Forum: Lawson S3 Supply Chain

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Inventory Location Ghost On Order      

Started By  The Alchemist
We have had several items in our secondary inventory location that seem to be on order (transfer) but are not. This is causing us to not get replenished. Does anyone know how to delete this ghost 'on order' We are getting around it by raising our order points but I would like to get this figured out.
3 6127 0
by JonA

Item Comments table      

Started By  JeanneS
Can anyone tell me which Lawson table I should use to get the Item Comments  Thanks!
2 4888 0
by Stephanie

Custom spend analysis report      

Started By  Tracy Jones
Has anyone been successful in creating an ABC spend analysis report that encompasses all purchased items (not just inventory tracked items)  My VP's want to be able to tie the financials directly to our procurement detail.  HELP!
3 4312 0
by Jeff N

Tracking EDI Part Number Discrepancies      

Started By  Red
Hey Folks,     I think this is going to end one of two ways:     1) Someone is going to say something obvious, at which point I will smack my head and say, 'Duh...'     2) The answer will be a concise, 'No.'     But here goes anyway...     We use GHX as our EDI partner.  Within their portal page, you can run a report showing all of the vendor part number discrepancies over a given period of time.  This is terrific except: 1) You cannot schedule the report to run as needed, and...
5 4483 0
by Rob Conrad

Training new employee      

Started By  shelbytom
I'm interested in learning about various training methods and tools some of you may have used for new system analysts or possibly admin level employees - our shop has a single 'super user' who has learned the system over several years.  As a single point of failure, we would like to duplicate this role/knowledge and take pressure off the employee and limit exposure to the organization.  Opinions of learning accelerator would be of interest. I appreciate any help or direction you can give!
3 5190 0
by Jwiff

Dolphin handhelds      

Started By  Greg Moeller
All: We have been having some wireless connectivity issues with our Dolphin 7850 handhelds. The symptoms are:  The device will not connect to the server to do any uploads.  Yet, we can ping the device from anywhere, so we know that it is still attached to the network. Seems to only occur at one of our campuses and we've been feverishly trying to determine what is different for our wireless AP's config at that campus vs others. Doing a soft reboot re-establishes the connec...
3 4339 0
by Greg Moeller

Customizing Barcode Labels MSCM      

Started By  JimIII
Customized the default ParFormItemLabel in the labelformat.xml file. Ran updateconfig.bat and printed a label but changes are not being made. Any suggestions
7 5054 1
by JimIII

Receiver Alert      

Started By  The Alchemist
We are wondering if anyone has come up with or knows of a flashy way to alert receivers that more action is needed upon receipt. We are currently being asked to log (rerecieve) tissue and like things into a tracking system. Our receivers are not currently accustumed to looking at the delivery documents.
7 4290 0
by Rick Binder

EDI solution other than Lawson?      

Started By  John Costa
Can anyone make a recommendation for a third-party EDI solution other than what is available from Lawson We are on Lawson applications 9.1.0.x and have the full S3 suite (requisitions, purchase orders, inventory, etc.)
9 8204 0
by Mike Bernhard


Started By  aherra2
1 4448 0
by Terry Wier

Multiple UOM Setup      

Started By  Daniel
Ok so here is our issue, the warehouse orders and item from a vendor (lightbulds) that they must buy in quantities of 'each'. Our warehouse  wants to be able to sell them in quantity of cases. So for example the warehouse orders from the vendor 3600 lightbulbs but wants to sell them in cases of 36. Can anyone tell me how the setup would look on IC11 on the UOM tab in 9.0.1.  Also this item is setup as a warehouse stock item. Thanks for any help Daniel Burrus, PMP Special School Dist...
12 9077 0
by Stephanie

MSCM RAD Delivery configuration question      

Started By  CamM
Okay, so we are a one company facility.   We currently use RAD delivery (vs, and use only one route.  The problem is that when the user first loads the delivery module on the device, and chooses the route, he then must go in a select a 'receiving location' before he is able to see all of the deliveries for that route.  We also only have one receiving location that is currently being used, so is there a way to default this location in for this route   I have tried every configuration s...
0 3975 0

RQ10.3 AGS call in Processflow      

Started By  Scooter
Has anyone had success in creating a RQ10.3 AGS call In processflow, we want to copy a requisition to a new req and are trying to do so with RQ10.3. Maybe there is another way to copy a req to a new req with all lines from the old req. I can create a new req with RQ10.1 but lines are not copied over, only the header info is copied to the new req.
0 3481 0

