Forum: Lawson Design Studio

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portal page 2 data objects--need bottom one to refresh      

Started By  Deleted User
We have a portal page with 2 data objects (vendor invoices top; invoice payments at bottom).  The problem is that if we filter or hit Previous or Next, we need the bottom data object to disappear until an invoice is clicked (based on the new query). Does anyone know how to do this
9 4776 0
by Eddie Smith

Percent Sign in a user description for GL40      

Started By  Ken Carley
How do I pass the percent sign() in the description field to GL40.1  I will still be working on it but I don't seem to find it here yet. Here is the relavant section of the call: &GLT-DESCRIPTIONr0=Precert team 25 reclass Thanks for your help.   Ken
4 3323 0
by Ragu Raghavan

AP20.1 in Lawson 9 OnAfterTransaction      

Started By  Deleted User
On AP20.1 we have added another row to the detail line item area for the account number description (GDT-DESCRIPTION). We try to clear these out and the following code was working in 9.0 (we're in the process of an upgrade), but when I save the form now, I get the error re 'Script is saved with syntax error checking. A script control component is not found. Please refer to the documentation for download instructions.' I have removed all of the javascript in the form except this beginning code an...
4 5053 0
by mikeP

DME Query      

Started By  Nabil
I'm trying to add a field (EMS-DESCRIPTION) to this DME query in my form, but I get an error when I run it: function doDME() { var sDME; var vCompany = 1; var vEmployee = lawForm.getFormValue('txtemployee'); sDME ='PROD=' strPDL; sDME ='&FILE=EMPLOYEE&FIELD=FICA-NBR-LAST4;FULL-NAME;EMS-DESCRIPTION;EMP-STATUS;HM-ACCT-UNIT;LOCATION.CODE;LOCATION.DESCRIPTION;COMPANY;EMPLOYEE'; sDME ='&SELECT=COMPANY3D' vCompany; sDME ='26EMPLOYEE3D' vEmployee; sDME ='&OUT=XML'; ...
3 5665 0
by Nabil

Display Fields on      

Started By  TommyT
I am consolidating several tabs into one, and I am having a problem getting design studio to allow me to set a data source for some of the display only fields - the ones that appear after you clicked on a dropdown and made a selection. For example I've moved the worker's compensation class dropdown to a different tab on hr06, but now I cant create a text box with the field WCC-DESC because the field isnt available. Any Ideas TIA
2 3008 0
by TommyT

Javacript to Browse For a File      

Started By  Terry P
This may seem a little complicated, so bear with me. I have developed a custom form based on RQ10.1 that prompts for a filename. It then creates a URL for a Header URL attachment. When they click a button, it adds the attachment for the requisition without having to go thru the 3-4 clicks normally. Everything works good. Problem is when the user scans a document in, it goes to the specific folder on the server, but does not tell the user the 'name' of the file it assigned. So what ...
2 3287 0
by Terry P

Setting a Checkbox on intial Load      

Started By  Robert Spurr
I've created a design studio modification of RQ10 for RSS approval with a checkbox. I want to inquire on a table and set the checkbox based on the value I retrieve. I have no problem reading the value to update the table but reversing the process doesn't seem to work. Does anyone have an example of setting a checkbox Thanks Robert
1 3024 0
by Robert Spurr

Modify Birthdate to show Month only      

Started By  Nabil
I have a DME call for specific fields in HR11 and one of these fields is PEM-BIRTHDATE but instead of showing the whole date, I need to only show the month. Is there an easy way to do this Thanks
2 3017 0
by Nabil

Employee photo on HR11      

Started By  wilcoxmad
I want to add code to our custom HR11 screen that will show the employee photo. Anyone done this
9 5292 0
by wilcoxmad

RQ10 getattachrec.exc for comments      

Started By  BrianP
Has anyone used with V9.0.0.6 and LSF thanks
1 3760 0
by Derek Czarny

Java Script Looping      

Started By  Eddie Smith
I'm new to using Design Studio and trying to make an IC user field a required field on the IC21.1 form (Inventory Issue screen). I'm able to get the script to check the first line on the detail section, but how do you get it to check all lines having an item being issued out Below is my JAVA script. Any help would be appreciated. function FORM_OnBeforeTransaction(fc) { if (fc == 'A' || fc == 'C') { var sUserFld = lawForm.getFormValue('text22'); if (sUserFld...
9 3492 0
by Deleted User

Show Wizard not working      

Started By  Eddie Smith
We have created a form wizard and want the Wizard to load automatically whenever a user accesses the custom form. We have tried to use Lawson JAVA script below, but the form wizard does not show. Are we misinterpreting Lawson's script function FORM_OnInit() { oWizard=new Wizard(window, strPDL, strTKN); oWizard.showWizard(); return true; }
1 3181 0
by Eddie Smith

