Forum: Smart Notification

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Smart Notes Owner      

Started By  George Graham
Never had to deal with this until now - can smart notes only be edited (other than through the Content Manager) by one person - the owner It appears that only the person flagged as the smart note owner can edit or change the smart note - so if someone else needed to come in behind they would have to transfer the ownership to themselves and then be able to do the edits. Is this true as far as anyone else had checked
6 102857 0
by Ian Abel

Application Links      

Started By  Robby
Do you have some time to help a 'rookie' I've built lots of Smart Notes, but have never incorporated an application link. Let's say I build a simple notification based on HR11 information and I want the Details link to take the recipient to HR11, already inquired on the company/employee in the row from the infoset. When I build the infoset, and get to step 3 adding an application link, there are 4 items to add, Name (just create a name for the link), Class (URL), Tag -this is the major par...
4 94862 1
by brainet

Smart Notes - Resources      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, I need to know if there is a comprehensive User Guide, or some other in-depth guides for Smart Notes out there. I have a book from Lawson, 'Smart Notification User and Administration Guide', but it does not cover nearly the detail I am constantly seeking on a regular basis. Where's a chapter about schedules Where's a list of all the Conditions within a Smart Note and examples of what they do Can a Smart Note send you the 'Before' when comparing two items Can a Smart Note template have a ...
1 94470 1
by Denise L.

Burst Smart Notes - Not all delivered      

Started By  Robby
LBI ver. We just went live with this, and the only Smart Note that is supposed to deliver, failed to go to everyone! Here's what I have: 1 InfoSet, approx 12,000 rows of data. To be burst on the supervisors' email address (in the dataset). Some received, some did not (there should have been 244 notifications sent). Is there a setting somewhere that limits this Any thoughts way it would not go to everyone I've already ruled out bad email ad...
10 98619 3
by Robby

Burst Smart Notes - Not all delivered      

Started By  Robby
LBI ver. We just went live with this, and the only Smart Note that is supposed to deliver, failed to go to everyone! Here's what I have: 1 InfoSet, approx 12,000 rows of data. To be burst on the supervisors' email address (in the dataset). Some received, some did not (there should have been 244 notifications sent). Is there a setting somewhere that limits this Any thoughts way it would not go to everyone I've already ruled out bad email ad...
4 92126 1
by Robby

Smart Notes - Scheduler not working      

Started By  Robby
Smart Note goes out OK when manually triggered and the scheduler is setup correctly. But, nothing! Scheduler says it went, Delivered Alert History says it didn't, and Activity says nothing. This is a new implementation and there is only one scheduled notification. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find out why this is happening (NOT happening!) Thanks in advance, -Robby
2 94289 0
by Lisa

Smart Notes - access RM data      

Started By  timbomom
Hi.. Need to access RM data for email address within a smart note. Is the RM data stored in a Lawson database in a different schema, if so, which one Thanks in advance, Pat
1 94547 0
by Carl.Seay

Smart Note using Excel      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, I am thinking way outside the box here, but I am wondering if Smart Notes can be create using an Excel file as a Data Source Here is why I am asking: HR tracks annual reviews on a spreadsheet before they are uploaded to Lawson. HR goes through this spreadsheet manually, looks for incomplete reviews and reaches out to the manager. If there was a way to deliver a Smart Note to managers based on criteria in the master spreadsheet (e.g. Column labeled 'Review competed' is...
1 97726 1
by Dave Curtis

Change Ownership of Smart Note      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, Is there a way to change the ownership of a Smart Note Let's say someone leaves unexpectedly, or there is a shift in role responsibilities, etc...I'd like to know: 1. How someone can change ownership of someone else's Info Set and Smart Note to themselves. 2. How someone can change ownership of their own their Info Set and Smart Note to someone else. I found one forum post called 'Smart Note Owner' . This forum post addressed how to subscribe to another person's Smart ...
3 96603 2
by thummel1

Deliver to 2 Email Sources      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, We have a Smart Note that contains a column for the employee's email address and the Manager's email address. Currently, the Smart Note is set up to deliver to the column that the Supervisor's email address resides in. We'd like to also deliver this Smart Note to the employee's email address that is in the employee email address column. Is it possible to burst this Smart Note using 2 different columns fromour Info Set (SUPV_EMAIL, and EMPLOYEE_EMAIL) The goal is to avoid cre...
1 99237 2
by Dave Curtis

Syntax for combining Data Fields      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, I'm looking for the right syntax to combine 2 data fields with a semi-colon as the separator. It's 2 email address fields. I would expect the data field to look like this:; I was going to see if I could burst my smart note to these two email addresses from one data field. Before I can try it, I built my SQL in SQL Developer for Oracle and it looks like this: EMPLOYEE_1.EMAIL_ADDRESS ||';'|| EMPLOYEE.E...
3 99938 3
by Dave Curtis

Smart Note with CSV file      

Started By  brainet
I am wanting to setup a Smart Note with a dataset of selected records and a second one that is from a csv file. The csv file will have the different email address I want the SN to go to. How would I tied the two infosets together where each record in the first infoset could be sent to each of the email address in the second infoset I am trying to just change the csv file and not have to remove and add new devices when a person leaves the company.:D
2 98318 2
by Dave Curtis

