Forum: Lawson S3 Supply Chain

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MSCM: Pars and/or Items missing on handhelds      

Started By  JonA
Occasionally, when the material handlers download their pars to the handhelds, there are pars and/or items missing form the list.  They'll see 'No locations to count' or 'Item not found'.  I've verified everything in IC81 and MSCM - User setup and My Pars is correct.  It's like the data is not making it from the server to the handhelds.  Rebooting the handheld and just logging off and back on will help sometimes.  But that may just result in different items missing.  Has any one else experienced...
14 9333 0
by EricS

Bin to Bin Replenishment      

Started By  taadams2000
Is anyone using bin to bin replenishment within a given perpetual location For instance, using it to break down bulk to a low unit of measure picking area. This would be instead of two perpetual locations with IC141 intransit transfers or having undocumented bins to achieve the necessary braek-down.
2 4920 0
by Red

MSCM Receiving and Delivery Set Up      

Started By  Bill Timmis
Does any one have some easy to understand instructions on getting R&D off the ground. The ones from Lawson are kinda cumbersome to follow. From our testing so far the Vendor Configuration and Location Set Up has to be set just right in order for PO's to be available to receive via the HHT Device.
8 14387 0
by AnnC

Tying ITEM to ACCT-UNIT      

Started By  mfc
I am new to both this forum and to Lawson so please be gentle :laugh: My employer would like to separate out OR inventory from the general population both logically and physically. I have been tasked to do both. I use SQL Analyzer (and more recently LinqPad) to query from a test environment refreshed monthly. My goal is to link ITEMMAST.ITEM to (potentially) MMDIST.ACCT_UNIT by way of the POLINE table. I used the lawson.insight 8.0.x Entity Relationship Diagram for PO provid...
3 6694 0
by mfc

MSCM - Changing default page      

Started By  tenather
I am new to the Lawson world so pardon my 'dust'.:whistling: We are about to embark on a 9.0 upgrade and wanted to know how easy it would be to change the default page on the MSCM website to a STATIC page that says 'Upgrade in Progress, Please check back later'. When the upgrade is then complete change back to the usual default login page and let users in. Otherwise we have to manually disable 300 users and the go back and re-enable them once things are complete.:angry:
0 4005 0

When does a requisition not create a PO      

Started By  willz06jw
Thanks for reading, I have a probably quick question: When would a requisition be created, but a purchase order not built Thanks for your help, Willz06jw
2 5178 0
by willz06jw

How is inventory replenished from Requsitions, if there are no POs in the system?      

Started By  willz06jw
Hi and thanks for your help, I am looking at a group of items that are being requsitioned contantly from inventory. My question is: would there have to be a purchase order to replenish the inventory eventually When I look at our system I don't see any purchase orders for the inventoried item numbers. Thanks, Willz06jw
2 4365 0
by JonA

Combining Item Groups?      

Started By  chadC
We have 5 IC companies (1 of which is a Canadian company). Each has it's own Item Group. We are looking into combining those 5 into 1 Item Group (either by keeping an existing one or creating a brand new one). We are hoping to correspond this with the v9.0.1 upgrade this winter (from v8.1.0). Does anyone have any thoughts to any ramifications this could have with PO, MA or AP
6 4457 0
by chadC

IC220 Data      

Started By  JonA
Who can tell me from what table the ICT-OFF-ACCT-UNIT and ICT-OFF-ACCOUNT are pulled for inventory transactions originating from requisitions When I pull it from ICTRANS all I get are AU and Account from Issues (IC21) transactions. The transactions for requisitions are blank. And MMDIST doesn't get me there either. IC220 seems to pull the information just fine. We are trying to automate data extraction for inventory transactions for interfacing to our DSS.
0 4835 1

Stock Unit of measure and Buy Unit of Measure      

Started By  Mark Ivankovich
How are you handling the following: Stock unit of measure is Eaches, but we have a Buy Unit of Measure in Box. If my par level is 20 and i count 10 my order quantity is 10. The order quantity on my po is calculated at .5 since the buy unit of measure is 20. We need qty to be 1. How do you handle this
3 11145 0
by JonA

Return Feedback Interface      

Started By  willy
We are trying to interface returns from our OE, thinking OE530 is the right program. We register the data directly to OERETHDRIN OERETLNIN (OE56). CAn OE530 read directly form this tables or does it need more table to be populate On the other hand, does OE530 read from a flat file
0 3980 0

IC printing to a dot matrix printer      

Started By  Bruce
We just converted from 8.1 to 9.1 Financial, Procurement and Supply Chain. In our warehouse we were able to print Pick Lists and other reports to Epson dot matrix printers (FX890) in 8.1 without problems. On 9.1 we are unable to control page width and form length. Lawson has not been able to give us a solution other than to write a custom script for each report or print to a laser printer. We like to avoid custom stuff whenever possible and a laser printer is not an option because we need ...
2 4241 0
by JonA

