Forum: Lawson S3 Supply Chain

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Opti-Freight and Matching      

Started By  itsjustme
We are looking at using Cardinal's Opti-Freight program and our AP and Finance are wanting to make sure that: 1) Freight Costs for Inventory items are properly associated to the item's cost and passed on as part of the unit cost when issued to the department 2) Freight Costs for all other types are viewable via the departmental Expense Reports i.e. AP520, RW100 Monthly Financials etc I cannot seem to get this to work without changing our Pool Option to 1-Company/Vendor, which then makes Sma...
5 7191 1
by dz

EDI Process Help      

Started By  James Jr.
I wanted to know if anyone has a document outlining the EDI setup/configuration and process. And if you have anything on working with GHX that would be great as well. If it's too large too send here please send it to Thanks
7 11134 1
by Deleted User

Manufacturer Info on IC11, IC12, & IC81/281      

Started By  R Phillips
I am fairly new to Lawson, so please excuse the dumb question. If IC12 manufacturer information is blank, where does the manufacturer information in IC81/IC281 come from Is it IC11 I have a number of IC12 records with the manufacturer information blank. I also have a number of items where the IC11 and IC12 manufacturer information does not match. Does IC12 need to be updated when we update IC11 Thanks for your help. Rebecca
12 8572 0
by Deana_W

IC32 Add-ins Upload      

Started By  Eric Morris
I'm trying to create an upload for IC32 Keyword Synonym and need to know what fields are required beyond Keyword, FC, and Synonym. Thanks!
7 4917 1
by Janet Malavet

PO15 Templates      

Started By  Bev Edwards
How do I know where a template item is being charged to Our Respiratory department has a template in their list for another deparmtent and they are concerned that the items from that template (if accessed by the other department) will be charged incorrectly to the wrong department.
4 5583 0
by Mike Bernhard

IC11 UOM and Price      

Started By  lars
I added an IC11 item and it is a Contract PO25.6 line. Buyers placed PO20's against this Contract line (and the IC11 number). I attempted to change the unit of measure and price manually am  via an upload but was unsuccessful. Is it even possilbe to change change the UOM in IC11 when it is in PO25.6 and a PO2O was issued with the IC11 number   Thank you.
10 8973 2
by JonA


Started By  lars
I work in an environment where no tolerances are set within Lawson. That means if a $10,000.00 order, for product or service  is off, even by 1 cent, a change order is required. Recent events have made this no tolerance policy questioned. What do others have their tolerance settings at Are there any statistics out there that show having no tolerance is not cost efficient Thank you.
6 6462 0
by Kat V

How to handle hospitals on different contract tiers?      

Started By  SCMaster-jk2
Hi everyone,   We have 3 of our hospitals right now on Lawson. All of them are on a Medassets contract but two are accessing Tier 2 pricing while one only qualifies for Tier 1. How would I handle this in Lawson Is there a way to set different tier prices in PO25.6 Would I need to create a separate contract per Tier and just add participants
5 5430 0
by Shang-Wen

PO Compiling      

Started By  Sheri
Hi, we currently compile all vendor requisitions daily. We want to set a particular vendor to come up for order only on certain days. I see in PO10 you can choose which day you want that vendor to order. Is anyone using this process
16 6220 1
by Kat V

GTIN iissue      

Started By  kyle
I have posted the below issue on the infor community site as well, but wanted to take all avenues to find a resolution to an issue we are having. We have loaded GTIN information into our item master per item, but do not have all GTIN numbers for every UOM on those items.  For example we may have a GTIN for EA, BX, but not CA, but need to update EA or BX to CA on the contract. The issue we are having is that we cannot update the contract in PO25.6 if we are missing the GTIN information for an...
2 6764 2
by Freddie

RQ10 vs RQC - Reference Number?      

Started By  TerriS
I'm showing one of our super users how to use RQ10 for requisitions instead of RQC.  She likes entering requisitions better in RQ10, with one exception.  She utilizes the 'Reference Number' in RQC when checking the status.  Is there a way to enter that same information in RQ10  Version
4 6597 1
by Kat V

EPIC or Lawson to Generate Demand?      

