Forum: Smart Notification

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Hide condition text in notification table?      

Started By  George Graham
Anyone know a way to hide the condition text at the footer of the table on a smart note I had thought of a 'cheat' way to do it by making the text the same color as the background on a template for the footer but can't find a standard way to do it. Is it possible to create our own class and make that accessible I'm guessing so by putting it in the rendering xml - not that I really want to go down that path yet.
5 98793 0
by Tim

Measures on a Condition      

Started By  Ellen Bats
I have build an Infoset for the orderlines. After that I what a Smart Note with the detail information. However the detail information is a condition. In the Smart Note I have also a counting for the total amount by facility. When I look at the result of the Smart Note I saw that the detail information is correct. But when I verify the total amount by facility the result is not correct. The result of the measure is based on the INFOSET and not on the CONDITION. How get I the right resu...
12 98775 0
by Ellen Bats

Just Started Learning Smart Notifications      

Started By  ric9d
Hello, I am reading thru the Smart Notification User and Admin guide to learn but its not very intuitive, and Im having a hard time with it. Does any have or know a link for beginners to get us started. A step by step creating one will be great. Thanks!
14 87192 0
by ric9d

Smart Note name change      

Started By  BarbaraS
Hi, I'm brand new to Smart Notes and hoping I can get some direction. I have a request from payroll to be notified when an employee's name changes. If I set up a smart note with the 'has new items' condition it does include the name changes, but also includes all new employees which they do not want. How can I show only name changes of existing employees without all of the new hires And assuming there is a way to do that - can I show the old name in addition to the new name Thank yo...
12 100361 0
by thummel1

Error in scheduling the SN burst      

Started By  Vishnu Priya
Hi All, I am trying to schedule a Smart notification that is burst to send the details of the employees. Here is the scenario. Step 1 I have created an infoset Company property New items in Data from Company Properties EMPLOYEE FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR CODE EMAIL_ADDRESS 257220 HALINA LINCOLN 79101 NS-NSGPMG KEYS Step 2 : I have created a notification property and I have burst the noot...
0 4488 0

SN Data source wizard shows blank page with java exception      

Started By  SHCR
When I click on the edit action in the Smart Notes data source the screen is blank with the yellow triangle with exclamation mark in the browser status bar. I couldn't find any information on this error message on mylawson. Does anyone know how to resolve this error SN Version: 9-0-4-1-131 When I click on the error the message is Webpage error details Message: Access is denied. Line: 10 Char: 3 Code: 0 URI: https://server:9443/lsn/script/IOSCalls.js ...
3 91372 0

Smart Notes - Set scheduler to not run if scheduled time has passed      

Started By  SueS
When LBI was down and it came back up our Smart Notes started to run even though the time they were scheduled to kick off was earlier in the evening and their scheduled start time had passed by the time LBI was back up. We had a Lawson beeper coverage consultant during this time who said there was a way to set up the smart notes so when the scheduler runs it will not kick off the smart note is the date and time that they were to run has passed. He said there should also be a way that we ...
3 93945 0
by SueS

user id added to SN makes it not work as requested      

Started By  SueS
We have smart notes for showing before and after changes to dependent records. The fields on the smart note are employee , relationship, dependent name, ss, birthdate, and disability flag. Now a request was made to add the user id so they could see who changed the record. I can't get the smart notes to work correctly with the addition of the user id field which is defined as an attribute. It is showing up in the before part of the report because the user id has changed - it...
5 94695 0
by Matthew Nye

Configure SN JDBC connection      

Started By  Xin Li
Anyone know how to configure JDBC connection to back end Oracle database Do I need to install Oracle JDBC drive on LBII server or not
11 98928 0
by Xin Li

No Facts to select in wizard      

Started By  B. Smith
I created a new Infoset and tested that it is working with the sample button. I get the data fields that I want. I open the notifications wizard, search for my infoset, find my infoset and click the 'Facts' select button. The window pops open and is blank. I had some items bound to a content and some are blank (I'm new to SN). Did I miss a connection setting or a bind somewhere
4 98274 0
by B. Smith

Query Syntax      

Started By  B. Smith
We found blank entries for users in our CheckLS field. I've pulled the LDAP into SN to build a report to check for this in the future. I need to figure out the syntax for; CheckLS=NULL, or CheckLS YES or NO The query language for SN appears to be SQL, but I'm not getting the correct syntax for this. Does anyone have a cheat sheet for query syntax *I checked the SNUG install/admin guide, but there is no guidance* Thanks
2 99346 0
by Matthew Nye

Update & Process with Parameter?      

