Forum: Lawson S3 Supply Chain

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Item Attributes      

Started By  JonA
Does anyone have some clear instructions on how to build attributes for items  What MX and IC screens do I need access to What are the steps to building item attributes, or anything supply chain related
8 4786 1
by Stephanie

Conversion Factor in IC11 UOM tab      

Started By  Bev Edwards
I need to change a conversion factor on an item and I'm getting an error 'Conversion information inaccurate'. I need to change it so that our HL7 interface picks up the item and filters the correct charge to our Meditech ORM system. I discovered the same issue with a few other items as well. I have a couple of screen shots attached. Has anyone ever ran into this problem before
16 7595 1
by JonA

MSCM Location Labels for issues      

Started By  Dave Humphrey
I work at a small community hospital in central PA.  We just installed and converted to Lawson v 10.0.3.  I am right in the middle of activating the MSCM piece of it (on a minor scale).  One of the functions is to issue from the handhelds.  A part of doing that is identifying the area that you are issuing to with a 'location label'.  It's just a barcode that identifies which department you are going to issue the items to.  We cannot get the handheld to recognize that barcode.  Has anyone had a p...
7 4615 0
by Dave Humphrey

RQ512 PO-EDI 850 Requisition Interface      

Started By  mwilliamson
The PO-EDI 850 Req Interface states that it lets you import EDI 850 transactions, but then goes on to say the RQ512 looks for an HL7 file.  The specs for the HL7 file are so different from the EDI 850 file format.  Am I missing something
1 3415 0
by Kat V

IC42.1 in version 10.0.3      

Started By  Dave Humphrey
We converted to Lawson in March, so there is a lot of learning still going on.  However, we are looking for an easy screen for on hand inventory (besides drilling on the item) and we were told to use IC42.1.  The problem is that is does not seem to work.  Has anyone else had this issue  Any other suggestions  Thanks so much for your help.
5 2923 0
by TerryL

PO30 stop printing open lines      

Started By  Dave Humphrey
Is anyone aware of a way to stop the open/back orders from printing on each receiver after a PO30 transaction is completed using version 10.0.3  Thanks so much for any advice.
1 3032 0
by Dave Humphrey

Using MULTIPLES on a PO line      

Started By  Sheri
Does anyone use the 'MULTIPLE' function on a PO line The delivery ticket only prints the accounts, but does not print how many to deliver to ea account. Does anyone use this function and what 'work arounds' if any have you found Thanks for any input, Sheri
6 3576 1
by Sheri

Consignment items / EDI      

Started By  Bev Edwards
Does anyone know how a Consignment order type and lot/serial number would be built into EDI Would this be a separate transaction set
1 3334 1
by Kat V

Question - Cost Messages      

Started By  Bev Edwards
Is it possible to place a $$$ limit on answering cost messages
3 6281 0
by Mike Bernhard

Quantity change on a PO      

Started By  Joanne Bloom
Currently using Lawson S3 Version 10.0.3....when you have a quantity matching issue, what do you folks out there do on the PO  If the vendor is billing for a different quantity and you really received that quantity do you change the PO or not   If not, wouldn't that give you inaccurate data when looking at usage for an item  Thank you for any responses.
4 4008 0
by Sheri

Contract Management - Rebates      

Started By  Jordan
Does anyone use the rebates option in Contract Management  We have only been using CM minimally for about a year but would like to start using other functions it offers.  Tips, suggestions, or any info that can be provided about the rebates section or anything in CM, would be great.  Thanks!
0 3405 0

Data flow from Lawson to Meditech ORM      

Started By  Bev Edwards
I added some new items about a week ago and made some vendor\product number changes to some others. The cost information for the new items did not flow over to our Meditech system. The new price for the items that were changed was not available when orders were being placed. After a little reading, I realized I had to Release the Vendor agreement (PO25.6) for the items that were changed. Is the Release action the same thing that would need to be done in order for ...
0 4561 0

Infor SCE      

Started By  Leslie
Anybody out there using Infor SCE  Just wondering what challenges you may have experienced with it and using ION to integrate it with Lawson. Thanks in advance...
0 3672 0

