Forum: Lawson S3 Supply Chain

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GLN Work Around      

Started By  Joanell
We are working on boarding more vendors using GLN but have been running into some snags. Mainly vendors who can only have 1 account per GLN (which is fine) but don't want to set up seperate accounts for suites etc in the same building. Here is my perdicament: We have multiple inventory locations within 1 building so on our PO's we need to use those unique values so the items know if they are inventory or non-stock. Each of these inventory locations have their own GLN but share a common...
3 3991 0
by Joanell

9.0.1.X Integrated Test Scripts      

Started By  RRogers
Good day All, I was hoping someone had some 9.0.1.X integrated test scripts.  I am working through our current test scripts and revising.  I was hoping someone out there would be willing to share their test scripts.  I am mainly looking for WH,WO, IC, RQ, and PO. Thanks Everyone!
0 3542 0

MSCM not HTTPS certified by Lawson (any workarounds)      

Started By  cindy MHSIL
We just found out in the 9th hour of our HTTPS project that HTTPS is NOT supported (certified) by Lawson.  In the installation documentation for MSCM it states it can be done but after it failes in testing (users can NOT login via supported Handhelds) we opened a ticket with Lawson.  They sent us several responces all detailing their appoligies for the confusion in the documentation.  But the bottom line they noted to us is 'It is NOT yet possible for MSCM ap0plication to use HTTPS'   There is n...
2 3504 0
by emkat

Vendor ship to account number      

Started By  Sheri
Currently we only have one account number listed in AP10 for a vendor. Is there a way to have different account/ship to numbers per vendor, based on what ship to location we are using on PO20 header
8 6150 0
by JonA

Pharmacy Inventory Control      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Hi!! Anyone out there using Lawson (or any other product/program) for Inventory Control Best practices, advice, etc, all appreciated. Cheers, -Greg
4 4969 0
by David Williams

Lawson Integration      

Started By  Elam
I would like to integrate Lawson System Foundation and Lawson Application to push the Contract file, Item Master file, Vendor Catalog file into Lawson system and retrieve Item Master, Invoice History, PO History, Vendor Master from Lawson System. Gurus please let me what is best way to develop a solution
6 5156 0
by Greg Moeller


Started By  Martin
I am working on trying to understand some inventory interface issues with EPIC, and was told that YD05 is where Lawson inventory data is coming from. Is this a custom interface or something I have never heard of YD anything and cannot find any info on it. In my (limited) experience, Lawson inventory data has come from IC12 inventory locations over an IC527 interface.  Thanks for any help!
1 3728 0
by Red

UOM Multiplier      

Started By  Metrazal
I have a situation where I need to convert a unit of measure down.  I need to buy 25 units and then have Lawson convert this down to a stocking unit of measure of 1.  Is this possible  Can I use a multiplier of .04 to achieve this  Any help would be appreciated. Example:  I buy 50 units of Product A from a vendor and when it is received into my inventory it is 'stocked' as 2 boxes. Thanks, Metrazal
6 5096 0
by Metrazal

Usage Identifier      

Started By  The Alchemist
While looking for ways to handle our revenue reconciliation, pertaining mainly to implants. I stumbled accross Usage Identifier in IC11. I think this was new to 9.1, we recently upgraded. This seems pretty handy, but I am wondering what are some of the benifits and are people using it It seems like a lot of work to back track and identify (is it worth it). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
1 3483 0
by Kat V

PO25 adding PO trailer record for terms/conditions      

Started By  Patricia
Has anyone been able to add a trailer record to print from PO25/PO229 I am able to add a comment which prints in the middle of the purchase order, but I need to have it to print as a trailer record on the purchase order. We have it set up like this on PO20. Lawson said there is not a way to do this currently, so that I would ask here. Thanks
2 3546 0
by Patricia

IC81 changes not updating in MSCM MPC      

Started By  F Rongione
We recently upgraded our Lawson environment to from  We are on MSCM MPC  After we did the environment upgrade, changes made to pars in IC81 stopped flowing over to the MSCM MPC pars.  Has anyone else had this problem  Lawson told us to purge ICAUDIT records to make this work.  We have purged a lot of records from ICAUDIT and the changes in IC81 are still not updating in the hand held.  Any ideas
6 4735 0
by The Alchemist

MSCM Dolphin 9700      

Started By  AndyS
We are looking to upgrade and expand our use of MSCM. We currently use old Symbol hand-held devices for approximately 10 users.  We are considering the dolphin 9700 handhelds when we expand to 85 users. Anybody have experience with these Dolphin devices  We will be testing a couple on our current setup. Thank you.
2 3933 0
by emkat

