Forum: Lawson Design Studio

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AP20.2 Remove Voucher number      

Started By  Kate Liamero
We interface invoices from Imagenow and our AP Dept then reviews the invocies in AP20.2.  They sometimes have to add a tax code to the invoice and in order to do this they must delete the invoice, clear out the voucher field, chosse the tax code and then add the invoice again.  I would like to have the voucher number field automatically be set to blank when a user deletes an invoice.  This way the users will only have to click delete, choose the tax code and click add.  The sstep of clearing the...
9 5960 0
by MichaelA

Using the Submit button on a form to trigger an email      

Started By  Deleted User
In Design Studio, is there a way to add an 'Assigned action' on RW100 or PA100 form Currently, I see Add, Change, Delete, Inquire, Next, Previous, Validate Request.  I can send emails with Work Flow Enabled checked based on an Add action but I need notification of when the job is submitted.  Any ideas
14 7116 0
by Gary Davies

DME Field Max Valuel      

Started By  KathyB
Can you select the maximum value in  a field using a DME call thru Design Studio I want to get the Maximum employee number on the HR employee table, is there a max command I can use with the DME call
5 5827 0
by John Henley

testing value of radio button      

Started By  Joe O'Toole
I rarely use radio buttons in DS and having an issue with the value test. My 'lawgetform' test works for other fields but is not working to test the value of my 2 element radio button. I've got an 'X' value assigned in the button def but when I test the value the form blows up. Can anyone provide an example Here is my code that checks the button value, another field value and display an error accordingly: if (lawForm.getFormValue('radiobutton_name') = 'X') {     if (lawForm.getFormVal...
2 3795 0
by Joe O'Toole


Started By  Ragu Raghavan
Recently migrated from 8.03 / 8.03 to LSF9 / 9 apps. Earlier, something like this would work: lawForm.getDataValueById('text26',0); Now it does not.. getElementValue seems to work. This only affects any new fields that I paint on the screen and not the existing fields from the Lawson screens. Any Ideas why one would work and not the other Thanks. Ragu function FORM_OnBeforeTransaction(fc) {             var vT = lawForm.getDataValueById('text26',0);        ...
4 3791 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Vendor name on AP 20.2      

Started By  Kate Liamero
The vendor name on AP20.2 is an output only field.  We use Imagenow and it cannot find the vendor name on the AP 20.2 to add it as an index in the learnmode.  What I need is to add another field to the AP 20.2 that will display the vendor name without being an output only so the Imagenow learn mode can see the name and when we click limk it can populate the vendor name in the index field for the image. As soon as a user selects a vendor in the Ap20.2 I need this new field populated with the vend...
9 6791 0
by mark.cook

Custom RQ10 Tab order      

Started By  mark.cook
We have a custom RQ10 form used in conjuction with RSS to have our users enter req's. We are finding that when adding information, the users fill in the form up to unit cost and then hit tab. The tab takes them to line 2 description. This is causing errors and confusion. Is there a way to change the default tab order to keep them from making these errors.
6 4500 0
by Gary Davies

Triggering a ProcessFlow from Portal Page Designer?      

Started By  SteveT
With ProcessFlow Integrator, Is it possible to trigger a Process Flow from a custom Portal Page Design or is it only possible from UI Designer  If it is possible can someone give me a hint - i want to pass three parameters to a process flow.
5 4156 0
by Gary Davies

validating field for each row in the details section of a form      

Started By  mjcindc
Hi All, I'm working on and customizaton to PO39.1. I need to iterate through all rows in the details section and check to see if the 'FC' value is 'A' or 'C'.  If it is, I want to make sure there is something in the 'sublot' field.  With what I've written, it only checks the 'sublot' field on the first row even if the add or change is on another row.  As long as the 'sublot' field is populated in row one it accepts the change.  This is what I've got so far.  It's clear to me I'm missing the i...
8 5549 0
by John Henley

AGS Syntax is AddChange supported?      

Started By  Joe O'Toole
I can't seem to remember what manual the AGS syntax summary is in - does anyone know Specifically what I'm tring to do is run an ADD/UPDATE from the AGS call to a custom program that was originally built off of HR11. The code within the call contains  _EVT=ADD&FC=AC. I swear the FC=AC was working a few days ago but the update part isn't working today. There is a portal content related XML file error in IOS.log, but I don't think this is related to my problem and nothing in ladb.log. Thanks.
1 3880 0
by Randall

Additional Detail Lines possible in AR30.1 or AR33.1?      

Started By  michael2
Our AR departments find it very difficult to deal with only 11 detail lines in AR30 (and only 8 in AR33).  Is there any way, short of COBOL, to have more than that number of lines display and allow interaction when inquiring A little help please...
3 3881 1
by John Henley

Invoking a function from radio button state change      

Started By  Joe O'Toole
I've tried adding the onclick or onchange options to the radio button FLD definition - IE: onclick='test_function()', but it seems to have no effect. has anyone done this or is there a better way Thanks.
5 4026 0
by Joe O'Toole

Maximize window in Page Designer      

Started By  Mark A
I'm creating a page using Portal Page Designer with only one window and would like to automatically maximize the window on screen for the user.  I can set the width and height but would rather have it fit to the screen.  I'm sure you can script it, but not sure how. -Mark
4 3142 0
by Mark A