Show dialog box based on Toolbar option pressed in form      

Started By  Saurabh
All I would like to add an additional prompt when the user Presses the DELETE button in a form (the button is next to Change and Next) Looking at the form properties i can hide(UnAssign) the action but ideally looking for a way to show a dialog box and if the user presses NO to return him back Any tips regards Saurabh
1 2788 0
by David Williams

Value not in list still allows change      

Started By  Mark A
I added two listboxes to AP20 and upon add or change update the Invoice Group by concatenating the values in the listboxes. Normally, if you key in a value that's not in the list and tab out of the field, the system stops you from processing and provides a 'Value not in list' message. However, if you simply type in a value and click change on the form without leaving the field, it allows the change and updates the field even though there's a 'Value not in list' message. I'd like t...
1 3340 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Making Froms/Field Display Only on the fly      

Started By  Saurabh
Hi All I have a custom design studio form with a status field. Based on the status field value i would like to set the whole form to be 'display only' or just certain key fields to be 'Display Only'. e.g if the Status is 'Rejected' the user cannot make any changes in the fields, but if the Status is 'Level1 Check' he is only allowed to make changes to certain non-key fields. Any other tips on how that can be achieved One thought i had was to capture the Change ev...
8 3164 0
by David Williams

Including a Missing PO Line Field in a DS PO20 Form      

Started By  S. Rosa
I'll start with the standard newbee disclaimer that I am new to DS and need a little help from the experts:blush: Background: This client does not own RQ or Process Flow but requires a basic form of PO approvals. We devised an approval process that would withstand audit using security setup, buyer limits and PO releasing. One of the approvers asked for a new form that would basically mimic PO20 except it would display much of the PLI and MMD fields that are within tabs or hidden. ...
4 3128 0
by S. Rosa

PO20 Error: Value not in List:      

Started By  AG
We just applied patches into our DEV/UAT environment. We have a custom PO20 design studio form. On this form we have a button that triggers a process flow. After we applied the patches this button is not working! When the user clicks the button it now throws up an alert 'Value not in list: '. Does anyone know what this means and/or how to fix this We are on AS400/ISERIES V8.0.3.
6 8159 0
by Steven Gray

Hide button on screen based on group/role      

Started By  Rudy
Need some assistance. I have a button on the HR11 screen that will launch a webpage. This works fine. But, we are rolling out in a phased approach to 40 offices, 1-2 at a time and the powers that be do not want anyone seeing the button until it is their turn to go live. We are talking about 2-4 people per branch. Using the hammer approach I was able to get the code working below but it requires me to add user IDs every time a new office goes live. This requires a lot of extra red tape goi...
8 5077 0
by David Williams

Creating a customized form      

Started By  Deleted User
Be gentle, a newbie to the inners of Lawson :D I am trying to make a customized screen in Lawson via an .xml file. I am trying to understand how to go about customizing an existing screen. I know there is a way to take some existing data to create the xml file and then I can custommize - or at least I hope so. Am I on the right track Example: I want to make some cosmetic screen customizations to the AP81 screen. How would I go about doing that Thanks in advance friends!
7 4396 1
by Deleted User

Security Error on DS Form for wfwk.3      

Started By  Woozy
I have created a series of Design Studio versions of WFWK.3 (workflow trigger). Basically, I modified the form to default the service name and description, and removed the fields that were not required. All the forms work fine for me, but other users can see and use one of the forms, but get a Servlet Xpress error when they try to use the others (see attached). The xml files are identical except for the defaulted fields. The only other difference is security. I...
8 3127 0
by Woozy

Passing values from one form to another      

Started By  Todd
I'm trying to pop up a screen from OE10.3 detail line that will total prices from a custom table and pass that total back to OE10.3 detail line price field. Is this possible I'm thinking that there has to be a global variable, or some shared memory trick.
13 4031 0
by Terry P

Portal Page Security      

Started By  Eddie Smith
We would like to create DME queries using the Portal Page Designer but need for the queries to only allow a user to access data for the Lawson companies they have access to as defined in our LAUA security setup. Would JAVA scripting be required and if so how would the script be constructed.
2 2765 0
by Eddie Smith

Drill from GL to AP detail      

Started By  Eddie Smith
I know per Lawson KB articel 556138, that if the system code and the source code are AP, then drill back is not available (we are seeing that on GL90.1 drill around); however, we are trying to create a portal page with DME queries that start from APPAYMENT but cannot seem to get back to APDISTRIB. Has anyone been able to do this using DS We are able to get back to APINVOICE and get the first distribution record associated with the payment using related tables, but how can we get all
1 3478 0
by John Henley

identifying the user      

Started By  TommyT
Is there a way in a design studio form to identify the ID number of the person logged in and using the form
2 2887 0
by TommyT

Field will not update      

Started By  TommyT
I have added a field to a custom table (that was designed in dbdef and lawson knows about) and I cannot make it appear on a portal form in which other fields from this table are displayed. The textbox displays and accepts data but does not store it. In doing the setup I cannot set the data source for this textbox. The only choice I get is 'None' and I am not allowed to select anything. Any Ideas TIA
3 3211 0
by TommyT
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