Inventory returned product process - Credits      

Started By  jlgonzal
Would anyone be willing to share how they process returned product to their inventory location
7 5198 0
by JonA

mscm_server.log Prematuer end of file error      

Started By  Donna Wirt
After upgrading to patch 10, and trying to upload counts, I received 2 errors in the mscm_server.log.  I'm wondering if these errors are related so if I resolve the first, will the second go away  If not, does anyone know how to resolve either or both of these errors Requester id not found for User:xxxxxxx. There are records in MSCM and RQ04.  And this: ERROR [com.lawson.mscm.platform.adapter.ags.OutboundSchedulable] Submitting messag...
1 4454 1
by John Henley

EDI error at random times      

Started By  slavo
We started getting errors in our EDI jobs, both inbound and outbound.  About halaf of the times EDI jobs run (via recdef) they complete fine but 1/2 the time we get errors like the one below.  This just started happening about 2 weeks ago, and NO nothing chganged in terms of Lawson or servers.  ANy ideas or suggestions on how to fix this 20130513113846,251,  ERROR NEOFTPGHX Communications FAILED 20130513113846,252,       ATTEMPTING CONNECTION TO 21 20130513113846,...
3 3689 0
by slavo

Exclude Items from a Requesting Location      

Started By  TerriS
Example: Our CSP department orders oxygen tanks from our Respiratory Department.  The Respiratory Department orders (and accepts the charges for) the tanks from the warehouse and then delivers them to CSP.  CSP would like to be able to use RQC to order tanks directly from the warehouse while subsequently charging them to Respiratory.  Respiratory will approve this action if we can assure them that CSP will be unable to order anything else under their cost code.  We can set up a new Requesting Lo...
7 5993 0
by TerriS

V10 MSCM and LSF Data      

Started By  Roger French
Without DSSO set up or working, for MSCM, is it possible for MSCM to pull in data (company, items, vendors, etc) from the LSF Productline If so, how can it be done I have tried tweaking the but nothing seems to work. Is there any other way to get the productline data to appear without DSSO setup I know too, without DSSO, that we have to create users 'not from portal'. I have been told that in version 9, it was possible to do it. But this is version 10.1...
0 4097 0

IC81.1 Copy Function      

Started By  Metrazal
I have an issue where if I copy a cart from another par location to another(IC81.1), I have mixed results.  The copy seems to work fine; everything seems to be listed properly after the copy.  However, my orders do not transmit properly for the cart I copied the information to after I make the change.  It works fine if I manually enter in each item and my current workaround is to copy from one cart and then go back into IC81.1 and 'press change items w/o making adjustments' on each item.  Am I m...
7 4515 0
by JohnP

Parsing out Lawson PO Header comments in crystal      

Started By  Lmanke
Has anyone had to parse out the PO Header comments from the L_HPCR table I have a crystal report that pulls out the PO Comments and prints them but they don't go into Excel very nicely.  I'm trying to parse these comments into separate fields but they are separated by the hex value for Carriage Return/Line Feed and so far I can't figure out how to get crystal to look for that.  Would rather not rewrite this in Cobol but if I have to I will.. just thought I would see if anyone else has do...
2 3688 0
by Lmanke

Item Add/Change Procedure Manual      

Started By  R Phillips
Does anyone have an Item Adds and Changes Procedure Manual they would be willing to share for Lawson 9.0.1 We are a fairly new department and I have 4 people that will be taking over parts of these duties. I was hoping to gleen some information from the Infor Knowledgebase, but the User Guide is really too technical. I am looking more for a 'How-To' guide for manually updating items in IC11, IC12, PO13, & PO25. I am already creating a document for Addins that we are customizing to our c...
5 3835 0
by Bev Edwards

Temperature Sensitive Items      

Started By  LSchulte
Is there a way to identify temperature sensitive items in the Item Master Possibly enter the manufacturer recomended temperature storage range Thanks!
1 3162 0
by Kat V

po20 default delivery date      

Started By  dpzaborowski
Has anyone had any success in manipulating the default delivery date in po 20 by using po10.2 and/or ic12 We are trying to auto-release more purchase orders, but we find many vendors will see the defaulted date and automatically expedite product in. I don't want our freight costs to skyrocket.
2 4347 0
by Michelle Wetzel

Global PO comment      

Started By  Sheri
Has anyone placed a Global PO comment We are being asked to place a PO comment that will transmit to all our Vendors, regardless of method, fax, EDI to inform the Vendor of our new Freight requirments.  Thanks Sheri
4 3975 0
by Sheri

MSCM Migration      

Started By  Richard
We are considering migrating our 901 MSCM implementation from a stand-alone Windows server to the AIX application server that runs LSF901 and our Lawson apps. - Anyone have a bad experience migrating MSCM from Windows to AIX - Anyone have a good experience migrating MSCM from Windows to AIX - Anyone know of issues with running MSCM on the AIX apps server
2 5370 0
by Ben Coonfield

MC75 Compatability      

Started By  Kurt L Guldner
We are a client currently going through the design phase of Lawson Version 10.  Is the Symbol MC75 Handheld Scanner compatable with Version 10  Thank you.
2 3502 0
by Kurt L Guldner
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