Forum: S3 Security

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Hide/show on Form      

Started By  PV Rajan
Hi: Is it possible to show/hide a field on Lawson Portal based on the RD30 Record . E.g I want to hide the field 'Process Level' on AP20 form to some ids while it shall be displayed for others. If yes, how to do this. Thanks in advance!
8 14927 3
by Mark F. Hardy

RM Viewing Role      

Started By  trueblueg8tor
I'm trying to create a role for Viewing RM only. I created a Role called 'RmView' and security class called 'RMView'. In the security class, I granted unconditional 'Inquire' access to everything. Even after I attach the security class to the role and the role to the user I'm unable to log into Lawson Security Administrator. How can I test my role with giving 'SuperAdminRole'
4 6567 1
by Deleted User

Two security classes one allows the other does not      

Started By  JimY
Hello,      I have two security classes.  One class is set up for requisitioners and the second is for people who will approve requisitions.  The first one restricts access to RQ12 and RQ13 the second one allows.  When I login with the user set up for requisition approval I get access denied for RQ12 and Rq13.  Obviously I am doing something wrong.  How do I set up security classes with in the same application (RQ) that restrict forms for some, but allow others access  I thought it was through...
19 5452 2
by cwelford

LSF vs LAUA security      

Started By  Greg Moeller
When setting up a job in LID, you have the option for option C (CSV File Attributes) Is this available using the new LSF security, and if so, how do I get there Thanks in advance, -Greg
7 7948 0
by John Henley

Need Report of All users with Access to RQ10      

Started By  Wanda
We are on Lawson 9.01 and use LAUA and LSF9 security.  We are in desperate need of a list of users that have access to a specific screen in Lawson, RQ10.  Can any of you help me
2 3786 0
by Deborah Griffin

LS9 file associations - advice needed on a faster method      

Started By  Bob Heitzman
We are spending a lot of time on our LS9 project identifying file associations and are looking for some advice - here are our questions: 1. What is the process you use to determine which files are needed for LS9 security classes  This is our biggest need as the method we ...
3 3780 0
by Bob Heitzman

Prevent Users From Deleting Jobs In Job Scheduler      

Started By  Jeremy
I'm being told by our security team that you can't give access to Job Scheduler and prevent users from deleting a job that is in 'Needs Recovery.' I did some very basic LSA work a while back and I thought this was an option.  I no longer do this work, but if possibly, I'd like to pass along to our team how to do this. Is it possible to simply take away the 'delete' option Thank you! Version is I believe.
4 5447 0
by Gina

SecAdmin doesn't recognize new form on existing program      

Started By  Woozy
Hi All, We have a custom program (ZS31) that has been in-place for some time.  Recently we added a new form (ZS31.2) to the program.  In our DEV environment, we were able to add security to the new form using SecAdmin without any issues.  However, when it was promoted to PROD, the new form does not appear in SecAdmin. I've confirmed that the form is in tokendef, pgmdef, and laua (for the right security class) in PROD.  I've recompiled the program, ran srgen and scrgen, cleared secu...
5 3698 0
by Woozy

Dumb Question - But      

Started By  andrew
What language does Lawson Security use , is it in Java
2 3624 0
by andrew

Adding users      

Started By  aashoks2002
Hello All, I want to integrate 'user information' from external applications to LAWSON erp. What are the ways in which I can achieve it. PS: I am new to LAWSON ERP. Please let me know if it can be done via api/some app/inserts into db. Thanks in advance. Ashok
0 3732 0

Restricting access to a S3 Form in Smart office only      

Started By  L G
Is it possible to restrict access to a S3 Form in Smart Office only while allowing users access to the form in Portal Basically we have some Design Studio mods to a custom form that all  users access. However Smart Office does not apply the customizations and is only available to power users. Is it possible to remove access to the Form from smart office while not impacting the DS access for that form
0 3649 0

Lawson Desktop Client Logon LAUA      

Started By  Kenny
Hello, I am having an issue running the LAUA function in the form transfer section of the Lawson Desktop client logon, after typing in the function into the Menu ID, I receive an operation time out error. Can someone please assist
1 4780 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Securing PA52 selections.      

