Forum: Lawson S3 Procurement

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ER 13251 voting now! Asking for your support!    

Started by  NatalieD
Asking for support of ER 13251 with your vote!   Description: Looking for a report that could provide the vendor contract and unit cost of an item using the logic in the PO process - which factors in vendor agreement participant and vendor agreement priority. This information is needed to help determine pricing for a particular location on a large scale for reporting and helps to evaluate our pricing index.   Work Around: Currently, we pull a full item/contract listing and t...
0 2922 0
12/21/2016 5:13 PM

MSCM Table structure    

Started by  Andy
We want to use Crystal reporting with MSCM outside of the canned reports. Does anybody out there have a listing of the table structure for MSCM or instruct me on how to obtain them Thanks
12453 1
by  MarisolJump to last post
12/20/2016 3:06 PM

Purge/Archive Advice    

Started by  brupp
Hello - We are long overdue for a purge/archive of Lawson data.  We have open PO lines from years ago that lack for a better way to put it, we just want to go away.  No resources available for research/paint screens.  Does anyone have a retention policy in place - similar to what we all have for paper records  Are there 3rd party solutions available (at a cost of course) for assistance & maintenance  Is anyone using PO300 routinely for purging  We only use PO...
2 5206 0
by  Jason BeardJump to last post
12/1/2016 11:47 AM

MA00 Match settings    

Started by  NatalieD
Is anyone willing to share their MA00 Match settings and the theory/policy behind them
8 5089 0
by  JonAJump to last post
11/30/2016 10:30 AM

Buyer messaging    

Started by  bnelson
I need some help in more clearly understanding the order and sequecning of Buyer messaging in lawson. can someone direct me to a resource that will provide the messaging sequence and order that happens in lawson when a PO and invoice do not agree from a pricing perspective.
3 10242 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
11/28/2016 3:24 PM

Unmatched Invoices    

Started by  Keogh
We are seeing an increasing number of invoices in the Reconciliation Queue showing: All Rule Group Levels Match unsuccessful. Is anyone else experiencing this issue thanks, Diane
1 7552 0
by  NatalieDJump to last post
11/28/2016 1:52 PM

Fax Integrator 10.0.2    

Started by  Chesca
We upgraded EDI and the very next minute, Fax integrator stop sending email notifications to the buyers. I honestly don't see how these 2 products could be related but then again with Lawson, you never know. I looked in the ios.log and also fax integrator log and saw nothing or no errors. 6/24/2016 11:53:09 AM : l_TRACE : FaxStatus.normalizeStatus 6/24/2016 11:53:09 AM : l_TRACE : Fax Status for 1510907-0000--000 : COMPLETED NONE 6/24/2016 11:53:09 AM : l_TRACE : Retries: 0 Fax...
5190 0
by  ChescaJump to last post
11/16/2016 3:05 PM


Started by  Bev Edwards
Why would the value for SOH in the ITEMLOC table differ from the SOHDETAIL SOH value
2 3712 0
by  JimYJump to last post
11/7/2016 9:59 AM

Reporting - Purchase Order (PO) Past Due    

Started by  Johnmac
Hello, Lawson Version 10.0.5 Does Lawson offer the functionality to generate a PO past due report Is this something that can be queried using Excel Add-Ins Thank you, John
1 3591 0
by  JonAJump to last post
11/3/2016 12:27 PM

OR and MSCM    

Started by  Me
Looking to see what others are doing with their OR and MSCM.  They're currently not perpetual and we use Epic.  We have plans to use the interface to decrement quantities and make them perpetual but we're not there yet.  We'd like to get to them to utilize the handhelds in some way.  What are others doing with MSCM and their OR to help with their workflow  Is POU an option 
6 4704 0
by  MeJump to last post
11/2/2016 6:53 PM

Hide Item in RQC    

Started by  Me
Is there a way to allow a stock item to be ordered, received, but not show up in RQC  We have an extended backorder on an item and want the stock to accumulate until we have enough to distribute consistently but don't want requestors to be allowed to order.  Has anyone ever done that before
1 3461 0
by  JonAJump to last post
10/21/2016 4:47 PM

Special Item Validation    

Started by  Me
When Special Item Validation is set to Warn or Deny can the message users see when they try to order an item that's already in the IM be edited or changed  Below are the standard messages.  We'd like to change the word Deny to Notice but not sure if that's possible.   Warn - Users are warned that the special item already exists in the item catalog, but you have the option to add the item from the catalog instead.   Deny - Users cannot add a special item because it al...
4 3712 0
by  MeJump to last post
10/20/2016 7:22 PM

Inventory Location and RQC    

Started by  Me
We've recently set up a new inventory location and loaded some items to that location only.  We only have one company and one item group.  Our original thinking was that when in RQC the requestor would need to change the From location in order to request these items.  We're finding that they can order them from any of our inventory locations.  We would like to set it to where the location has to be changed in order for the requestor to see these items.  Is that possible
2 4413 0
by  MeJump to last post
10/14/2016 11:34 AM

