Forum: Lawson Design Studio

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Any books on using javascript in design studio?      

Anyone know of any resources on coding JavaScript in design studio Found Lawson resources lacking, I am a cobol programmer needing to learn JavaScript, need to code some edits, we have created our own system code and have copied and modified Lawson programs with our own edits, easy to do but not a good idea, need to use JavaScript for edits like; use line item fields as the key for a DME call to check a value in a field in the retrieved record before a change or add, check the first two digits ...
3 14199 0
by Deleted User

Using Design Studio for MSS      

Started By  PV Rajan
Hi: Is it possible to customize Self service forms (Employee Self self service & Managers self service) using Design studio Thanks in advance for your responses!
2 13267 0
by Robert

Retrieving Tab Region field valueAny      

Started By  Deleted User
For a screem consists of three parts: Head, Detail Line and tab region for each detail line, such as PO25.7, does anyone have experiences of retrieving the values of fields of each tab (for each detail line) Thanks,
2 13459 0
by Deleted User

OS Call using javascript      

Started By  mondrar
In a unix environment, is it possible to make on OS call using javascript in Design studio
6 14685 0
by John Henley

Javascript for submitting batch job      

Started By  Terry P
I am trying to create a simple form where it will submit a job based on the user checking a checkbox. It doesn't give an error - it just doesn't work. I don't know if it's in the variable being set - or what. I got the idea from a Lawson KB article, but can't seem to get it to work. Here is my code: function test1() { var vCheck1 = lawForm.getFormValue('check1'); var vJob1 = '/cgi-lawson/jobrun.exeFUNC=run&USER=>//>&JOB=WH130&OUT=javascript'; if (vCheck1 == 'Y...
11 17067 0
by Shane Jones

Problem with new tab in Design Studio      

Started By  Matt
I have added a new tab on the PA42 token in Design Studio, but when I inquire or change while I have this tab is Active, it goes back to the first tab. How do I keep this from happening I want it to stay on this tab. Do I need to change the screen definition in pgmdef
1 13118 0
by John Henley

AP20 Release functionality      

Started By  mondrar
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can add a 'Release' button to AP20 using a javascript in design studio Any Example scipts would really help...
2 13245 0
by mondrar

Set default value on Inquire      

Started By  Chris Puckett
When I Inquire on a record in PA02, I want to set the value in the 'Update Employee' field to 'Y'. I know how to default it to 'Y' when you enter the form. But when you inquire on an existing record, the value switches to 'N'. Any thoughts >> Nevermind, I figured out the syntax.
1 13572 0
by John Henley

screen change...      

Started By  Shane Jones
I want to use the 'Employee Dates' page from manager self service to display different fields... Would it be difficult in design studio to create a page with number, name, process level, department, fte, status, cost center distributions.... Any thoughts
1 13113 0
by John Henley

Java Script for AP20.1      

Started By  Deleted User
I have a user who would like to have all fields cleared after she does a Match in Ap20.1. Currently all fields clear successfully on a custom AP20.1 except for the Vendor field. I tried various JAVA scripts all to no avail. Anyone know of a Java script (or any other method) that can clear this field Thanks.
7 14649 0
by John Henley

Ap20.2 and Imagenow      

Started By  Kate Liamero
I am creating a custom AP20.2 screen to intergrate with ImageNow's Internet Explorer Learn applet. I want to be able to pull the vendor name from the AP20.2 screen into the Imagenow index. I have no problem with the co, vendor, invocie and invoice date because the learn mode can capture them as id = _f6 customid=text1. Learn mode cannot see the vendor number because it is an out field. The learnmode can only see fields such as id_f9, form5, TF0-06, DTO28, and it can see text placed on a...
5 15540 0
by Kate Liamero

Problem with lawForm.getFormValue with textarea      

Started By  Matt
I am using a textarea in a Custom Portal form. When I type something in a blank textarea and blur out of it the lawForm.getFormValue is accurate. But if go to that field again and select some text in the middle of it and put new text in and blur out of it, the lawForm.getFormValue is not accurate. I need some help quick because I implemented some forms with textareas in production and I have shut it down because of this problem. Example: Textarea is blank I type 'test' in it, TEXTA...
8 13723 0
by Matt

Learning Javascript      

Started By  Terry P
I'm fairly new to Javascript. I've got several reference books etc that I use when I get stuck. Part of my problem though is knowing the 'Lawson hooks' into many of the javascript commands. For example in the last August newsletter the following was posted: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ copy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 8: You're creating a Lawson Design Studio page, and want to access some fields from a user's WEBUSER (RD30) record. How do you do it Using JavaS...
3 13639 0
by John Henley

Which event will trigger?      

