Forum: Lawson S3 Procurement

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EProcurement Punchout with SciQuest    

Started by  Gary Padgett
Beginning the EProcurement setup for SciQuest.  This poses a different setup scenario than our other partner.  For SciQuest, we can order supplies from multiple vendors thru one website.  My question is related to the setup in rqc_config.xml and in the ED programs.  In particular, if we can order from 20 different vendors thru SciQuest, do I need to set up 20 templates (ED45)
6 6804 0
by  Scott PerrierJump to last post
7/16/2012 6:23 PM

SHIP-To code in MA236    

Started by  manish dasila
I want to add ship-to code to MA236 INR report  but i didn't get a way to do this. I thought to do this using CUSTORDER table but its index field “ORDER-NBR” is also not available. Is there a way to get “SHIP-TO” code in this report Or  is there any relation between field “SHIP-TO” and table POLINE. Thanks
1 3570 0
by  manish dasilaJump to last post
6/4/2012 7:14 AM

Status 500 error on PO20 & PO23    

Started by  Lawsonite
We are at 9.0 env & 8.0.3 apps. I have a few users that complain about&160; the performance on PO20 & PO23 forms on the portal a lot. They keep getting 'Status 500: The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fullfilling the request'. This happens when they do data-entry on these forms. Usually they hit the cancel button, type their id & pw and try it again. Some times they are able to get in; some times they can't. Any thoughts about how to fi...
1 6089 0
by  LorraineJump to last post
5/28/2012 3:11 PM

How can I test EDI?    

Started by  John Costa
To all, Forgive me, but I am not an EDI person nor have I been trained on the Lawson EDI product. I recently upgraded my DEV environment, removing MKS Toolkit and installing Lawson Unix Utilities.  Here are some further system details: Windows Server 2008 - Enterprise - 64-bit Lawson Environment Lawson S3 Applications Lawson EDI At this point, I am trying to test EDI.  I've verified that the Comm Server and Mail Agent are starting and I can execut...
3 5872 0
by  JimYJump to last post
4/19/2012 9:55 AM

PO20 Issue Final error    

Started by  Deleted User
A user has a PO in PO20, and they are doing the action of Issue Final on it to print it.  When this action is taken, the following error message is received:  'Message Not found (    /108).'  Has anyone else seen this before  The version of our applications is 9.0.1 MSP 4. 
6 4492 0
by  JonAJump to last post
4/10/2012 1:16 PM

RQC Install    

Started by  Carol Mc
The client I am working with will be upgrading from RSS to RQC. The lastest version for RQC is Does anyone know if there will be another version coming in the near further Right now I know if we went with this lastest version there are still 8 CTP's that will need to be applied. They are: 83292, 83645, 83678, 83900, 83672, 83778, 84706  and 85192. Thanks for any help you can give me or issue information that you may have experienced with a RSS to RQC upgrade.
4262 0
by  Gary PadgettJump to last post
4/3/2012 11:09 AM

Limit order inventory item quantity in RQC    

Started by  Jeff N
I there a way to limit the quantity of an item a user requests in RQC Also, is there a way to specify a date range on the requested delivery date (ie between today and today14days) Thanks Jeff
2 4273 0
by  Gary PadgettJump to last post
3/13/2012 7:40 PM

Select Product Line in RQC URL    

Started by  Rick Pearl
RQC starts up in the product line set in the users RM record.  Is there a way to switch product lines in RQC like in portal or via the URL
6 5036 0
by  JonAJump to last post
3/13/2012 4:08 PM

ED501 - Translate only option    

Started by  Bev Edwards
When selecting the Translate only option in the ED501, does the job produce and output file (NEOFTPGHX) and if so, where is the file placed I want to be able to verify new mappings for a test PO I am sending.
2 5594 0
by  Mike BernhardJump to last post
2/27/2012 8:21 PM