Updating Attributes in LSF9 using Design Studio      

Started By  Aida
I could not update this topic.  Kept getting  the following error:  Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation so I had to start a new topic.  Joe O'Toole below is the answer to the question you asked. Our RQ04 is a design studio screen that we’ve added a flag to that can be flipped to identify a requester as an overnight requester. That field updates the rd30 attribute...which is used in the req approval flow. We are looking to do the same in lsf9 but don't know if there is a...
1 3407 0
by Judy Consoli

Implementing portal page as a self-service module/component      

Started By  Teresa
I want to Implement a design studio portal page to display emergency contacts for a group of as a self-service module. Ihave success with using the user variable on the Index. But I have had no success doing this in the the query criteria. It seems to ignore the entry. For instance I want to check an RM attribute of the logged in user against the value in the employee record so that the person inquiring only see the people assgined to him. I picked the field from the dropdown list of th...
2 2859 0
by Teresa

Send a partially filled out DS form from another      

Started By  wilcoxmad
I want to allow a user to select a record from a list on a Design Studio form. Then I'll send them all the related data from the record they selected, after pulling the data from a custom table in the DB, to another DS form. They can use that data, along with more that they enter, to do an add on the second form. In this case I want to show them a partially filled out form that is a single page , no tabs, version of HR11. So I want to send them a form created in Desing Studio, with the d...
6 3831 0
by David Williams

AP20 AGS Query dropping line items higher than 5      

Started By  thegris
I'm programmatically building a query to submit an AP20 invoice to Lawson's URL interface.  It dynamically generates the query and puts in however many line items are associated with the invoice. When I look up the invoice using the AP20 screen, only the first five line items are retained.  I also get an error message returned from the query that says 'Distributions out of balance', which makes sense if it is dropping additional line items. Is there a way to increase the number of possible lin...
2 3192 0
by thegris

StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: 00000000      

Started By  Goober
This one I've Looked at over and over and can't figure it out.  It tests fine via HTTP URL but when I attempt to run it by clicking the button it flakes on me and I get the StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: 00000000.   The code is straight forward. I'm doing an AGS call to a process flow trigger via WFWK.1.  It begins to exicute  but then crashes. function BUTTON_OnClick(id, row) {         if (id == “push5”)       {        var vUpdate=lawForm.getDataValueById('select5');         ...
4 3359 0
by Goober

Any ideas?      

Started By  wilcoxmad
I have a form that allows the users to select an applicant with a push button. The form then sends the user to an HR11 clone with the company and SSN. The default form for the GH11 looks for an inquire function with out an employee number. It then does an applicant lookup by ssn. The problem is that the passed data is not getting to the second form. When I do an alert on the SSN for the second form, it is blank. Here is the code from the two forms.     FORM   1  -----                 if (i...
10 5511 0
by wilcoxmad

Non Lawson system Code      

Started By  JavaCafe
Hi All; This question has been asked in the past but there's no answer so I create this topic again and hopefully someone will have an answer for me  I try to create some custom forms in DS based on some Non-Lawson tables. I've created new system code, defined db files; rebuild dic and run dbreorg. Everything seems OK. In DS, I can see the new system code and new file in Data Query; however i don't see the form ID from that system code if use Formlet or Drill component.  Anyone has idea of acc...
4 3824 0
by JavaCafe

Error not displayed after AGS call      

Started By  Joe O'Toole
We have a custom form that is calling out to a modified version of HR11. When a BSI tax factory error is detected a message should be displayed indicating that tax errors exist and the user can click off to continue. At some point either through upgrading to LSF 9, upgrading to BSI or modifying the custom DS form, the error has stopped being displayed. The code to check for errors after the AGS call is as follows. Any ideas on where to start with debugging where this is broken AGS CALL OCCURS ...
5 3683 0
by John Henley

Images for Design Studio      

Started By  Woozy
I'm trying to use some custom jpg images in design studio, but all I'm getting is the blasted red-x-of-death.  I have been able to use other jpg images that I've found elsewhere (i.e. google-logo.jpg) and they work fine. Is there something I'm missing  Is there a resolution or size limit on these files I'm pulling my hair out over this one.  Thanks!
2 3728 0
by Woozy

Number of rows in Detail Area (AP20.1)      

Started By  Tom Sinkula
Can I alter the number of rows in the Detail Area of a screen, e.g. AP20.1  It currently is set to 5.
9 4216 0
by Tom Sinkula

Food for thought      

Started By  Terry P
Let me start out by saying I am not (any longer) a COBOL or RPG programmer. I don't have access to the code to make changes. I think however I've gotton pretty good at using Design Studio's scripting feature to make pretty extensive changes to a form (knowing all to well the risk you take) After a recent project where I was able to extensively modify a form that was designed for one purpose, and used for another, it got me to thinking - If a generic form was written that ONLY did read/write bet...
1 3182 0
by David Williams

Update hidden field      

Started By  Bob Clark
I am trying to update a hidden field in Design studio.  I am new to Design Studio so please forgive.  The hidden field needs to be updated when the select12 is 'S'.  How would I do this function FORM_OnBeforeTransaction() {      var vList = lawForm.getFormValue('select12');     if (vList == 'S'); //         UPDATE hidden56 = y;            return true }
1 3589 0
by Gary Davies
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