Forum: Lawson Design Studio

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AGS to WFWK.1      

Started By  Shane Jones
Sample AGS for WFWK.1 Anyone have the format for an AGS call to WFWK.1 to trigger a flow I am thinking I might be able to create a simple html page with a button that will kick off a flow when the button is clicked All I am going to do is create a page with a button that runs the AGS call to start the flow. It does not need to be associated with an employee or anything it just needs to start the flow - 'payflow_v01' Anyone know how to format the AGS
10 16162 0
by John Henley

Design Studio docs      

Started By  thegris
Where can I find documentation for Design Studio  Is it online somewhere or do I need to track it down inside our Lawson installation Thanks!
7 7558 0
by DavidV

Data query User Interface Designer      

Started By  khart
Is there a way to use the portal page designer and the formlet function in that toolbox to map data  I have a Lawson form built then brought it onto the portal page designer  using the formlet function but I can not get those two pieces to 'talk' together...has anyone done this before  My data query returns rows of data so when I click on a row or click on the check box I would like it to be mapped to the Lawson form.  I can gather all the data into variables from the row click but I can not p...
24 8766 0
by heidi

DME Field Changes      

Started By  Robert Spurr
I've been looking at enhancing some of my Portal Page DME calls with color.  Specifically changing the color of a specific field and or row (something like a green bar paper effect).   Has anyone ever done this and if so can you point me in the right direction. Thanks Robert
16 5781 0
by wilcoxmad

PO29 Need Process Level      

Started By  Kate Liamero
PO Header Process level very important to us because it determines from which bank account the po invoices will be paid. This is a fairly new process for us.  Thanks god we have such a crack AP team and they noticed the account coding on the invoice didn't gel with the process level. This invoice would have been cut from the wromng client account. When procurement uses the PO29 to copy a purchase order the process level field from puchorder is not on the po 29 so they don't even think to look...
3 4343 0
by Robert Spurr

sorting dme query      

Started By  Jeff Pratte
I have this query: var dmePath = '/servlet/Router/Data/Erp'                   'PROD=LOGAN'                   '&FILE=WFMETSUM'                   '&FIELD=WF-RM-ID;END-DATE;END-TIME;TASK;ACTION-TAKEN'                      '&INDEX=WMSSET1'                   '&KEY=' wu                   '&OUT=XML' that I need to sort by END_DATE and END_TIME. I saw from a previous post that I can add '&SORTDESC=END-DATE' as the last line. I think that will wor...
2 6073 0
by David Williams

close modal window      

Started By  Ragu Raghavan
I have a custom form, that on a certain condtion, opens another form. After the users are done with this called form and push a biutton, I need to close it, so user gets back to the calling form. I tried window.close() Does not seem to work. What is the syntax Thanks. Ragu
2 3713 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Back Button click event      

Started By  Mark Randolph
Let's say that we are on AP10 and we click a button to transfer to PO10.  On PO10 there is a 'Back' button to the left of Add / Change / Inquire / Delete / etc.     Clicking the Back button takes you back to AP10.     So far so good, but let's say we want to intercept the event of when the Back button is clicked and do some edits that may result in the fact that we want to keep the user on PO10, i.e., negate the Back button action.     In the Design Studio for PO10, how can you detect when th...
0 4349 0

Create a drop down with Supervisor's employees      

Started By  ISO Dan
What I am trying to do is create a drop list in Portal/Design Studio with the Supervisor's direct report.  So when a supervisor logs in he/she can only see their direct reports. Can anyone direct me on how to create this drop down
3 4392 0
by ISO Dan

Need to create a work unit message longer than 60 characters.      

Started By  Randy Jacoy
We have a portal form that our users use to add a message to a work unit.  The call is as follows: http:///bpm/inbasketFUNCTION=workdetail&RDUSER=&WORKUNIT=1518&APPRODLINE=LOGAN&UPTYPE=MSG&UPDTACTION=A&MSGID=uniqid1234&MSGCONTENT=This is a test message. This call adds an entry to tables WFMSGHDR and WFMSGDTL in the LOGAN database.  Looking in the WFMSGDTL table you'll see that the MESSAGE (MSGCONTENT above) field size is 60 characters.  Our users want to add messages longer than 6...
2 3770 0
by Randy Jacoy

Remove list button on right side      

Started By  ISO Dan
Does anyone know how to remove the button on the far right hand side of the screen.  It is a redundant button and just a listing of the buttons to the left.  My users want it removed because it adds confusion but I am unable to successfully remove since I cannot seem to access it. Screen shot below, in this example it says 'Inquire' (far right hand list button) Thank you,
1 3445 0
by David Williams

Capture list box error message      

Started By  ISO Dan
Hello, Is there a way to capture the list box error message and display it in a message box.  Currently the message is 'Value not in list' which is the message that I want but unfortunately it is displayed in the lower right hand corner of the screen.  It is not a Lawson return message so I cannot capture it like other messages.  Any guidance would be helpful. See below: Thank you, Dan
0 2898 0

System Date for Validation      

Started By  Dawn
I need to check the effective date on HR11 and compare against the system date to make sure the effective date is within 5 days.  I used the getFormValue for the Effective Date, but how do I pull in the system date for compare
2 3410 0
by Dawn

