Forum: Lawson S3 Procurement

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Crystal Reports - Buyers Message    

Started by  JoseLuis
The report worked fine before I added the base cost field (added POVAGRMTHD and POVAGRMTLN tables). I believe it has something to do with the linking. I've tried different types of joins to no avail. Any ideas on what may be linked incorrectly This Crystal report queries the following tables: BUYER, ICMANFCODE, L_HMAG, MAINVDTL, MAINVMSG, POLINE, POPCRUF, POPIVUF, POVAGRMTHD, POVAGRMTLN, PURCHORDER   Here is the SQL from the original report that works fine:    SELECT D...
2 3090 0
by  ErikJump to last post
8/3/2016 9:35 PM

Req Center User Setup    

Started by  Jordan
Since we went live with Lawson in 2012, we have had to have the end user complete their Req Center Setup by going to the Manage Subscriptions piece, and add Requisition Center to their 'Navigation'.  This has caused a disconnect in the setup process and even with instructions, the end users aren't always able to do this correctly. I have to believe that others are doing this as part of the Security/RQ04 setup.  Does anyone have any input/instructions on how to do this  I'm sure ...
6 3360 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
8/3/2016 5:59 PM

Change PO Date on a PO    

Started by  Batvan
Is there a way to change the date on a PO   Requisitioner receiving error message ;    Received data is invalid because it is earlier than PO date . 
0 2684 0
8/2/2016 6:42 PM

Find associated RQ with PO    

Started by  Batvan
Is this possible I've been digging through the website and couldn't find a way .
4 7843 0
by  BatvanJump to last post
7/27/2016 5:50 PM

AOC Error Message AP20.2    

Started by  Batvan
AOC Error Message AP20.2   When we are entering a taxable invoice we are receiving this error message. It is due to a discrepancy for Taxes . The tax on the  invoice is 1 cent less than the tax from the PO . Is there any way around instead instead of adding a new line for the difference    
0 3151 0
7/27/2016 11:48 AM

Err Message PO Release    

Started by  Batvan
Here is the err message l   Distribs by amts on line 000001;Must use base currency vendor 
7 3201 0
by  BatvanJump to last post
7/26/2016 10:21 PM

IC11 - Major & Minor classes    

Started by  Bev Edwards
What Lawson forms are used to create major and Minor classes for the IC11   Also, is there a way to find forms associated with fields
2 2979 0
by  JonAJump to last post
7/21/2016 1:59 PM

UFP-PCR-USR-FLD-1 (ID=_f109)    

Started by  Chesca
Does anybody know what file stores this data/field My user is using this field to track some purchases and I am trying to create a crystal report.
2774 0
by  ChescaJump to last post
7/18/2016 3:56 PM

RQC V10 Home Page    

Started by  Jordan
Hi - we are currently testing the latest version of Requisition Center.  The Home page is a new feature, which will be nice for the requesters, but I'm curious if anyone has been able to configure it so it looks better.  Everything is crammed together and the Requisition Lines takes up too much space.  I tried to see if there was an invisible line to adjust the size of each piece, but haven't had any luck.  Thanks!
1 2674 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
7/18/2016 1:28 PM

ED502 Trading Partner ID    

Started by  Chesca
ED502 completed with errros. So we need to add GHXAB to the substitution table. How do I find out the TPID/company We upgraded EDI to version and started having issues with the 855 EDI messages. Did the TPID changed from GHXAD to GHXAB with the upgraded version 20160629223646,589, WARNING: SUBSTITUTION TABLE ENTRY NOT FOUND 20160629223646,590, Looking for List Name: GHXAB_I_COMPANY 20160629223646,5...
4 4695 0
by  ChescaJump to last post
7/1/2016 12:42 PM

edi upgrade    

Started by  Chesca
Has anybody have encountered the following error messages: Outbound Interchange Control Number: 18994 20160620123003,17, Translating using &91;/prod/law/prod9/edi/bin/laws_out_91_ghx&93; 20160620123003,18, ERRORS Encountered During Translation 20160620123003,19, ************************************************ 20160620123003,20, **** BEGIN TRANSLATION LOG **** ...
3281 0
by  ChescaJump to last post
6/28/2016 2:36 PM

Enabling 810's    

Started by  Me
We are beginning to look into accepting 810's.  We are a partner with GHX and are using V10.  Does anyone have any documentation on the set up for this  I currently don't have access to this but is the MA540 required  Any advice or help you could provide would be appreciated.
6 4234 0
by  MeJump to last post
6/27/2016 3:16 PM

PO31 Stock Return    

Started by  brupp
Hello - I have a stock return in PO31 where unfortunately some time has elapsed between the PO31 entry & the close out, & now there are items where the return quantity is > on hand quantity.  How do I resolve this discrepancy in PO32.2  Thanks.
4 3479 0
by  JonAJump to last post
6/27/2016 12:20 PM