Started By  David Williams
Is there a way to pass a parameter within the URL to Update & Process your Smart Notification so only the data matching that parameter (like Company) is processed in the Note
1 97237 0
by John Henley

Usage of Smart Notifications for HR activities/transcations      

Started By  TBonney
Please forgive me if you've already seen this same post in the HR forum! (I wanted to post it in both in case appropriate readers were not subscribed to both forums...) Does anyone use Smart Notifications for HR activities We are on Windows platform, running Lawson 9.0.1.x (environment & apps) and are licensed for LBI, but do not presently use Smart Notifications. We'd like to find out how useful other organizations have found Smart Notifications to be, especially with regards to ...
4 87421 0
by TBonney

Javascript in SmartNote Template      

Started By  Randall
Hi all, We have a user that is looking to have an altered delivery of his SmartNote to include checkboxes and other items that he can use when he prints out records, in addition to being able to print out one record per page (the important piece). I've been able to create a new master template with some Javascript to accomplish most of it, but have hit a problem when trying to recursively run through the records returned. Using the Template Tokens, I can get the number of rows ret...
2 98513 0
by Randall

Smartnote formatting in Outlook 2010      

Started By  Jess O.
Smartnote tables look fine in IE but don't look that great in Outlook 2010 (since it uses the Word html renderer). You can see in the image below that the table header and the detail rows extend out past the end of the table. Has anyone come up with a way to modify the templates to make smartnotes look a little better in Outlook 2010 If I change the source to have the correct number of columns in the colspan of the header, the table looks fine in Outlook 2010, but I don't believe I can control ...
1 88003 0
by Matthew Nye

Templates and Smart Notes      

Started By  thummel1
I have a smart note. I also have a template I created to pull the data from the smart note into the template, so when it's emailed to the user, they get a nice customized letter with all their data. This worked just fine yesterday. I made a couple changes to the template and BAM. Now the template is not picking up any of the data from the Smart Note! Steps I've taken to diagnose are: I've done a preview of my SQL and it's picking up all required data. I also viewed the Notification 'S...
2 99334 0
by thummel1

Add Logo to template?      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, I have a template that's used to display the information from a smart notification. In the template, I have html code to bring in our company logo; however, that logo is saved in one of my file folders. That's not an efficient way of getting the logo into the template. What if I change roles or leave the organization someday Then the path to the logo would become obscolete. My preference would be to save the logo somewhere with the Smart Notification tool, and paste that loc...
3 96247 0
by The.Sam.Groves

Instructions Token      

Started By  Dave Lis
I have a smart note and in the instructions token of the notification I want to say, ‘Dear ’ My infoset has the employee.first and last names but I can’t seem to get them in the instructions. Does anyone know if I'm able to populate the instruction token with variables from an infoset Thank you.
2 57709 0
by Dave Lis

Creating a condition - select from these columns      

Started By  LisaP
I am trying to create a SN that will show me new job codes added and job codes inactivated in Lawson, and am having trouble setting up the condition to show me the inactivated job codes. The closest condition I've been able to come up with so far is 'Tell me if: Data from Active Job Codes List has deleted items'. My infoset shows three items: job code, job title, and status, so if any one of the data items changes it will show up in the notification. What I end up with is any job code that ha...
2 93452 0
by LisaP

Is there a way - SN to printer      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Instead of delivery to an email address, is there a way to configure a smart notification to deliver to a printer Any help would be appreciated, -Greg
4 99125 0
by Greg Moeller

Smart Notification Scheduling Not Working      

Started By  maalimsimo
My organization intends to start using SN. I set up my test Infoset and tried to schedule it to no avail. I do receive the report delivered through my e-mail when I hit 'Process'. but the scheduleing part has failed to work for me. The 'Add Job Schedule' page seems simple enough, and for the 'Select Job Function' I selected the 'Update/Process Infoset' to be processed 'Hourly' all week days. I named the Job Schedule name ans hit 'Save'. Nothing happens thereafter,. Has anyone encountered ...
6 82839 0
by maalimsimo

could not save infosets      

Started By  imjulian
When I modify an infoset and try to save it it takes me to a problem report page with the following error message: 'Unable to create the InfoSet Description. Unmatched braces in the pattern.' Any body has ever come across this type of error Thanks
4 85044 0
by imjulian

EmailMonitorServlet functionality      

Started By  Rick McCahan
We occasionally have email SmartNotes that bounce to our catch-all mailbox. We would like to have an automated process monitor this mailbox and notify us that there was a problem. I found mention of the Email Monitor, but cannot find documentation on what it does or how it works beyond that it updates an activity log. Does it delete bounces from the mailbox after it processes them Does it ignore messages that didn't start out as SmartNotes Is what it writes to the activity log suffi...
0 3703 0

How can I supress the dark blue SmartNote header      

Started By  Jan
Hello Each SmartNote that I create with a table includes a dark blue banner located just above the table that displays information about the Infoset the table comes from, plus any filters involved with the SmartNote. We'd like to supress this and I'm guessing an option may exist to do that, but I haven't seen anything documented. Does anyone have any ideas Please see attached.
4 94504 0
by Jan

Smart Note-Looking for new Keys      

Started By  thummel1
I have a Smart Note set up intended to capture only the supervisors that are newly added to the HR07 screen in Lawson. The Infoset has many data fields, but only one is set up as a 'Key', which is the Employee ID. All the rest are attributes. The Smart Notification is set up to notify me when the data from my Info Set 'Has New Keys'. Also, in Step 4 of my Smart Note (Related Info), I have 'do not display' checked for the 'Data' from my Info Set, and I have 'Default' set for the new Keys in the ...
0 4306 0
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