Name Changes      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, I have a name change Smart Note that I am testing for functionality. One thing I noticed is that whenever someone's name changes from all capital letters to lowercase letters, or vice versa, it triggers this record to appear on the Smart Note. (We have a process where some groups of individuals need to be listed as all caps and some don't, and sometimes their role changes, thus we'll change them from all capital letters to non and vice versa). How can I stop the Smart Note f...
2 97874 2
by The.Sam.Groves

Smart Notes - Message Box      

Started By  Robby
Obviously, I've never used this! Does anyone out there use the message box Can you tell me about it
0 4078 0

Display numeric as time      

Started By  thummel1
I am working on a smart note. There are 2 numeric columns designed to display in/out punches that will eventually come over in the Smart Note. One column has 'in' punches and the other has 'out' punches. When the table was designed, these columns were not formatted like hh:mm. They were formatted as numbers, no decimals. So the 'in' punch will look like 701 and the 'out' punch will look like 1150 (example). Question: The end user wants to view these numbers like hh:mm. I am trying to thi...
4 95864 3
by thummel1

Info Set and Letter Template?      

Started By  thummel1
Is it possible to have an Info Set included in your Smart Note as well as a letter template We would like to include a letter to each manager, and below it the list of employees they need to see that the Info Set picked up. Thanks!
0 4384 1

Future Dated Scheduled      

Started By  thummel1
I recall scheduling a Smart Note a few weeks ago to update and process effective 6/26, but now I do not see it in the Schedule Editor, making me wonder if I didn't schedule it after all But when I attempt to add the schedule again, I get a message that says a schedule already exists with that name, so where could it be Are we unable to view future dated schedules in Smart Notes
0 4429 1

Setting Default Delivery Device after User Device Import      

Started By  Matt Gordon
I have successfully imported user devices and they show up under Manage Content > Devices but I do not know how to set the device as the default for the user. I have used the group subscribe and it works to add the subscriber but only those that have set their default receive the notification. On the others, if I have them log in, their default device is not set to anything. Is there a way to force these imported devices to be the default from the Admin perspective
1 97029 0
by Matt Gordon

Run weekly, compare annually      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, I recently learned that a Smart Note we have set up to run on a weekly schedule to look for new keys in the HR07 table is not being used. This is because there is a lot of in and out maintenance that happens in this table. For example, an employee is added to this table on a temporary basis to help cover while a manager is out of the office for various reason, or perhaps to cover because a manager has left. This has been causing employees to re-appear because the Smart Note sees th...
0 4399 1

Info Set Error      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, I built a query that contains a sub-query in SQL Developer. The query executes just fine in SQL Developer. When I paste this SQL into my Info Set in LBI TEST, I get this screen that prompts that says 'enter parameter values' and contains multiple rows of the data fields that are in my headers. I don't have any parameters build into my SQL so I am not sure what in my SQL could trigger this message prompt. I tried to attached a word doc of the error as well as Any suggestions a...
3 93347 2
by thummel1

XML Smart Note      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, I am looking to build a Smart Note where the data would need to be converted to an XML format. I saw there are a couple XML options when I go to Notifications, and click on 'Related Info', then go to 'Formatting Template'. There is: XML via HTTP XML via SMTP Has anyone formatted a Smart Note in XML format before and if so, how has that worked for you Curious to know if there are any setup tips I should be aware of if attempting to set up a Smart Note this way Th...
0 4293 1

Schedule is missing      

Started By  thummel1
Hi all, I have 3 schedules set up in Schedule Administration that cannot be viewed for editing or deleting. I know they are set up because when I attempt to add another one with the same name I receive a message that says 'A schedule with the same name already exists'. Has anyone experienced this before and if so, how did you remedy I was wondering if there was a limit to the number of schedules that appear on a page, as I do have many, but there is not a 'page 2' option...
0 4429 1

Two recipients for a single SmartNote email      

Started By  Steve Erdman
I frequently hear the complaint, 'I didn't get that SmartNote'. Sure, I can go into the delivered history and produce a screen print of which SmartNotes were sent, the dates and the recipient's email address, but I cannot view the *content* of what was sent (which would also be great if anyone knows of a way to do that), nor can I say that the email was actually *delivered*. Sure, I can use a UNION query in the Infoset and produce two separate rows and two separate emails with the same content...
6 94918 0
by Steve Erdman

Duplicate Row Info Set      

Started By  thummel1
Greetings, I have an Info Set that is designed to deliver a Smart Notification to managers when employees are due for various required exams. It has Employee ID, Exam Type, Due Date and manager email. There is one employee that has 2 unique Exam Types due on the same day for the same manager. When I update the info set, the Info Set ignores attempt to create a duplicate record, which is excluding one of the Exam Types for this one employee, but this is clearly not a duplicate record beca...
3 97857 2
by thummel1

Reporting from LBI Tables      

Started By  Robby
I've created 2 listings reports, one lists all our InfoSets and the other lists all our Notifications (Alerts). I've looked everywhere in the LBI tables and can't seem to find where I can link these 2 lists I would have thought there would be some data (such as 'metadata id') in the notification data fields that would tell me which InfoSet is being used by a Notification (Alert). Has anyone figured this out
3 99372 0
by Greg Moeller
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