Cerner & Lawson interface    

Started by  Sheri
We upload new / changed item data from Lawson into Cerner but have no field for item cost. We do not use the the DB maintenance - cost & price matrix tool. There should still be a way for us to put item pricing in and then use that item cost in Cerner for reporting.   Is anyone entering item pricing in Cerner (without the cost & matrix tool)
0 3347 0
6/23/2016 3:15 PM

IC81.1 Position To    

Started by  JMAD2016
Greetings,  Lawson 9.  IC81.1 Position To Inquiry. Understanding the Position To field in IC81.1 is solely set up for Bin Sequence (and assuming it can not be changed in any capacity via customization), I'm wondering if there is a trick navigation method, or a simple one I have overlooked, that can at least take you to the 'Last Record'.  Playing guessing games with 60K worth of positions tires me tremendously.  Nor do I want to have to dump the table each morning.  An...
8 5011 0
by  JonAJump to last post
6/10/2016 5:27 PM

Invoice matched to what receiver?    

Started by  lars
I have a PO20, with three   lines. PO line 3  'x' for a qty of 3. Two invoices were received for line 3. The quantity on each invoice was for a qty of 1. We now want to reduce the qty on line 3  from a qty of 3 to a qty of 2 allowing the PO falls off the PO135 report. How can I determine which receiver to select for a receiving adjustment There must be a way to determine which rec number can be adjusted. Thank you.       .  
3666 0
by  larsJump to last post
6/2/2016 7:45 PM

Experiences with Chargebacks?    

Started by  Bob Canham
We are looking at our processes surrounding matching discrepancies with our vendor purchases.  What we are wondering is if others are using Lawson's chargeback functionality and what your experiences were (good or bad).   Thanks in advance.
0 4125 0
6/2/2016 6:46 PM

RQ500 error report-account unit    

Started by  Chesca
We created a new pyxis location and the REQ/orders are being rejected due to Account unit must match one specified for requester. Carefusion thinks is might be a setup issue in Lawson, any suggestions where to look
3316 0
by  ChescaJump to last post
6/1/2016 3:13 PM

IC81.1 Upload Par Level Update    

Started by  Me
Could someone educate me on how to get around this error  We have items already loaded to IC81.1 but when I attempt to upload the update it gives me 'bin sequence already exists'.  Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
5 5108 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
5/27/2016 4:30 PM

EDI failure    

Started by  kcmiller
We have an hourly job that pushes POs to GHX via PO120 and ED501.  Something happened during the 13:45 job to keep the POs from transmitting.  The job log is below.  I have not encountered this before.  Suggestions appreciated.   Step 2: ED501 Started. . . . . .: Wed May 25 13:46:20 2016 Token Command. . . . . .: /lsf/law/law/prod/obj/ED501.gnt Executable Command . . .: /lsf/law/gen/bin/lacobrts lacobrts /lsf/law/law/prod/obj/ED501.gnt prod mmlawson EDI850WE 2 Proce...
1 5185 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
5/26/2016 2:59 PM

RQ01 Stockless Flag    

Started by  Jordan
We are a stockless hospital with very small storerooms for backup/emergencies.  Since we went live in 2012, we've had our RQ01's set to Stockless Flag Y because we have a variety of stockless contracts.  This has always worked for us.   Now, from an incident I've had open with Infor since October, they are claiming we need to change our RQ01 stockless flags to N in order for items to process correctly from contracts that are not stockless.  The ONLY items that were not proce...
3 4205 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
5/19/2016 1:14 PM

Ordering options    

Started by  Sheri
Hi, we are looking to use RQC as an ordering system but not create purchase orders or pick tickets. Merely creating the requisition and sending it out to our Pharmacy department in req form, where they will process the order via their own system.   Is anyone doing something similar, where the requisition created is kept in req form, and emailed out   Thanks for any input!  
4 3718 0
by  JonAJump to last post
5/17/2016 1:05 PM

Matching PO and Invoice    

Started by  Debi
We are new to Lawson and I have been asked on a PO that I requested for ex 21 units/hours at $220/hour for a total of $4620.  The company this PO was for is invoicing with separate invoices based on how much time staff in their company work on the project.   So and invoice may be for .25 hour for a total of $55 , another invoice for 4.3 hours totaling $946 and so on, but have not invoiced us for the total amount yet.    Our purchasing office is wanting to match these up...
2 4983 0
by  DebiJump to last post
5/16/2016 12:35 PM

Returns - PO132 & PO20 Print?    

Started by  brupp
Hello - Not a functional question, but hoping to learn from others - When processing a return to vendor, is the PO132 enough for vendors to process the return, or are you sending a printed PO along with the PO132  Understood that there may be exceptions to the norm so looking for the norm.  Thanks.
0 3702 0
5/10/2016 5:37 PM

PO Header Comments    

Started by  jaherb
Does anyone know of a program that prints the PO Header comments Looking for an example in how Lawson retrieves these comment values. Thank you
2 3131 0
by  jaherbJump to last post
5/10/2016 3:12 PM
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