Started By  Jay2
In S3 portal I have secured the file GLNAMES so that agency users can only select from account unit within their own process level. Now we are using PA52 to change expense data for an employee. We have an action called Exp-Data that was defined in PA50 using the topic E2 - Pay Distribution.  One of the fields we have selected is Expense Acct Unit.  When an agency user uses this action in PA52 and clicks on the arrow next to this field it opens HRSC.1 and it shows all the Account Un...
4 4162 0
by Jay2

Inadvertent deletion of SSO HTTP Endpoint      

Started By  Rick Morrison
I inadvertently deleted an SSO http endpoint BEFORE removing it from an http endpoint group.  Now, when I try to do anything with http endpoint groups I get the following error in ssoconfig: Got exception: com.lawson.lawsec.authen.LSFSecurityAuthenException:Got exception while listHTTPEndPointGroup for Error when listing all HTTP Endpoint Group in LDAP. Message {2}. Stack Trace : com.lawson.lawsec.authen.LSFSecurityAuthenException:Got exception while listHTTPEndPointGroup for Error when list...
1 3677 0
by Kwane McNeal

LS9 CheckLS madatory with 10.x      

Started By  Mark F. Hardy
I came across an article of July 9, 2013 on regarding LS will now become mandatory () with 10.x .  It mentioned having to create a new security class allowing all access and applying it to our SysAdmin users.  Currently our Admin users have LS = NO and assigned a role named SUPERADMINROLE.  Not sure if turning LS on once we go to 10.x will limit them too much as I unsure what this role contains.  I cannot find the article; anyone remember this article  Thanks.
2 3689 0
by Mark F. Hardy

Securing Jobs and Print manager      

Started By  andrew
We have a role built that successfully prevents users from seeing another user jobs...But we still need to prevent a user from deleting their own jobs or jobs in 'needs recovery'...this is the security class we have built.
1 3814 0
by Kate Liamero

Data Security for HR170      

Started By  Rick Pearl
We are trying to limit the results of the HR170 rport to specific departments. We have several departments per process level and would like to further limit the department.  For Process Level x, we have departments x, y and z. would like the report to only contain department y.  When a user runs HR170, the PROCLEVEL element group limits the data in the report to Process Level x but contains all three departments. I've written rules on the DEPTCODE table so the Department dropdown in HR170 onl...
0 4098 0

LS9 File Security      

Started By  Bob S
In order to use forms we need to provide access to the files obviously.  Our initial idea was to provide all files needed for the area the user was in (HR needs HR, BN, PR,PA, etc).  The issue is that we have quite a few users with add-ins.  Are we opening ourselves to issues with Add-in queries allowing indirect access to data we might want secured  The upload wizard uses the forms that the user is restricted to, but query seems to provide access to any file they have access to. I guess...
1 3597 0
by Carl.Seay

User Attribute for ADDINS on V8 iSeries      

Started By  Ron Swanson
Lawson V8.1, iSeries, off support.  Original support staff long gone. I have limited knowledge of Lawson, though very familiar with iSeries. Need to add authority for new user to access ADDINS for Office.  I have limited knowledge of security admin, but have defined new users and assigned to groups. ADDINS and User Config manuals (Windows and Unix - no iSeries versions around) refer to an Attribute to assign.  Have searched through documents, screens, tables and just can't f...
3 3945 1
by Ron Swanson


Started By  Xin Li
Is it possible and how to create structure in such a way that two nodes inherit same node below
0 4176 0

Process Level Security when using Add-ins (query)      

Started By  Erin
Can I restrict add-ins query by process level, which is defined in Lawson Security
0 4065 0

LSF9 report      

Started By  TJ Mann
if i double post, please accept my apology. i'd like to write a report to get: SecClassName    AttrType    ObjName    Access APINQUIRE        TKN            AP10.1        P,I,N ACINQUIRE        GPM            AC10.1        ALL_ACCESS anyone has some sample that would like to share or tell me where to get this record. I know it's in Infor|Lawson LDAP.
2 4215 0
by TJ Mann

Infor's 30 character limit for domain\userid      

Started By  imjulian
Because of Infor 10 on windows has a 30-character limit on domain\userid field, this is causing issues for users whose domain\userid exceeds the 30-character limit. Infor support's advice is to reduce the domain name characters. Any one has any other suggestions because reducing the domain name is not an option for us.   Thanks,
0 4408 0

Hide TAXID on AP10 with certain roles      

Started By  Mark F. Hardy
Is it possible to hide TAXID on AP10 based on certain roles
2 3875 0
by Al

Mass Add/Remove a Role in Lawson Security      

Started By  MCordero
Is it possible to mass remove a role in Lawson Security  We have over 3500 users that have it and only about 50 or so should.
3 5506 0
by MCordero
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