Forum: Lawson Design Studio

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Function Code id in function      

Started By  Lynne
I am using the TEXT_OnFocus(id, row) function, and I only need it to execute for certain fields.  I have my if (id=='text12' || id=='text13'... statement, and there are 2 fields that are not working correctly.  The fields are in the detail line section of PO20, so there is the FC column where you can A(dd), C(hange) etc.  This is one of the fields that doesn't work.  If I open the line section in DS, I cannot focus on that field.  It is in a protected state.  I looked at the source and found the...
10 4887 0
by Randy Jacoy

Call to form in DS gives me a data window?      

Started By  wilcoxmad
I build a string to do a form call to custom form CC42. This is my URL: This pops up in a new window but it has the following text instead of the form  Any ideas xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' > - XCC42.1> - CC42.1>   _PDL>DEV_PDL>   _TKN>CC42.1_TKN>   _f0>CC42.1_f0>   _f1>I_f1>   _f2>0_f2>   _f3 />   _f4 />   _f5>12_f5>   _f6 />   _f7>1_f7>   _f8 />   _f9>37115_f9>   _f10 />   _f11>2013_f11>...
9 5140 0
by wilcoxmad

Build in a delay      

Started By  Terry P
Anyone have a suggestion on how to build in a one to two second delay in a form's script Basically I have a user enter a parameter, then fireoff a Process Flow. The Process Flow only takes a second to run, but I want to make sure and give it enough time to complete before continuing on with more script. I played around with a 'for' command and kept incrementing the counter, but could never get it to churn long enough. Any other ideas
1 3605 0
by Terry P

How to find where a data source field is being used?      

Started By  TBonney
When designing a new UI for a screen, is there a way to determine where a field is already being used as a data source We have an older modified version of a PO20 that has the xref-vendor on it, but it does not appear to be in the current PO20 list of available data source field values. Can I find where it might be being used presently, and whether it is being used elsewhere or not, is there a way that I can 'add' it to the PO20 so it can be used here Thank you.
5 4673 0
by TBonney

link WFMATRICS to portal page      

Started By  Rajeev
In my portal page I have two objects, data query and a formlet with custom pa42.1 My dme query queries the WFMATRICS-table and display job requisitions approved by a user currently logged in, Then I click on a row and capture the key-string(company requisition) in the variables. Var1=company and Var2=requisition How do I link these variables to formlet so it can automatically populate custom pa42.1
5 4058 0
by Rajeev

Uploading a file to the server via custom form      

Started By  Reema
Has anyone uploaded a file from a local computer to the lawson server using an Attach button on a design studio form We are trying to find options to upload files (similar to how we would use the browse and attach feature in outlook or yahoo) to move the file from our local PC to the Lawson server. We are unable to create the code to pick from the our PC and move to the server. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
5 4319 0
by JeffR

Basic steps to deploying portal page      

Started By  Ward JR (mwrkx)
Hello friends, been a while since I have been out here. Was wondering, how do you deploy a portal page to the Lawson Portal from Design Studio Just need basic steps to finish a big project. Thanks in advance for any/all the help!!!
3 3952 0
by Terry P

Portal Page Reloading on Form Submit      

Started By  Ward JR (mwrkx)
Is it possible friends I have a custom portal page that I need to build. I need to know if it is possible to submit a portal page to itself via a html form so that I can pickup some of the fields and use them in processing the querying of data from Lawson via a DME. Thanks in advance for the help!!!
1 3548 0
by Ward JR (mwrkx)

Design Studio - Copying an existing form to a new form      

Started By  Chris12
I am new to Design Studio.  Essentially I would like to copy the Lawson delivered CU201 form so I can modify the form.  So essentially I would end up with 2 CU201 forms .... The Lawson delivered and mine.  Both being accessible via the portal (of course under different names)...  Was wondering if this is possible and how I can go about doing this ... Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Chris
11 5054 0
by Chris12

Modified form reverts back      

Started By  Terry P
I have a modified form of PR35.2. It has the box checked for 'Default Presentation'. Whenever I modify a form and make it the default presentation, I always add an '*' at the end of the Title in the form properties. That way, it's very easy to know if a form has been modified in some way (since it's not always obvious). It is also save with a custom form id of 'PR35.2_CUSTOM' In any case, this has occurred now several times: After saving the form, doing a clear IOS cache, restarting the b...
1 3612 0
by Chris12

Changing Field to All Uppercase      

Started By  Chris12
I have made a copy of PA52.1 ... So to default in a PA. Within the tab area (Selected Item 1) a want to be sure that all inputted values are in uppercase (change to fields) ... Can anyone point me in the direction of the best way to do this Thanks and all assitance is appreciated. Chris
7 4164 0
by Chris12

