How to pass values to the link Form in data query page

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    I am totally new to Design Studio.

    I am builing a portal page that will have a data query to find employees with a certain Employee Status.  Under General tab of the Data query property pages dialog box
    Link Records, I clicked Form and entered Token PA52.1

    When I preview I get list of employees and I click on the employee number and it takes me to PA52.1 screen.  Now I need to figure out how to default in the Company and Employee from the record I clicked on the report.

    Thank you for whatever help I can get.
    Derek Czarny
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 63
    Veteran Member
      Up in the upper right under properties, select portalpage. Then click the custom property button. This should open up a data map for you. You have to map the element objects from the first query to the elements in the second object your pa52 page.