Inventory Control for Laboratory      

Started By  Deleted User
Anyone using IC for laboratory inventory
1 3940 0
by JonA

IC11.6 for NDCs      

Started By  Jenna
We are considering using IC11.6 to tie multiple NDCs to a single Lawson Item number. We would like to know if anyone else is using this functionality, and would be willing to share their experience in this area.
0 3750 0

Issues Information With Requesting Location      

Started By  S. Rosa
I am trying to obtain issues information from ICTRANS but also need to relate the IS document type transactions to requesting locations entered in IC21. MMDIST contains the account distribution I need and it actually has a REQ-LOCATION field but the field contains no information. MM280 is able to provide this information. Does anyone understand how
6 5086 0
by JonA

BL20 - Unit Price Default      

Started By  Kamal
Hello! Could someone throw some information on the below I created an Item in IC system and tried using the item in BL20.1 Invoice entry. I did create price list for this item in BL40.1 But when i tried to add an invoice for this item in BL20.1, the unit price doesnot default. Please let me know if i have missed any other steps or setup information on the above Thanks Kamal
0 4319 0

OE53 and OE10 and OE90      

Started By  Deleted User
We're testing an MSP update (9.0.1 MSP4), and we use Order Entry quite extensively. This week, I've gotten this message or a similar message in both OE10 and OE90 when I try to do a change or an inquire action. So, I initially added my network login name into OE53, and that seemed to fix the issue with OE10. When I tried to change a hold code in OE90.1, I got the same error message. I added the NT name from listusermap like NT00230 or something similar to that, and that seems to have resolv...
0 3888 0

EDI GLN Setup      

Started By  Amanda Valcik
Is anyone using the GLN setup for EDI If so looking to find out more about how it is being setup. In a nutshell, we have GLNs tied to requesting locations and need those GLNs to be communicated to the vendor. We do not want to build each GLN as an IC02 location as well because it will result in more data builds (IC81s to dictate the source of the items since there are both non-stock and stock items that are being ordered...the stock need to come from the WHSE location and not the IC0...
2 4922 0
by JeanneS


Started By  John
Does anyone have the issue of Lawson waiting until fall of 2011 in order to certify the new Motorola MC55AO units We have a go-live of January 2011, yet are unable to test the handhelds. Lawson seems a bit taken back that these were introduced or that the current MC5590 units have been sunset.
1 4583 0
by mark.cook

Punchout Install      

Started By  mark.cook
I am looking for some planning and resource ideas for how long it will take to install punchout and configure. I know working with the vendors to set this up may add some time and complexity. We are looking at 1-2 vendors to roll this out to. Thanks for any help you can be with this.
0 4304 0

installing lawson handheld software on Motorola Symbol 8880      

Started By  Bahram Aziz
Hi We have Motorola Symbol 8880 handheld devices and cradle that connects to our Lawson server. The Symbol Handhelds run Microsoft Pocket PC. I also have files for ecoonect and MPC.jar.  eConnect.cpl ecoonect.lnk eConnect.exe eConnect.reg eConnect.cpy and MPC.jar. I need to know how do I install the MPC.jar file. Where do I copy the Jar file. The eConnect files are located in these directories. \Application \Windows\Startup \WIndows ...
0 5005 0

Hung Records holding stock      

Started By  MS
Have an issue with hung records holding stock. The issue stems from reqs not allocating fully or the system breaking a req into two shipments.  Part of the req closes, the other part does not.  When looking at IC12 for an item, after drilling and checking stock status we have found numerous items that have allocations from as long ago as 2006.  We cannot clear these records by conventional means,  when we try, we see that req is closed but with open lines.       We have also rearranged o...
8 4404 0
by Greg Moeller

Misc Fedex Packages      

Started By  Jeff N
This is probably more of a FedEx issue than a Lawson but maybe someone has a resolution. We use our handhelds to track misc shipments from receipt at the dock to delivery.I am being told about 3 weeks ago, FedEx stopped putting the tracking number barcode on expedited packages and now only have the 'PDF417' code on them. Has anyone else experianced this issue
0 4130 0

Crystal Report      

Started By  SJ
I need to call a Crystal Report from the RecSum.htm page that is in the Inbasket Processflow Integrator and pass the Company and Req to the Crystal Report as parameters. 1) What is the syntax for accomplishing this 2) Where does the Crystal Report have to reside (does it have to be Published to LBI)
1 4637 0
by JeanneS

Alternatives to Mobile Supply Chain      

Started By  John Desmarais
Does anyone know what's available on the market for doing ParCounting in Lawson other than Lawson's Mobile Supply Chain product Thanks, John Desmarais
1 4931 1
by Bill Ianni
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