PO134 Report Distribution      

Started By  JonA
I have a two-step job set up to process the 856- MA531 and PO134.  It works fine but when I look at the job log for the PO134 step I see this:             Elapsed Time . . . . . .:  00:03:59             ERROR:  Could Not Distribute Report Name /lawson/lawprod/law/print/jdathey/856process/2/away.                     Report File Was Not Found On Disk, /lawson/lawprod/law/print/jdathey/856process/2/away             ERROR:  Could Not Distribute Report Name /lawson/lawprod/law/pri...
1 3531 0
by Kat V

S3 Hold Code Management - in IC12      

Started By  Matthew P
Hello, We are currently working on integrating Lawson S3 with a distribution center (large, and complex) which will run SCE. In the warehosue we manage holds by location and item for a variety of reasons, damage, recall, inventory discrepancy, intransit etc, so that the inventory is unavailable to allocate until it is efficient to do so and run the picking logic. By holding our allocatable inventory on the S3 side in the logical IC12 location with inventory tracking, we need to man...
0 3505 0

IC81 upload      

Started By  Sheri
Has anyone attempted an IC81 upload using Lawson Addins Please see the attached screenshot of my upload, I am receiving error message regarding the location. I beleive the problem lies with the fields (from company, from location) within the 'MORE' tab.
6 5789 0
by Sheri

Lot Tracking and Requisitions      

Started By  JonA
We're batting around the idea of lot tracking for some of the Cath Lab inventory items.  I was playing in our test system and set an item to lot tracking at receipt.  Everything seemed to work as expected- I had to enter the lot and exp date upon adding the receiver and also when issuing the item in IC21.  But when I created a requisition, ran WH130 and finished and released the shipment in WH32, Lawson didn't require any lot entry.  Am I missing something
2 3557 0
by JonA

All PO's issued to a particular vendor      

Started By  Bev Edwards
Is there a way to search in Lawson to see all PO's that have been issued for a particular vendor
2 4777 0
by The Alchemist

Order of operation for items      

Started By  Bev Edwards
I understand that if you inactivate an item in PO13.3, it automatically places a hold on the item in PO25.6. Does it matter if you follow this order OR is ok to place the hold on the item in PO25.6 first w/o going to PO13.3
7 3429 1
by JonA

Lawson RQC - Inquire action      

Started By  Bev Edwards
While a user is logged into Lawson RQC, would they be able to view a requisition created by a different user from the Inquiry option on the main page My user is able to inquire on reqs she has created, however she would like to be able to view requisitions her co-worker has created so that she can release her reqs if she is out of the office. She can currently see her own, but no one else's. Is this something that can be granted via LS9 security See attached for screen shot exa...
4 4297 0
by Bev Edwards

Customized Pick ticket      

Started By  Sheri
Hi, has anyone customized the pick tickets If you have, what are the issues you run into What was the cost Do upgrades overwrite these changes Thanks for any input - thoughts. Sheri
4 3684 0
by Sheri

Inventory Valuation for non-perpetual location      

Started By  Bev Edwards
Is anyone willing to share how they process Inventory Valuation for non-perpetual location We are currently running Crystal reports to pull in the pricing, UOM, etc. We then export the report that our GOR staff use as count sheets. Any help would be appreciated! Bev
3 3596 0
by sea2sky

Lawson advice needed - MSCM and handhelds      

Started By  Den
Any advice is appreciated and sorry for all the questions in one post.  I have many... The hospital where I work is looking become more 'green'...  meaning to become as paperless as possible.  We are looking to implement pulling our requisitions through MSCM.  Does anyone have any problems you have encountered that may help us to watch  Our ultimate goal is to use our handheld devices for as many functions as we can.  We would also like to improve on our order picking accuracy. In...
6 7625 0
by Kat V

Changing Manufacturer codes      

Started By  Bev Edwards
I have recently found several duplicates of manufacturer codes as well as several versions of manufacturer codes/divisions. For instance, we have 8 JJ codes, 7 of which have different divisions. For JJ/MITE we also have a DEPU/MITE. Depuy Mitek is a division of JJ, so we don't need both manufacturer codes. Easy enough to clean up in Lawson, but here's the issue. Many of our Lawson items interface to our Meditech ORM. For implants specifically, the IT and OR teams do n...
3 4799 0
by JonA

INR Lawson Form      

Started By  Bev Edwards
What is the Lawson form for the INR
4 6014 0
by JonA
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