Started By  Amanda Valcik
Wanted to get feedback from those of you using EPIC and Lawson and how inventory is decremented and patient charges are captured. I've seen a variety of processes leveraged to enter reqs/issues to create demand/decrement inventory throughout surgical areas using EPIC and Infor. Options where the req/issue and patient charge is entered in EPIC and interfaced into Infor using IC500 and options where a req is entered in Infor and the patient charge is entered separately in EPIC. The challe...
0 3656 0

Ordering a sub for a stock item process      

Started By  brupp
Hello - looking for process improvement to order subs for stock items.  Currently we order the sub as xtype, then IC20 receive it under the Lawson number being subbed.  It makes for difficult order entry, we sometimes hit the wrong account which makes Finance fuss, sometimes our average cost gets out of whack, etc.  It's a broken process from the start, so we are wide open to any & all suggestions - thanks in advance!!
6 6137 3
by David Williams

Ordering restrictions      

Started By  Ken Haselsteiner
How do you restrict an item (IC11) from being ordered by specific Accounting Units (GL20)
2 4509 1
by Ken Haselsteiner

Migration off of Lawson SIM      

Started By  Lance Jurgensen
With Infor/Lawson announcing that SIM is end of life, what have you migrated to  If you don't use SIM, what Surgical Instrument Management system do you use, recommend or should we stay away from
0 3842 0

Crash Carts on IC81 - Par or Exchange      

Started By  Kat V
Has anyone put a crash cart on IC81 Or have you used exchange carts   My central stores maintain the crash carts and make sure all the items are back in the correct tray and the unit has a new one, etc.  They are doing this manually as the carts are standardized across our system but have one item in several spots.  For example, the tape is in every drawer of the cart.  They know they must have 2 rolls per drawer in seven of the drawers and 4 rolls in drawer five.  I can create a par loc i...
2 4650 1
by Kat V

Stockless Flag PO25 and RQ01      

Started By  Ken Haselsteiner
Is anyone is flagging the Stockless Flag field on at least one PO25 record as Yes and some of the RQ01 records flagged the same way  If so, how are you bringing in PO pricing for Supply records when replenishing inventory for items on the Stockless PO25
0 3617 0

Intransit How To      

Started By  brupp
Hello - I'm in need of a How To for the Intransit Transfer/Shipping/Receiving process from start to finish (1 inventory to another inventory location), along with what to do when items are only partially filled or cannot be filled at all.  Screenshots would be awesome if anyone is willing to share.  We're on v10 but v9 screenshots would be just fine.  Thanks much!!
0 3933 0

User Productivity Reports?      

Started By  Den
Is there anything in Lawson that will capture a list of a users' activities for the day  Can I ask Lawson to pull a report of person X's PO30 receipts, or person Y's WH32 order closings
2 4885 1
by Sheri

Order same item but different price with different account      

Started By  Shang-Wen
Hi, We have a facility that doesn't have large storeroom, so they have 2 accounts with vendor. One is bulk account and another one is LUM (lower unit of measure) account. Bulk account is used for ordering stuff to storeroom, and LUM account is used for ordering for each department (LUM account can have many ship to locations). The problem is, vendor charges extra mark up for LUM account. So the same item can have different price, depends on which account you choose.   Is there any way to s...
2 3689 0
by Shang-Wen

Invoice Matching Procedure Manual      

Started By  R Phillips
Does anyone have a procedure manual they would be willing to share on invoice matching and discrepancy resolution within Lawson  I just recently met with our AP department to work on streamlining some processes and was shocked at the amount of steps needed to process invoices. I am hoping we are just not optimizing our use of Lawson. For example, any EDI invoice that has a discrepancy, for any reason, comes in as a 'Non-Match Invoice Issue'. AP then has to look at the invoice and PO to figure ...
0 4350 2

Lawson Interfacing to Merge 10.0?      

Started By  brupp
Is anyone interfacing item information from Lawson to Merge for Cath Lab  We've had a discovery call internally & have a lot of questions.  Our Lawson v10.0.5, Merge v10.0.  We believe there is a required upgrade to Merge necessary before we can interface Lawson data.  Thanks.
0 3619 0

PO20 PO Header Comments -- Add / Change Only      

Started By  BradS
Hi all,   Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the question in the title.. I have a need to lock down PO20 header comments, but will need to have the users be able to add or change comments, but not delete. I wasn't able to find any security items in LAUA for this (we are still on v9 -- LAUA security).   Has anyone done this before or is anyone familiar with this that might be able to help me out   Thank you,
0 3844 0

Lawson MSCM RAD Printing Delay      

Started By  Sami Pinney
Has anyone experienced a delay for the delivery document to print after receiving a PO in MSCM RAD on the Handheld device If so, were you able to resolve the delay We currently experience about a 30-45 second delay for the receiving document to print after receiving in the handheld. Thank you.
1 3776 2
by Kat V

Supply Chain Super User Training      

Started By  Dave Humphrey
I have a fairly new person in our Supply Chain Systems Specialist position.  I am looking for options for Supply Chain Super User training.  I am talking serious training, not like the Infor Campus stuff.  I mean like an online college class or maybe an in-person or with travel.  I am looking for companies that offer this type of classroom training outside of Infor.  Please let me know of any companies that you are aware of that offer this type of training.
1 5402 2
by Stephanie
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