Forum: Lawson Portal

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webrpt.exe/USERRPT table entry      

Started By  maryclare
hi all - i am trying to display a work file from a lawson job through the portal, but i can not do it using webrpt.exe, since the file path does not exist in the USERRPT table in GEN.  i receive an error that says 'invalid file. must be in USERRPT'. is there a (systematic) way that i can add the path name for a work file to the USERRPT table  will that alone solve the issue thanks!
4 15873 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Updating LOBKMARK via Addins?      

Started By  lfinch
Has anyone successfully updated LOBKMARK with an Addins upload  How did you handle the seq I need to add the new 901 forms and I'm getting tired of keying. I use Addins to associate groups with the bookmarks, but actually adding new bookmarks to an existing file seems a little trickier.  Thanks
1 4995 0
by Deleted User

/bin/wtsubmit -v | grep | wc -l      

Started By  amylynanderson
I am running the above command is a PFI but the output of the job does not display in the users print manager so they can receive the results of the job.  The job did not go into recovery or anything.  I cann see the .prt file in the print directory.  Is there another option I must use to get the job to display in print manager after the wtsubmit  ios cach refresh or another print command.
3 6342 0
by Sampath S

Required Fields      

Started By  Jose
Does anyone know a workaround in HR11 that enables you to add an employee without requiring to fill out numerous fields Reason for this is that we have to input volunteers which we normally wouldnt have to complete all tabs in HR11 as you would for an employee. We just need to be able to add a volunteers Names in HR11 so that they are searchable when using the 'Volunteer' Company.
3 6050 0
by Vijay S

Field Help Message      

Started By  Jose
I am trying to figure out how to change the text that appears when using field help (CltShiftH). Can someone guide me in the right direction
2 4747 0
by Deleted User

User knocked out of Portal after opening large PDF file      

Started By  Gary Padgett
A user reported being knocked completely out of Internet Explorer after trying to open a large PDF file in Print Manager in Portal.  She had created a PDF and a CSV version of this report and was accessing the PDF (2039 pages).  I opened a case with Lawson but have had no resolution yet.  Is anyone familiar with a situation like this The user was able to log back in to Portal and I assume was able to open the report later.  I am wondering if this is really a Lawson issue or a case of consumi...
1 4288 0
by riegerj

Field and Form Help Data      

Started By  Jose
Is there a way to extract the the Field and Form Help data from Lawson and have it generated into a text file without having to go to each individual form and field
1 4409 0
by John Henley

Delayed drill around dialog box - taking over a minute to show values      

Started By  CindyW
We have an employee that is having a problem that is unique to her PC. When she clicks on a drill around icon (for example - on HR11 - the Employee field), it is taking a very long time for the values to appear - over a minute. For everyone else, the values appear almost instantly. She just had IE8 installed on her PC, but others have that installed and they are not having this issue. Any ideas on what could be causing this problem   We are completely stumped.
3 4603 0
by CindyW

Out of memory error accessing attachments in custom application.      

Started By  AnnH
Following is the error we get when accessing attachments in a custom client profile application that uses attachments similar to HR11.  When we access the application in LID we do not have the error so the error is unique to portal.  According to the message the error is occurring in the call to /cgi-lawson/getattachrec.exe. Error calling  /cgi-lawson/getattachrec.exe Error:  Error Number:  7 Message:  Out of memory Description:  Out of memory SSORequest() - sso.js ...
0 4677 0

IOS Portal for remote users performace (remotes freeze up)      

Started By  JoeB
We have some remote users who will have Portal freeze up with no error message (occasionally a Browser 503 error) - could be a few times a day. Users eventually kill their Internet Explorer session and start a new one. Could IOS need tuning Any tips for the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure Or would it more likely be the remote connections with issues. Likely, it could be the connection/latency/packets/loss they are experiencing since internal users run the same port...
4 5729 0
by JoeB

Use of a Web Analytical Tool with Lawson portal      

Started By  Karen Siegel
Is anyone currently using WebTrends or Google Analytics for tracking Web Usage/other statistic information for Lawson portal (mainly for ESS or MSS) Or is there some other information within Lawson security that would provide information about what users have signed in; what has been accessed
1 4568 0
by Tim

Is there an Activity Log in Lawson      

Started By  Deleted User
Friends, hello there. Question, in 8.0, some co-workers of mine had access to some kind of report that showed the activity within Lawson (screens accessed, jobs ran, all kinds of activity). In v9.0 (we are on, is there anything like that Is there a report or something that we can see everything that takes place in Lawson with our end users Thanks!
1 5111 0
by Roger French

Key combination on Portal forms      

Started By  BillW
Hopefully someone can refresh my memory... I seem to recall there is a combination of keys (CTRL-SHIFT) that will display information about the particular form you are using in Portal.  I thought there was a DME query in there. I have a need to create some data for our Controller. Thanks for your help. Bill
3 4838 0
by BillW

Did the W4 location change?      

