Forum: Lawson Smart Office

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Smart Office over Citrix    

Started By  John Crudele
We are starting our implementation of Smart Office. the question came up about accessing LSO over Citrix. Is anyone currently doing this and be will to discuss how you are doing it. Regards JC
9 38951 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
3/25/2015 1:49 PM

LSO & M3_UI_Adapter 10.1    

Started By  v.raska
Hi All After upgrade M3_UI_Adapter from 10.0.1 to 10.1 , I cannot run any application in LSO. I dont know where is problem. The same situation is where I install M3_UI_Adapter 10.1 LSO with M3_UI_Adapter 10.0.1 is OK If I login to http://x.x.x.x/mne or to LSO system send me this message System busy � The traffic to the server is currently high or the server maybe down. Please try again later. If the problem occurs often, contact your system administrator. In the log is ...
4 36113 1
by  CMardisJump to last post
10/12/2015 12:25 PM

Default Canvas Problem    

Started By  sergo001
Hello, I've been trying to change default canvas as it says in Admin Guides. But no success. Every time i log in with user default canvas applied. Log file throw GetFileFromRoot exception: WS-CXF: [ws-request-13] Application {}ISettingsServiceService{}GetFileFromRoot has thrown exception, unwinding now: com.lawson.lso.server.SmartOfficeException: File not found CanvasFiles/test.jade (INFO : org.apache.cxf.phase.Phas...
8 35707 1
by  OsloswedeJump to last post
6/17/2015 9:24 AM

Smart Office (Mango Server) Authentication Error    

Started By  fedenaj1
Greetings gurus, I'm currently working thru the install of the Smart Office client on my PC and have hit a snag.  After providing my login credentials to Smart Office, I'm presented with an invalid name or password 'Authentication error'.  The message box also shows a [MangoAuthenticateErrror]   (that's no type-o, error has 3 'r's in the message dialog box). Anyhow, my DSSOSessionProvider logs the following: Session provider is reporting this 2014-09-11 09:42:15,302  WARN DSSOSessionProv...
2 39086 1
by  Matt DanielsJump to last post
2/23/2015 1:17 PM

DSP Installation for ISO LCM versions    

Started By  Chesca
I am having such as hard time following the Installation guide and installing DSSO DSP. I keep getting an error when trying to register the DSP package (LCM --> choose install --> select DSP-->next).  I am probably missing a step, should I install the DSSO router (create a new Grid Router adapted for DSSO use) first DSP version                    DSSOSessionProvider             2.0.4 LCM                                Lawson Grid                      ...
0 3588 2
10/15/2014 2:42 PM

DSSO Base component    

Started By  Chesca
The DSSO session Provider requires the DSSO base component. I can't get a successful DSP package registration. Please see screenshots (great I can't attach/upload files). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
0 4141 2
10/15/2014 7:09 PM

smart Office licenses    

Started By  Chesca
Hi, can somebody please tell me if you need to pay for license for SO
0 4474 0
12/11/2014 6:27 PM

Offsite Ship To Locations    

Started By  Kodi L
We have hospitals out of town that we purchase for; we are setting up Purch From locations but we want the ship to address to appear on the PO rather than having to type it at the header level each time. My thought was to set up IC02.1 locations with the correct ship to address and enter the location in the Ship to in PO20 but I am getting push back as others are stating this is for asset locations. These offsite locations are not assets; what is the best way to accomplish my goal  Any guidance...
0 4710 0
12/16/2014 2:19 PM

ListViews Present Server Timedout Error    

Started By  fedenaj1
Guru's, When attempting to bring up Print Manager or Job Scheduler in ISO we receive 'Server Timedout' error messages.  We also see these same messages when bringing up list views for some MA and AP screens.  The tables these screens read, including the userrpt and queuedjob tables, are very large for our organization.  Has any other large sized customers had issues with list views loading data Thank you. Jared
0 4505 0
1/9/2015 9:05 PM

HK field value in Smart Office    

Started By  Karen Ploof
I am trying to upload changes to time records (PR36) and need to add the HK field.  I used to use CTRLSHFTV to figure out what values need to be in that field, but that doesn't seem to work in Smart Office (although CTRLSHFTO does work). Karen Ploof
1 34655 0
by  VinceJump to last post
1/13/2015 3:31 PM

JScript on startup screen - to close screen    

Started By  woody33
Hello, It is possible to close a screen on a startup script    I tried 2 possibilities but it dosn't work :     var auto = new MFormsAutomation();             auto.AddStep(ActionType.Key, 'F3');             var uriF3 = auto.ToUri();             DashboardTaskService.Manager.LaunchTask(new Task(uriF3));        2-            controller.PressButton('F3');   With a shorcut this solution works but not with a startup script. Anyone have an idea Thank ...
0 5003 0
3/9/2015 3:22 PM

Smart Office list forms that can have data changed from them    

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
I know you can create list driven views in SO and that there are some forms that can have the data changed directly from the list driven view. I believe not all forms can be changed that way even if you can create a list driven view. Correct How do I find the list of forms that can have data changed by list driven views Are they called dynamic list driven views  I tried searching KB articles/documenations without success. Thanks for any help you can provide. I appreciat...
4 33970 0
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
4/21/2015 11:30 AM

Smart Office search using wildcards    

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
I am new to using Smart Office and am trying to do a search using a wildcard. Can someone tell me how to do that Specifically, I am trying to search on an HRWriter title. I would use * in portal and LID. Thanks.
2 34497 0
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
4/24/2015 2:34 PM