MSCM RAD delivery question      

Started By  CamM
With RAD, say you receive a PO line that consists of 12 cases of a product.  These twelve boxes get loaded onto a cart with 30 other packages.  How does the staff know to leave 12 boxes for that one PO line, and which 12 boxes   Are they writing on them or labeling them manually   We want to do this the most efficient way possible.
0 4210 0

MSCM Upload problem      

Started By  TerryL
I created 4 new PARS using IC81. They have all the fields filled in that our other PARs have. The other PARs scan and upload fine. Our handhelds find and download the PARs fine and scanning works like a charm as well as the upload. The req that gets created doesn't complete, status is UNRELEASED. I get an error that says accounting information for line No 1 is missing. What is causing that error and how is it fixed
5 5385 0
by TerryL

Can there be multiple items masters within a company      

Started By  TerryL
We would like to use IC to start tracking Pharmaceuticals. We have a main Pharmacy and several satellite pharms. We would like to set up a separate item master just for them. We are thinking of setting up multiple warehouses, a main warehouse and a warehouse for each of the sats. When resupplying a remote location we would do a whse to whse transfer. Can a separate item master be set up within a company. We dont want to set up a pharmacy item group within the main item master for s...
22 7622 0
by Red

Lawson Medisuite - Medipharm      

Started By  TerryL
Is anyone out there in :Lawson land using the Medipharm product
0 3198 0

Pharmacy item tracking      

Started By  TerryL
If youare not using Medipharm for your pharms/drug , what product are you using to track you pharmacy items How well does it interface with Lawson
0 3469 0

Scanner message:No companies Available      

Started By  Paul Berkowitz
Researching the message 'No companies Available'.   Three scanners in the location are working however 5 scanners are displaying the message,   Had the users reboot the scanners and we stilled received the message. Any suggestions.... Thanks Paul
1 3198 0
by Greg Moeller

How to Find out the requesting location of an invoice      

Started By  manish dasila
Hi I am trying to develop a custom report containing invoice number and the requesting location of that invoice among other fields. I cannot see a direct relationship between APINVOICE and RQLOC or REQUESTER table. So far I have been able to determine a relation pathway of  APINVOICE  -> POLINE -> POLINESRC -> REQUESTER to determine the req location of the invoice. Please let me know if this is correct way of getting the req location or there is some other shorter pathway...
2 3809 0
by JonA

McKesson Asset Management      

Started By  TerryL
Is anyone in Guru land using McKesson Asset Management for their Pharmacy Inventory Distribution needs Good, bad, ok
0 4074 0

MSCM Schedule Properties      

Started By  David Williams
Has anyone adjusted the picklist.scheduler.period in MSCM properties to something faster than 900 (15 minutes) Given the WH130 in Lawson runs every 15 minutes, it could take another 10-15 minutes for the picklist to show up on the handhelds depending on when the systsems cycle.
2 4066 0
by Greg Moeller

EDI commserver can not find port 6900 error message      

Started By  cindy MHSIL
We receive the errors when we run the ED501 job.  and causes the below errors We are on current version of EDI in 9.0.1 and run on a AIX platform There were changes in the the /etc/netsvc.conf file from host= bind4, local to     host= local, bind4  We believed this caused this not to work.  Has anyone experianced this type of issue.  Any suggestions how to eliminate this issue. directory /lsfprod/law/prod/edi/work/edeventdtl_inp.20120515144322 D...
1 4495 0
by JonA

problems after adding another UOM      

Started By  TerryL
Has anyone had a problem with pick list showing up with ZERO qty after adding another larger UOM to an item in IC11 I have asked our warehouse to add some box UOMs for some items but they say the run into problems when adding the additional UOM. They say the most common is that a pick list will print that looks normal but the qty to pick will be zero for the just added UOM.
1 3916 0
by Robert Spurr

Auto-substitute an item in WH module (S3 apps)      

Started By  Mike Bernhard
I am a consultant and one of my clients has asked me to assist with troubleshooting of their 'auto-sub' process.  According to customer, they have set up 'substitute items' using the ASSOCIATED ITEMS form (IC13.1) and whenever a requisition is submitted for Inventory items, the WH module will (during the allocation process) attempt to fill Backorder items from any subs that are setup for the requested item (in IC13.1).  I have never seen or heard of this functionality and the Law...
1 4538 0
by JonA
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