Read Logan from CB55      

Started By  Jeff Pratte
Gang, I would like to read a Logan table (WFVARIABLE) from inside of CB55. I have a working read of CBPAYMENT: function CheckForDup() {  var thisDup = 0; var myTransNumber = lawForm.getDataValue('CBM-REFERENCE-NO'); var s = 'http://' portalWnd.DMEPath; s = 'PROD='portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute('productline');         s = '&FILE=CBPAYMENT';         s = '&FIELD=REFERENCE_NO';         s = '&SELECT=REFERENCE-NO=' myTransNumber...
1 3750 0
by Robert Spurr

Inactivate Add Button on Form      

Started By  Chris12
I am trying to figure out the best way to inactivate the 'add' button when the form loads if there are any values on a certain text box ..... Any help is greatly appreciated .... Thanks, Chris
6 3913 0
by Robert Spurr

Force an automatic Inquire on Screen Load      

Started By  Chris12
I am looking to force an automatic inquire everytime a custome screen loads ...  I want to be sure all values clear out as appropriate.  Any ideas on how to call an inquire from a script when the screen loads .... Thanks so much! Chris
1 3369 0
by Chris12

setFormValue Question      

Started By  Chris12
I am looking to set default values for a tab area values. The only unique identifier for doing this is the ID fields (ID=_f107r0) .. Does anyone have an example of how I can default a value into this field Thanks
2 3647 0
by Chris12

Refresh hidden screen variable      

Started By  JoshuaBr
I'm having an issue where after adding a record to a custom table, a hidden screen variable is not populating without the user doing a manual inquire.   I need this field to refresh immediately after the record(s) are written because it's value is being used to populate an index field (PAC-LN-NBR for PACOMMENTS). I realize that as a last ditch effort I could do a DME for the value, but I would prefer not to incur the overhead involved in doing so if the client wishes to add numerous commen...
1 4087 0
by JoshuaBr

OnClick Question      

Started By  Chris12
I have a screen in DS which contains multple buttons.  I would like to have multiple onClick events (one for each button) .... How do I segrate the onClick events such that each button knows what OnClick function to use ... This one is killing me
4 3926 0
by Chris12

set focus to button on toolbar      

Started By  Ragu Raghavan
I am customizing the AP20.2 screen. One requirement is that, after certain fields have been filled out, to move the cursor to the Add button.I see that the Add button has id='button3' nbr='_l27'.. So in the Javasript, I tried lawForm.positionInField('_l27') and lawForm.positionInFieldById('button3') Neither seems to work. How do I get this to work Thanks. Ragu
0 3720 0

Change product line on DME      

Started By  Terry P
When moving a custom portal page from one product line to another (dev to prod), how can you convert the API code without completing rebuilding it You can't just change it and save - it doesn't keep it. Any tips
3 3664 0
by Robert Spurr


Started By  Chris12
I have a drop down text box on a customized form. As of now it shows a huge listing of values that the user can select. I would like to have them only see certain values (let's say 5 of them). Does anyone know how I can hardcode these values such that they are all the user will see Thanks in advance
9 5210 0
by Chris12

Version 10 Design Studio      

Started By  Brett Eshenour
We are in the process of upgrading to V10. We have numerous custom design studio forms that use dme calls to populate a list box on the form. Under V9 the sample code below populates the list box beautifully. On V10 the same code does not function. The DOM getElementById returns a null, we worked around that and got rid of the errors but it will not populate the list box. Has any one else run into issues with Design Studio form list boxes under V10 and would you be willing to share your w...
1 4695 0
by Brett Eshenour

Button-Form Open and Form Transfer-Design Studio      

Started By  Praveen
Hi, Can anybody let me know what is the fundamental difference between Form Open and Form Transfer for a button in design studio for example If i am moving from hr11 to hr13  ,I am able to move using Form open and Form Transfer also,what is the difference -Praveen
2 3780 0
by Praveen

Disable typing in ListBox      

Started By  JasonP
Any idea how to disable typing in a listbox and force users to pick from the list.  I understand I can data validate later.
2 4009 0
by JasonP

MA64.2 Modification      

Started By  Robert Spurr
I was asked to add PO line number to the form and that was easy but when I inquiry on the form and it returns data any line after the last record shows a zero in the po line number field.  Anyone know how to suppress the zero  I could write some code but I was hoping that I was just missing something easy.
0 3661 0

AGS error not displaying      

Started By  Terry P
I have an AGS call to update a custom form. The form works with no problem. But when I have it in another form and trying to use an AGS call to add a record - it doesn't work. So I added some additional code to check the error after the call. The alert comes back with 'undefined' for the value of sReturnStatus. Here is my code:        // add new record         //Construct DME string for adding record     agsCall = portalWnd.AGSPath '_PDL=' strPDL         agsCall = '&_TKN=X...
1 4407 0
by Robert Spurr
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