RQ to Gatekeeper 250    

Started by  Batvan
Hello    An RQ is showing as unreleased status and won't appear in Gatekeeper 250 for PO conversion,    Is there a way to manually push it through
4 3143 0
by  JonAJump to last post
10/7/2016 12:22 PM

PO25 Duplicates    

Started by  JODAMORE
Greetings, I have a scenario where two of the same item exists within a PO25 contract.  I cant speak to how it occurred, however it seems to have persisted within the system for several years.  My guess is someone added a new PO13 record on the item w/ a different Vendor pn.  Then added that variant on PO25. Eventually a PO13 'Replace and Inactivate' was done which made both records duplicated.  Someone then removed the hold (before or after the R&I, cant be sure which...
2846 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
9/26/2016 5:26 PM

10X Conversion    

Started by  Michelle Wetzel
We now join the ranks of those who have made the jump to 10.  Day 2....its been a rough cutover.    Had a couple of questions that I hope those who have gone before us can answer. 1. We have the buyers setup on PO04 to not be able to change the PO price. Instead they are to change the agreement price and then clear out the price on PO20 and it will feed in from the agreement on a Change. As of go live, the system is allowing them to change the price manually.  Happen to ...
1 2958 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
9/8/2016 4:28 PM

Receipt Process for Pharmacy    

Started by  brupp
Hello - When items earmarked for Pharmacy hit our docks, our receiving clerks cannot open the boxes, so they deliver the boxes as is to Pharmacy.  Currently, Pharmacy opens the boxes, confirms items against the packing slips, takes the slips down to the dock to have them scanned in to ImageNow & request Lawson receipt from the clerks.   It's a broken process for multiple reasons.  1st fix is to give Pharmacy their own scanners for their packing slips.  2nd fix is to find...
8 3712 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
9/8/2016 3:54 PM

Sorting Order in PPS200    

Started by  Roland Lee
Hi Gurus, I realized that the standard sorting order content in PPS200 is not editable. Anyways that I can edit it perhaps adding a few more columns Appreciate the advise with thanks.
0 3279 0
9/8/2016 2:31 AM

Inbasket in v10    

Started by  JonA
How do your req approvers access the Inbasket in v10  Do they have to go through LTM to access the workunits
11 4731 0
by  JimYJump to last post
8/31/2016 10:04 AM

EDI receiving process    

Started by  Chesca
I hope someone can help me understand this process as I am new to EDI. I got a call from the receiving/shipping manager about POs not received in the system since 12/2. I contacted the supplier/vendor and GHX. We were told that POs are not posting/received and they will investigate and let us know. I don't know EDI so I have no idea what they are referring to. Is there a Lawson/EDI job that can identify this issue I am assuming we did not get an acknowledge because the user...
4898 0
by  ChescaJump to last post
8/30/2016 6:59 PM

RQC shopping page    

Started by  Chesca
I have a user that all of the sudden is having issues with RQC, she cannot load the RQC shopping page. She tried successfully from another user's PC and I tried login from her PC and I couldn't even click on RQC. We are on IE11 and Lawson portal 9.0.
2 3463 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
8/24/2016 2:11 PM

Approving an NR message in MA64    

Started by  Donna Simkovic
Our AP department matches using Smart Recon.  We (supply chain) receive NR messages in our MA64 screen now.  I'm curious about the timing of approving those messages.  1.  If I'm going to approve the payment of the invoice (PIQ) do I need to request the receipt  What are the repercussions of doing it this way 2. If I DO request the receipt and want to clear the NR message, should I wait until the receipt has been entered  What will happen if I approve the NR m...
0 2969 0
8/23/2016 12:58 PM

Fax Integrator - FTP now in binary instead of Ascii    

Started by  Bev Edwards
I downloaded an exe file to correct a bug in the version of Fax Integrator we were running. After doing so, Fax Integrator stopped working. After reviewing the log, we see that fax files are attempting to ftp in binary format instead of ASCII.  Infor says that the FTP configuration is not part of the Fax Integrator setup, but might be on the webserver side. I don't fully understand how the Fax Integrator works. As far as I know, the user creates a PO in Lawson that has an iss...
2 2754 0
by  Bev EdwardsJump to last post
8/22/2016 3:54 PM

ERr Message Cannot Change Service Line Less than Matched Amount    

Started by  Batvan
  trying to reduce a PO but receiving this err message . Can someone shed some light
1 2726 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
8/5/2016 3:03 PM

RQC - Ordering from one user id for multiple companies.    

Started by  Bev Edwards
How can you set up RQC so that when a user logs in, they are able to choose a company from a drop down list The way it is now, there are individual user id's for each company that needs to be purchased for. Not talking about locations, but the company.
0 2686 0
8/4/2016 5:44 PM
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