Forum: Lawson Design Studio

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How to call related pages      

Started By  Terry P
If I want to automatically call a 'related page' using javascript, how is that done I've gone thru the Objects Viewer and can't figure it out. Example: on AP20 when a user is on the 'Main Page', I want to switch to the 'Options Page' without the user having to do it. I tried doing a 'position in field', to a field on that page - but that did not work. Any suggestions to point me in the right direction
2 5803 0
by brainet

Lawson authentication and AGS call from Classic ASP for LSF9.0      

Started By  Samantha
We have the need to integrate one of our ASP applications with Lawson. and to do so we need to first authenticate to lawson portal and then make the AGS call. I was going thru the LSF9 document - 'Doc for Developers: IOS Application Program Interfaces' chapter 'Authenticating Programmatically to Lawson'... but it only explains how to do it for Java clients using lhc.jar. Since our app is a ASP app, we won't be able to use this method. Can anyone please share how to accomplish it in Classic ASP e...
4 7649 1
by Josue Molina


Started By  Robert Spurr
Has anyone utilized jQuery within design studio modifications  If so I would be interested on how that was accomplished.
2 5153 1
by Markus

Version 10 Design Studio Issues      

Started By  Brett Eshenour
Trying to find out if anyone else is experiencing issues with Design Studio in Version 10. We are in process of upgrading on our Test system. We have quite a number of portal pages with imbedded UI forms. We first ran into issues with populating the listboxes dynamically. That issues was resolved and we can now populate those listboxes but with having to recode the javascript. The code we used in Version 9 does not work on Version 10 and the new code for Version 10 does not work on Version 9. ...
5 6310 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Design Studio and IE11      

Started By  JoeD
I realize that Design Studio is not supported on IE11. Anyone have any work arounds for this
18 11376 5
by Deleted User

Call HS10 and populate a listbox      

Started By  ISO Dan
Has anyone tried to call a program, in our case HS10 and populate a listbox in the new Infor 10.  When we upgraded, our old method broke and we are trying to find a work around.   Thank you, Dan
0 3851 1

Design Studio form transfer      

Started By  Kenn
We have created a custom DS form of AC10.1 that splits out the User Analysis field into 4 parts.  We also have created a copy of that form called ZAC10.1 that is exactly the same except it only allows Inquire access.  We do not want our users to have to have bookmarks or shortcuts that say ZAC10.1, but we want everyone to use AC10.1. When a user uses the search box for AC10, upon intialization we want to read the security table and if a user has a certain role, we want that user to get the ZAC1...
2 4730 1
by Tim Cochrane

Design Studio 10 Issues      

Started By  Ethan
We are in the process of migrating our Design Studio pages from Lawson 9 to Lawson 10. There have been some changes in the libraries used in Lawson 10 that impact the use of the Select options (documented in KB article 1619046). We use the Select option to create custom droplists on our Design Studio pages. We have made the specified changes in our Design Studio pages and the changes work when running in Preview mode inside of Design Studio, but do not work when accessing the page after it is de...
1 4701 0
by Ethan

Trigger a Process Flow on IPA using https      

Started By  Terry P
In PFI we triggered our flows by creating a record out to WFWK.1 Looking at the IPA Admin guide it shows a sample as shown below. But when I try a test flow, I can never get it to even create a work unit. I can trigger the service from within Landmark Server Scheduling and it works just fine. I even tried to take the URL string and paste in a browswer, but that gave an error that made no sense. Here is the string I used:   https://myserver/bpm/trig...=dev&workTitle=Test1   Can someone share ...
7 9816 2
by Peter O

DME call returns SSORequest() - sso.js error      

Started By  Mark Jorgenson
I'm on Lawson 10.0.3 with Workspace, this plain vanilla DME call to a custom table is returning a SSO error of: Reason: Invalid at the top level of the document. This is the DME call  // Do DME Call to Get Supervisor Code   var s = portalWnd.DMEPath;   s = 'PROD='strPDL;   s = '&FILE=KRMGRDEPT';   s = '&FIELD=PROCESS-LEVEL;DEPARTMENT;EFFECT-DATE;STOP-DATE;';   s = '&INDEX=KMDSET1';   s = '&KEY=' vCompNum '=' vSuperCode;   s = '&OUT=CSV&DELIM=~&NOHEADER'; I ...
1 4887 0
by Mark Jorgenson

Infor Lawson Custom Content Migrator      

Started By  ALB
We are upgrading from 9.0.1 to 10.  When I open up our Design Studio objects, I get:     What is the Infor Lawson Custom Content Migrator  Is there any documentation on it
5 4765 1
by John Henley

Error adding span to listbox      

Started By  mikeP
I have a Design Studio form where I put a listbox tool on the form.  I have a working DME and have parsed the XML properly and have verified the returned value using alert(). I followed several helpful examples here, but I can't get the values added to the list box.    When I run the form directly from IE using a bookmark with DEBUG=True appended, the error is 'Servlet Express reported: Index record does not exist'.  Beyond that, the debug information is not helpful.  Normally I would is th...
3 4349 1
by Randy Jacoy

Passing IPA Variables to a Design Studio Form      

Started By  ALB
I have a service which kicks off an IPA.  There is a service variable (employee number) I want to pass to a Design Studio form.  The custom COBOL has multiple Design Studio forms.  There is a user action tied to the Design Studio form (through a portal page in PFI).  If I use 'Infor Lawson application' as the Display Type on the user action, I could pass the information in keys.  I have multiple custom versions of the form and could set one of the custom forms as the default; however, that would...
4 5456 2
by ALB

AGS call to modify a job?      