Move personalization    

Started By  Mary Porter
We just upgraded from LSF9 to LSF10, and we are on smart office version Prior to the upgrade we were accessing both LSF9 and LSF10 in this version of smart office. Our personalizations were set up in LSF9 - isn't there a way to migrate the personalizations
0 4464 0
5/3/2015 2:44 PM

Not saving personalizations    

Started By  Mary Porter
We have two roles set up identically in ISO One role allows personalizations to be saved, and one role does not. Users have the same LS role. The FormsPersonalization security was added to the ESS user role so everyone has it. Where else can we look
0 4317 0
5/27/2015 12:55 AM

Filter Token does not work    

Started By  Mary Porter
The filter token  does not start with - !* ' does not work for us - ISO   If I type an A in the Last Name field and then insert the !*, I get all of the last names that start with A. In the Status field, if I type in !*T, I get all of the statuses that start with T.   all of the others tokens work. Has anyone else had this problem
1 33844 0
by  VinceJump to last post
2/25/2016 8:34 PM

Actions Buttons & increase detail rows    

Started By  ShawnV
Soapbox: The following 2 items we can do in Design Studio in about 5 mins.  I have been trying to find a solution in Smart Office for over 4 hours. 1) On a form how do I display the 'Actions' as buttons  For example on PO20 the users want the Release, Cancel, etc actions as buttons so they don't have to click the drop down to get to they action they want. 2) On a detail form how do I increase the number of rows in a tab area.  For example, on the PO20 screen the users want to 'move' additiona...
3 34202 0
by  ShawnVJump to last post
6/17/2015 7:24 PM

Defalut Canvas --changing    

Started By  Osloswede
I have make some canvas templates. But i cant find out if its possible for the user to add and remove own shortcuts. But not possible to remove the folder/shortcut who is standard in the canvas Is it possible with that mix
2 34464 0
by  OsloswedeJump to last post
6/22/2015 6:49 AM

Defalut Canvas --changing    

Started By  Osloswede
I have make some canvas templates. But i cant find out if its possible for the user to add and remove own shortcuts. But not possible to remove the folder/shortcut who is standard in the canvas Is it possible with that mix
0 4270 0
6/18/2015 7:30 AM

Add tab to PO20 detail/tab area    

Started By  ShawnV
I am trying to add a new tab to the PO20 detail/tab area using Lawson Smart Office scripting.  Currently the PO20 screen has 6 tabs in the detail area.  I want to add a 7th tab to which I want to add additional data elements. Unfortunately I cannot get the scripting to work to either get the tab page container or add a new tab page.  Below is a brief snippet of the scripting code I have.  Each of the console.WriteLine values are coming back as undefined. var aa = form.GetTabPageContainer('TF0-...
4 34090 1
by  ShawnVJump to last post
6/30/2015 3:42 PM

Scripting - Set field alignment on Lawson form    

Started By  ShawnV
Is there any way to change the text alignment (justification) on an existing Lawson form field  On the PO20 screen our users would like the Vendor field to be left justified (don't ask me why!).  I added the following code but the text did not shift to the left. var fldVendor = form.GetElement('PCR-VENDOR'); fldVendor.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; Any help is appreciated. Thanks - Shawn Van Sluys
1 34054 1
by  VinceJump to last post
7/9/2015 6:04 PM

Save PDF from LSO    

Started By  Mary Porter
When we open up a print job in ISO with the default PDF, there is no option to Save the report - we have to Save As, which then goes to temporary folders. When we open up a print job in Portal/Mingle with the default PDF, the report can be saved, and the folder location is saved. So when payroll is saving print jobs, they have to move to portal/Mingle to do it. I thought I had seen something regarding this issue in one of the forums but I can't locate it. Is there a setting or a workaround for...
2 34637 1
by  VinceJump to last post
2/25/2016 8:39 PM

IPA In Basket in Smart Office    

Started By  audiracer
Hello,   We are upgrading from Lawson 9 to 10x and as a part of the process switching from PFlows to IPA and planning to rollout Smart Office (instead of Ming.le/Portal). However Smart Office does not seem to support scripting and formatting - is there a way to accomplish this   Our requirements: • 1 In Basket for all flows • No redundant login • Same look and feel as current Lawson 9 Portal In Basket • Same look and feel for all flows • Ability to format the database data prior to dis...
0 4409 1
11/18/2015 7:40 PM

Are you Purchasing Smart Office ?    

Started By  Maria
We are in the planning phase of implementing version 10 however, we are having difficulty on who should have Smart Office. Are you purchasing Smart Office with version 10 If so, who are you purchasing licenses for: Buyers Analysts Inventory Control Staff AP Clerks Accountants Any comments will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
7 35496 1
by  VinceJump to last post
2/25/2016 9:06 PM

Field Personalization on CB20    

Started By  Jackie H
We've been having issues with spaces being entered either at the beginning or the end of the CBT-TRANS-NBR when manually input.  The field size is up to 10 alpha characters. We've requested users enter 10 characters to eliminate this issue, but they get creative and the addition of spaces causes an issue with locating the transaction later.  Is there a way to personalize the field on the form to require exactly 10 characters be entered
3 34308 0
by  Jackie HJump to last post
2/26/2016 2:09 PM
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 Discuss Mashup Designer for building composite applications that combine M3 and S3 forms, visualizations, and data.
33 82 5 binding json data in mash... by  ScottCT 10/18/2018 5:11 PM