) that is blank. I cannot seem to come up with a criteria within Lawson Security reports that will allow me to exclude users with their 'role' attribute blank. I am trying to create a  query that will allow me to update just the users with a particular 'portal role' but their 'role' cannot be 'blank'. I am using the 'is not' function within the report. Any help is appreciated.
0 4115 1

How to secure AC through activity group, security_cd and structure.      

Started By  Kyric
Need help, any advise in securing AC through conditional rules. If the user go to AC00.1 he will only see Activity group belongs to the user. Any help or tips thank you.
2 5062 0
by Kyric

GL45 conditional rule for HOLD_CODE      

Started By  Alex Shklovsky
Hello everyone I'm trying to write a conditional rule for GL45 to allow user change one hold code, but no change if attempts to change other hold codes. Getting a security violation message on a hold code that should be accessible based on my rule. Would you guys advise on what am I doing wrong  trim(getDBField('GLCONTROL','HOLD_CODE',form.GLC_COMPANY,form.GLC_FISCAL_YEAR,form.GLC_ACCT_PERIOD,form.AB_GLC_SYSTEM,form.AB_GLC_JE_TYPE,form.AB_GLC_CONTROL_GROUP,form.AB_GLC_JE_SEQUENCE))=='SCMH'|...
1 5679 0
by Alex Shklovsky

All of a sudden our secuirty is not working and no one is able to acces any form , omce they logon      

Started By  xxxxxttysfh
Hello all   We had an issue with server and I rebooted the server and all of a Sudden, the secuirty is not working ,fo any of the users
3 5862 0
by Greg Moeller

All of a sudden our secuirty is not working and no one is able to acces any form , omce they logon      

Started By  xxxxxttysfh
Hello all   We had an issue with server and I rebooted the server and all of a Sudden, the secuirty is not working ,fo any of the users
1 5020 0
by Deleted User

GL45 conditional rule for Hold-code      

Started By  Alex Shklovsky
Posted earlier a conditional rule for a hold_code in GL45. Is it possible to get one working using getDBfield function in multi line form like GL45 What might be other approach to accomplish it with a conditional rule. Any ideas Thanks Alex
0 4323 0

Security Role access to PDLs      

Started By  Xin Li
I have two PDLs under one environment. How do I create a role and assigned to user so that user will have access to both PDLs   Thanks in advance.
0 3988 0

LSA tables for creating a report      

Started By  Kate Liamero
I want to create a security report to see which users are active along with their email , who has add-ins, the RMID, SSOP id and requester name.  I need info from all 3 segments RM, Identities and Environment.  Can anyone tell me what tables I need  Thanks Kate
2 6317 2
by Greg Moeller
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