Soapbox: The following 2 items we can do in Design Studio in about 5 mins. I have been trying to find a solution in Smart Office for over 4 hours.
1) On a form how do I display the 'Actions' as buttons? For example on PO20 the users want the Release, Cancel, etc actions as buttons so they don't have to click the drop down to get to they action they want.
2) On a detail form how do I increase the number of rows in a tab area. For example, on the PO20 screen the users want to 'move' additional data onto the Line Detail tab. They want to add 2 new rows of data below the existing rows. Thus, instead of showing 4 rows of data we want to have 6 rows of data on the LIne Detail tab.
Any guidance is helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Vince - Thanks for the quick reply. The Shortcuts for the buttons works great (I missed that one). As for being unable to make the detail tab larger, that was my assumption but I was hoping someone knew of way.