Started By  Terry P
I'm doing a DME call to retrieve the default location for a buyer. I want to then default that in PO20. I've got the DME working correctly, but am have problem figuring out which form event to use that will allow me to 'display' the value using lawForm.setValue. I want to display this as the default value prior to them entering any data on the form. One thought was to use the 'on blur' for the first field on the form they are required to enter Any other suggestions to try
3 12891 0
by John Henley

Why some fields are grey      

Started By  Terry P
I've made modifications to the PO20.1 screen. Now I notice if I 'tab' thru the fields, they turn 'grey'. What causes that See the attached screenshot for an example.
3 12653 0
by Terry P

PA52.4 AGS Call      

Started By  John Polito
Hi All its me again :) I am trying to create a AGS call for a ADD in the PA52.4 in design studio but i keep getting 'Record does not exist' message. I have entered all of the required fields so i thought along with the HK. If any one has run into this before and can help me out i would really appreciate it. Oh by the way John Henley if you see this I did get the PA52.1 to work out of my .NET application. Thanks
12 14207 1
by John Polito

IOS Call Using XML Output      

Started By  Sameer
Hi I want to know: 1) How we can extract data from Database Table using XML output or CGI call. 2) How we can store the same data in array to display in HTML file. If possible expalin with an example.
0 5049 0

Send email in Javascript      

Started By  Terry P
Has anyone sent an email using script from within a form I know the code for normally sending an email would be something like: document.forms[0].action = 'mailto:' document.forms[0].recipient.value 'subject=' document.forms[0].subject.value; But can I do that in a form
20 15815 0
by Terry P

GL90 Calcs      

Started By  mondrar
I would like to perform some calcs on the value of the numbers shown under Amount, the credit and debit amounts displayed on the GL90. I have tried several ways, but I am unable to get any data from these fields. I've tried retreiving the values by field Nbr, Name, Data Src, using the lawForm.getDataValueById, and lawForm.getDataValue, and nothing. I can do a simple alert in certain fields, but none that are in the object that displays the retreived data. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to...
3 4621 0
by John Henley

Change Sorting Order of A Form      

Started By  Deleted User
Is there a way to change the sorting order of the data displayed on a form like PA43 - I want the records within a requisition to sort by Names, not applicant numbers... Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
2 4511 0
by Deleted User

getattachrec and javascript      

Started By  Terry P
I have a similar problem I'm working on that maybe this might be the solution. The problem is you can not query or display comments (which are stored as attachments in H_Pxxx files) with Portal forms - only by drilling down. Lawson support pointed me to a utility getattachrec call. I don't know though is that can be called from within javascript in Design Studio. Has anyone used this utility
3 6781 0
by Terry P

Wheres my field (GL20)?      

Started By  mondrar
I made a change to the file GLADDRESS, and added a fourth user field that I would like to use on the GL20. I did the usual dbdef, blddbdict, and dbreorg. The new field is in GLADDESS, field name (OPTFIELD4), and now I would like to add it to the form GL20 using design studio. I usually start from scratch when creating new forms, but this time, I would just like to add this one field. When I go to the GL20, add a new text box, and look for the new field I added, it is not there. Is this the prope...
4 5252 0
by mondrar

ON_AfterTransaction with message      

Started By  TracyO
I am  trying to clear a user field that I moved to the main AR30.1 screen after the user sucessfully processes the payment. I have added the following  javascript, but it is clearing the field on ANY transaction, including 'Add Complete - Contiue'. (they need to do an add and a change before they process, and we need this user field there at the time of process)  Does anybody have any ideas, why it is clearing if  the message 'Processing complete' is not being  returned   function FORM_OnAf...
2 5252 0
by TracyO

Adding a Total field using JavaScript      

Started By  Deleted User
I don't have much experience with Design Studio and in need of help. I'm trying to add a field to display the grand total of a purchase order. On the available data src, there is no field for grand total, so I will have to add one using calculation of existing field values. I want the total to display, of course, after a successful inquiry. I would like to use the 'Inquire' button to trigger the calculation - how do I go about doing it
5 5001 0
by Deleted User

IDA call from Design Studio      

Started By  Terry P
Has anyone done any kind of IDA call from within Design Studio I'm currently on 8.0.3 Portal and have found the following happens when doing a call. The call works fine, except when returning from the call, the top row of 'buttons' (Add, Change, Inquire, etc) have all dissapeared. If you do a simple drill in the normal way of right clicking in a field it works ok, but on any form, any type of ida call does this. Lawson has been able to duplicate it with my code - but has assigned it a low prior...
1 4839 0
by Terry P
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