Remove page objects from Header      

Started By  Robert Spurr
I've created a form and wrapped it in a portal page but even wrapped when opened I get the search, title help buttons etc..  Basically the default objects at the header of any portal view.  Has anyone been successfully in removing this objects  I've tried a variety of options but non seen to work.  Any assistance would appreciated.
1 3238 0
by Georgette

Design Studio Workflow      

Started By  Greg Dey
Does anyone know how to capture the workunit in design studio when calling WFWK  I created a design studio form for HR11 and an AGS call to WFWK.  I've tried selectSingleNode and GetAGSFieldValue without success, maybe syntax errors
5 3827 0
by Greg Dey

Design Studio Scripting      

Started By  JoeS
I would like to limit the list of HR11 user fields to a specific group.  Is it possible to use scripting within Design Studio to limit the list when the form loads  I have a group of users who should only see/modify a limited list of user fields.  Any ideas or examples would be much appreciated. Thanks, Joe
3 3852 0
by Ragu Raghavan

How to close 2nd form and return to 1st      

Started By  Paul Gallucci
A coworker is developing a portal page where one of the objects is a form. There are conditions when a 2nd form needs to be opened and when finished - close it and return to the first form.  In the current implementation when the 2nd form opens it replaces the first one, (appears in the same space as the first form on on the portal page).  When the 2nd form is closed using portalWnd.close() (described in thread - close modal window from Ragu Raghavan), the entire portal page closes... ev...
2 3460 0
by David Williams

Weird behavior on      

Started By  George Graham
After migration to a new server (win 2008 R2 from win 2003) - Design studio form with script that simply opens a popup window and writes content does not work. The does actually open the popup, but the following document.write (even with simple 'test' string) hangs when trying to write to the window. This is not contained to one form - happens anywhere you try it in DS. But couple of strange things - this works on new test server - same OS/Env, etc.... And ESS custom for with same wi...
0 3890 0

How to make Read Only field.      

Started By  JT
I have added two buttons on a form 'PO Return' and 'non PO Return' here.... function CHECK_OnClick(id, row) {  if(id == 'check1')  {   //Getting data value from check box 0 or 1   alert ('po return'); //  Disp='R' nm='Submit' value='R' nbr='_111' id='label110' visable='0'   POForm();     }  if(id == 'check2')  {          alert ('nonpo return');          NonPOForm();  } } The Alerts word fine when clicking the form, however I woul...
4 5237 0
by John Henley

Questions on making some basic DS mods      

Started By  TBonney
I apologize for my ignorance. However, I am new to Design Studio and have found the User Guide to be not much help, so I thought I'd ask the forum for some guidance on some what I thought would be 'easy') changes I am attempting. I am trying to modify PA90 and am unable to figure out how to do the following tasks: 1. 'Hide' a field. (I still want it to be present, but not visible to end users, so I am trying to avoid deleting it outright.) 2. Make a field be required. 3. Chan...
9 4545 0
by TBonney

number of rows on a Detail Area      

Started By  Ragu Raghavan
I am developing a custom version of AP20. The Detail area (with GL account etc) has 5 lines. I want to show only line 1 to the users. I was hoping to change the 'rows' property of the Detail object to 1. When I click on the Object - properties, it is greyed out. I tried changing the 'rows' property on the source. It seems to get reset to 5. I tried setting it in the script   Form_oninit() vFld = lawform.getElement('DT0',0) vFld.setAttribute('rows',1) does not seem to work...
0 3927 0

Design Studio workflow trigger PA52.1      

Started By  Judy Consoli
We are trying to create a workflow trigger for the Change transaction via design studio. When we try to add variables for the workflow trigger we cannot match the workunit field variable to the form variable for those fields on Selected Items 1 because this is an array. Has anyone ever successfully accompished this.  We worked with Lawson Support and they suggested we query the Lawson Community Thanks in advance. Judy Consoli
1 4040 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Calling one form from another with button.      

Started By  wilcoxmad
I'm trying to call one custom form from another and pass some data to the second:                 if (id == 'push1')                 {                 var vCompany=lawForm.getFormValue('text1');                 var vYear = lawForm.getFormValue('text3');                 var vQtr = lawForm.getFormValue('text4');                 var vEmp = lawForm.getDataValue('MANAGER',0);                   var sURL= portalObj.path'_TKN=CC42.1&QIC-COMPANY='                 vCompany'&SUPER-EMP='...
6 3726 0
by wilcoxmad

Can you query Landmark from a Design Studio Portal Page?      

Started By  Ken Stark
We have a custom DS Portal Page that runs a DME query to get ProcessFlow workunit information from the LOGAN database.  Now that we are beginning to use Infor Process Automation the workunits reside on a Landmark server.  Does anyone know if it is possible to query Landmark from a DS Portal Page
0 3472 1

DME call      

Started By  Lynne
Hello- I am wondering if someone could look at my DME function call and see if they can tell me what's wrong with it.  I've used Lawson DS user guide and posts from this forum to get it put together. I don't get an error when it sends the call to the server (none pop up anyway), but the sReturn.status comes back as undefined.  The alert that displays sReturn is blank. Here is what variable s displays as in my alert. /servlet/Router/Data/ErpPROD=TEST&FILE=POLINESRC&FIELD=...
13 8263 0
by Lynne
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