Started By  Wade-T
In the past I have opened the xhrnet\w4\w4.htm file and commented out the line that contained ' uiButton(getSeaPhrase('UPDATE','ESS')'. The latest version 00 of ESS we installed now has an if/else statement around that are and it have made changes to the w4.htm file and have not been able to view them.  I have even renamed the w4.htm file yet I can still access and update the W4 through the Lawson portal.  Did the underlying file move
1 4921 0
by Nick

Program Message Updates no showing in Portal      

Started By  Eric Haugen
I added a couple of online messages to a custom program, recompiled it, ran xscrgen and ran it in LID and the new messages are displayed. I then went to Portal and refreshed cache and ran it and the new messages are not found. Don't understand why, its like the portal refresh does not refresh everything. I had everything check marked. Interestingly, I then copied the program to a brand new program number, logged back into Portal, performed another refresh and ran the new program and they display...
4 4396 0
by John Cunningham

Referencing Portal Session Variables in Http String      

Started By  Joe O'Toole
I need to reference the Portal session variable that contains employee number for use in an HTTP string. I was trying to use the 'employee' attribute as it appears in http://server/servlet/profile Can anyone share the correct syntax to grab a Portal session variable ie: http://urlstring/ID=
0 4361 0

ESS Open Enrollment Screen hangs      

Started By  Jamela
For some employees, the open enrollment page hangs once you click the continue button on the welcome page.  So far, I have not been able to figure out why it hangs or if it is for a particular type of employee.  When this happen, it hangs when the form is trying to retrieve your current benefits I have done the following - -Run the QN732 and they do not appear on the report.  All applicable deductions are there w/dates -Compare the benefit records (BENEFIT) to others and there are not di...
1 4487 0
by mark.cook

Authenticating from Classic ASP to LSF9      

Started By  Samantha
We have the need to integrate one of our ASP applications with Lawson. and to do so we need to first authenticate to lawson portal and then make the AGS call. I was going thru the LSF9 document - 'Doc for Developers: IOS Application Program Interfaces' chapter 'Authenticating Programmatically to Lawson'... but it only explains how to do it for Java clients using lhc.jar. Since our app is a ASP app, we won't be able to use this method. Can anyone please share how to accomplish it in Classic ASP e...
0 4217 0

Lawson Portal Security Question      

Started By  Kevin Stuck
I am very new to Lawson.  I am setting up Manager Self Service and I am having difficulty with the drill down functionality.  I have everything the way I want except for two items.  1.) I want to be able to block 'Employee Groups' option and 2.) Under Absence Plans I want to block the option for 'Absence Plan Setup' and I cannot figure out how to do this.  I am trying to do this through Lawson Security.  Can anyone help me with this  I am really struggling.
1 5697 0
by Deleted User

Movex online API repository not working..?      

Started By  GP
I was using the Movex API repository in the below link. But it is not working now. Pls let me know if anyone has come across any alternative solution for this.
0 7841 0

ESS Benefit Enrollment Plan Description Links      

Started By  Diane Macie
On the Open Enrollment screens, each Plan has an active link to the Plan Description located in xbnnet/plan description folder. I want to inactivate these links. I found how to inactivate the links on the available plans screen (availplans.htm) but I can't find how the other pages are referencing the link. Any ideas
1 5484 0
by Deleted User

Bookmarks to include FormID      

Started By  D Duke
This sounds trivial, but, just starting to implement Portal and the users would like to see the FormID along with the Form Name on the bookmarks.  Has anyone done this      Along the same note, do users actually use the Bookmarks or do they just use the search
2 4412 0
by Tim Cochrane

Function of NUGLET in .XML file?      

Started By  Joe O'Toole
I recently discovered that if you put a bookmark value in the 'Nuglet' key within the content section of a User.xml file,  it launches that bookmark opon login to EMSS. Does anyone have any more details on how this key behaves and how to control it Thanks.
0 4511 0

How to turn off cut and paste in a portal form      

Started By  Deleted User
Is it possible to dissable cut and paste in certain portal forms  Pasting in characters can insert tab characters that mess up the database entry and reports do not work correctly. Thanks in advance for any assistance Dean-O
0 4483 0

Mass Assign new PortalRole to all users      

Started By  D Duke
We don't want to use the default.xml PortalRole that is the default in Portal.  I was told that I first had to create a new role, run ldifgen to create the ldif files and then run ldapmodify.  But, to assign to everyone, I was told to run the mass assignment.  But, not figuring out how to do that to change everyone's PortalRole.  Can anyone help
2 4513 0
by D Duke
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