Forum: Lawson S3 Supply Chain

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Inventory Control Method      

Started By  Robert
Will Lawson support Perpetual and Par Level inventory control  How is control method changed or configured.   Which programs would have to be modified if a control method needs to be implemented
18 52891 0
by Matthew P

MSCM Pre-Requisite list      

Started By  Mashry
We are going to implementing MSCM, So I need to know the Pre-Requisite list especially types of software such as Labeling Software Barcode Software are those need to be buy or Lawson has those program.
3 3902 0
by Deleted User

Rejected Outbound transaction      

Started By  Bev Edwards
Has anyone ever seen this error before I am looking at the reject, but do not know what field is missing the required information.
10 3490 0
by Kat V

IC11 look up tool      

Started By  TerryL
Does anyone have some kind of query tool that will show a brief desctiption of an item master item. Enter the and get description, 2nd description, Stock UOM, at the least. I am looking for a tool that can be put on our company home page so that Managers looking at their GL290 report can enter an item number and get a brief description of the item. I don't want to give them query access to IC11. I just want to give them a simple tool that is easy to use. Thanks. Te...
4 3564 0
by Kat V

EPIC and patient charge interface with Lawson      

Started By  DavidV
We're installing EPIC for our clinical application.  One of the issues is tracking usage.  We are looking at using the patient charge module in Lawson.  Is anyone else using the patient charge module and POU(Point of Use)  Is POU needed  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
0 5010 0


Started By  DanE
We currently have IC11 and PO13 locked down to a team of 4; however, there is an executive push to grant access to add/change/delete items to our 11 buyers. What are your opinions of decentralizing access for the item master and vendor item
5 7005 1
by Kat V

EDI - INVOICE_TYPE record      

Started By  Bev Edwards
Is the GHXvendor_INVOICE_TYPE ED40 record necessary I had a conversation with a Lawson rep a year or so ago who indicated that the PROCESS_LEVEL records were no longer needed (we still have ours in place, though). I thought he also mentioned that the Invoice_Type records weren't needed, but I wanted to check first. Bev
0 3051 0

MSCM POU Nursing      

Started By  Veleria
POU Nursing configuration question:  When an item is out of stock in a par location – how can I configure POU Nursing to allow a user to go to another PAR location to get the item and search for the patient on another unit to appropriately scan the item to that patient.  Is there a way to allow a par location the ability to search for a patient that is in another location
0 3859 0


Started By  Kodi L
We have orders going directly to backorder without us seeing them and so we don't know they are out there and cannot respond. How can we deal with this  We want to see every item on an order when we go to pull it regardless of whether it is backordered or not.  when our distribution techs are using their handheld mobile supply units and are pulling the orders we want them to see the backorder items at that point as they are standing at the shelves pulling orders
1 5771 0
by Kat V

MSCM - RAD - Vendor type Misc. Receiving      

Started By  Bev Edwards
When choosing the RAD module via our hand held device, we are selecting the Misc. Receiving option. We are then asked to choose a location (we are in Test and only 1 location is set up right now). At that point, we get a message saying that there is no carrier associated with the company. We found direction in the MSCM RAD user guide, however we want to know if there is any impact to AP10 and/or PO10 since vendors filter over from our Lawson server which 'talks' to our MSCM server. ...
1 4391 0
by StephanieD

2-BIN Kanban solution      

Started By  Bev Edwards
Does anyone know if the 2-Bin Kanban solution can be configured with MSCM so that when one bin location is depleted, the bar code label can be scanned and will automatically order the depleted amount from the total par
2 7355 0
by Red

Error msg - Warning: Item Desc. from item master      

Started By  Bev Edwards
We are using a PO20 Lawson add in to archive receipt PO lines that are on our RNI report. We are receiving a message 'Warning:Item description from item master' We looked at one of the items in IC11 and the description matches what we see in PO20. Does anyone know what to fix in order to correct this
5 3341 0
by Bev Edwards

MA126 report - Cannot match, no receipts available to match      

Started By  Bev Edwards
We received the message Cannot match, no receipts available to match when running our MA126 report. We want to be able to pull information out of Lawson that is tied to the specific POs and or Invoices that received this error message. Is there a Lawson table that collects this information so that I can link to the po's or invoices that received the message
0 5355 0

EDI - Outbound file failed/rec'd STACK TRACE      

Started By  Bev Edwards
We were able to connect with the GHX server, but the send failed. I attached a partial screen shot...
2 3020 0
by Bev Edwards

Gas Demurrage      

Started By  Stephanie
How are your Portable gas’s managed o   Is your Demurrage (tank rental) separate from your gas billing o   Ordering from the company – Do you utilize EDI, fax, email or phone in to the company, to replenish Gas’s o Do you have offsite delivery locations or directs for Gas’s o Are those areas handled differently o   Are stock or non-stock numbers assigned for your fast movers o Are any of your Gas’s managed in Stock – if so how, and is this working well for you o   How are your dep...
0 3460 0

Reprocess of failed Invoice      

Started By  Bev Edwards
The file containing the I/B I want to reprocess is in the file directory I have designated in the ED502, however the ED502 is failing saying the file does not exist. I have a couple of screen shots attached, showing the existence of my file as well as the Job log showing the error. Not sure what I'm missing or what I'm doing wrong.
0 3444 0

Discharged patients in POU      

Started By  David Hazzard
A (Info/Lawson v10 POU) question regarding charging patients that have been discharged using POU. After a patient has been discharged, do they drop out of POU upon discharge We would like to keep them active somehow for 3 days post discharge so they can make sure all charges are entered. Does anyone know of any way we can do that without having to create “holding beds” in POU and transfer the patient to a “holding bed” for 3 days
0 3632 0


Started By  Bev Edwards
I need to know what Lawson form shows the contract expiration date.
6 3782 0
by JonA

MSCM - Upload Error      

Started By  Bev Edwards
Received an Upload Error on one of the items included in the bulk cart order. Message states 'No replenishment information found'. Has anyone ever seen this before or have any idea what causes it Bev
6 6209 0
by JonA

Time to implement POU      

Started By  Amanda Valcik
Can anyone share the amount of time it took to implement POU How many units was it implemented to use and were you already up on MSCM Any info, lessons learned, etc is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
0 3201 0

MSCM guns - usage / problems?      

Started By  Michelle Wetzel
We are using the 9190G and have 10 months to go on our 3 year service contract. We are quickly seeing more and more guns with issues: trigger not functional screen jumping IP address dropping randomly cracked screens (three different guns!) and sometimes just not picking up the wireless signal I'm curious as to what everyone else is using and what issues you've seen AND when in the lifecycle did you see them.  We had trigger issues very early on and then about a year of...
2 3091 0
by Bev Edwards

When Items are discontinued by a vendor...      

Started By  Bev Edwards
When an item is discontinued, should it be deleted from PO25.6 or placed on Hold What about PO13.3
8 5407 0
by JonA

Export PO15 data?      

Started By  lakilester
Our organization does not allow procurement templates to be locked using PO15.3. Is there a way to export PO15.1 data to Excel or another program in the event that a template gets deleted (which has happened before)
8 3850 0
by Kat V

Motorola MC75A Display Issue      

Started By  JonA
We have a Motorola MC75A that has a bad display.  I've tried warm booting, cold booting, leaving the battery out for 24 hours and I can't find a fix.  Has anyone else see this before See attached.  I'm hoping someone has a fix so I don't have to send it out for repair.
1 3151 0
by Bev Edwards

Balancing IC to GL tips/processes      

Started By  jlgonzal
Can anyone share how they go about balancing IC to GL
1 3082 0
by Kat V
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