Started By  mikeP
I have a job created with the jobdef utility that executes a token assigned to a cmd file script.  I'm trying to submit the job from a Design Studio button, but I need to update the job's parameter string first.  If this was a static job, that'd be done in jobdef, but the DS form takes in parameter values that need to be updated into the job. I'd like to use the DS API builder to rough out the AGS call, but my job isn't listed, only delivered Lawson forms, like PR530. Is it possible to use AGS...
2 4276 0
by mikeP

Info on updatejobstep servlet?      

Started By  mikeP
I think I need to use the lawson-ios/updatejobstep servlet  to modify parameters in a jobdef.  (Thanks John!) Anyone know where I can find documentation or even syntax   Also could use info on cgi-Lawson/xjobdef.exe.   Thanks.
3 4249 1
by mikeP

Connect to outside data source in Design Studio      

Started By  RickyY
Is there a way to connect to a out data source in Design Studio S3. For example, I'm trying to display a value that is on a different db server. If not, how can I calculate a value and have it display Thanks.
1 4133 0
by John Henley

Data Field Selection      

Started By  Lawson_Kid
I am having issues trying to link data from the same table that is not offered as an available field for a certain form. How do I add additional available fields The fields I want to add to the form are not listed.
9 5038 2
by Lawson_Kid

Drill Around Search Error      

Started By  Lawson_Kid
After configuring a DME query searching with a Drill Around on a field no longer works. After hitting search it brings you back to the folder - search option screen. Same issue when using filter, having the fields cleared or not, works on default screen.
0 3703 0

Radio Button Giving Default Value in 10      

Started By  ALB
While testing for the Infor S3-10 upgrade, we noticed that a radio button is giving the default value in version 10.  In 9, we would receive the actual value.  We are using lawForm.getDataValue in FORM_OnBeforeTransaction.  I have tried lawForm.getFormValue and have the same results.  We are using the field to determine the other required fields before the transaction.  I changed it to a drop-down, and it works fine. Has anyone seen this or have a solution other than change to a dropdown
2 4078 0
by ALB

Invalid XML String error message      

Started By  LauraBryant
I'm getting a strange error when trying to create a form that will list the AP invoices from the APInvoice table.  When you click on the invoice, it checks the WFWORKUNIT table, which works fine.  If it's found, it shows the details.  If it's not found, it looks at the WFHISWKUNI table.  When it hits that call, I get an error 'Invalid XML String', Reason: End tag 'head' does not match the start tag 'link'.   I attached the XML code. Any help is greatly appreciated!  Thank you.
0 4087 0

Contains within      

Started By  LauraBryant
I am trying to do a dme call to find all the workunits for a set of AU's for a specific requester code.  I query and store the AU's in an array call vRQAcctStr (tried storing as a string with commas separating the codes but that didn't work).  I want my criteria in my workunit DME call to select all WF-STATUS = 2, SERVICE='Inv Approval' and WORK-CAT-VALUE is in my array. Right now, after I store the AU's in the array, I am creating the obj.criteria with the following value: dmeObj.criteria = '...
3 4219 2
by John Henley

Criteria in DME call - Is there an IN option      

Started By  LauraBryant
Is there a way to set the criteria of a DME call to select a record if a field value is in a string For example, I have a list of AU's stored in a string, separated by commas. I want to only select records from the WFWORKUNIT table if the WORK-CAT-VAL value is in that string.   So, if the records WORK-CAT-VAL equals 305101 and the string I created equals '111205,111210,111211,305101,306106,306109', I want to select the record.   I tried using the contains option and that does not work.
5 4940 2
by LauraBryant

Adding a new Tab Area      

Started By  rmiller
I’m trying to create a Design Studio form based on  IC81.1 to include fields from IC81.2. The fields I want to add are available to add on the detail line. However there is not enough room for all the fields I want. So I was wanting to add a new tab area below the detail area and include these fields there. I was able to add the fields by modifying the source code, because the fields I want to add are not available at the tab area level. The values do not show in the fields when I inquire, is th...
0 4372 0

How to delete a tab in tab region area      

Started By  Ludy
Hi,    I need to delete a tab in the tab region area.      How do I do that     Thanks,    Ludy
2 4014 1
by Ludy

recreate lawson table      

Started By  Ludy
Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to recreate a lawson table   If it is, how do we do it   Thanks, Ludy
5 4410 1
by Ludy
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