Switching from Multiple Process Levels to One    

Started by  JonA
When we implemented Lawson in 2003 we assigned a different process level for each affiliate/ship-to location. This means we have to have a separate check run for each process level. Our CFO would like to move to one check run for all. From a procurement standpoint, I can't see any issues with changing the process levels in IC02 and RQ01 to one common process level. Am I overlooking something
0 3382 0
2/1/2012 2:00 PM

Matching Items In Cerner Surginet    

Started by  Deleted User
I'm trying to determine the costs of all supplies used in a surgery. Our surgical system is Cerner Surginet and we're using Lawson S3 Procurement. I imagined I'd be able to match up the manufacturer and manu catalog number in Cerner with the manufacturer and manufacturer's number in the Lawson table itemmast. I can match the manufacturer but the product numbers aren't matching up. Has anyone been able to do this Thanks in advance.
2 5529 0
by  JonAJump to last post
2/1/2012 1:57 PM

Service Items in Lawson Item Master    

Started by  crichard
Has anyone utilized Lawson’s Item Master and Inventory to set-up a service only location  This idea is to allow requestors to request defined internal services that have a defined cost.  Thanks for any help.
8 6125 0
by  Bill IanniJump to last post
1/12/2012 11:02 PM

PO100 question/issue with new items    

Started by  Bill H
Hi all - first time poster, sorry If I leave something out. Up until recently, (it may have been our upgrade to a NEW item that was marked 'Y' in Auto PO in IC12, and had a valid vendor would kick off a PO when I ran a PO100 job. Now, that doesn't happen. It seems that the only way that it will order automatically is if I place a manual order for the item the first time. Then the system will take over and do it. I've even ran through all my PO01 setups. Checked flags in IC12, put th...
1 4815 0
by  JonAJump to last post
1/3/2012 4:57 PM

Getting RQ data using Lawson OLE DB    

Started by  Darrell Lunsford
This is my first time posting and I am not sure if this is where this post is supposed to go or not... I am using Lawson OLE DB Object Services to generate a dme statement for retrieving RQ data from Lawson.  In the dme statement it automatically inserts the following in the dme statement: ACAS=1&OTM=2 The dme statement seems to work the same with or without these values. Does anyone know what the ACAS and OTM values represent
1 4053 0
by  JonAJump to last post
11/15/2011 4:35 PM

PO - Tolerances    

Started by  Brett Townsend
Prior to my taking over the Lawson Administration where i'm employed matching was setup and seems to be functioning correctly but I guess tolerances were not setup  for PO's they want the tolerances setup as follows. tolerance of ( or -) 1 of total invoice amount with the CAP at $5.00. If the cost difference does not meet this tolerance it would then be rejected and returned to purchasing for their approval and/or correction.  How would I go about setting this up ...
2 6285 0
by  Rob ConradJump to last post
11/9/2011 3:49 PM

RQC Security Classes and Roles    

Started by  Amanda Valcik
Does anyone have the necessary classes (with rules) and roles that are necessary for a requester to use RQC  Thanks!
2 4153 0
by  JonAJump to last post
11/8/2011 1:32 PM

Purchase Order Released then Unreleased    

Started by  Robert
Does anyone know if this is how PO20 should work We used to be able to release a purchase order and then make a change to the source by clicking on the source button and when back to PO20 the PO would remain released. Now after the patch, it goes to Unreleased status when you check the source and come back to it.
6399 0
by  RobertJump to last post
11/7/2011 2:24 PM

restricting selection of UOM on RQ10 for Inventory Items    

Started by  JimY
Hello,      What would be the best way or only way to restrict people from either entering or selecting a UOM for Inventory items only when they are on the Lines Tab for RQ10.  I know I can secure the field, but then they would not be able to enter the UOM for non stock items.  I also found out that it will not display the UOM if it is secured.  Even though they have been trained to not enter or select a UOM some still do and it causes problems in our Warehous...
5 3592 0
by  JimYJump to last post
11/4/2011 11:59 AM

mass release of invoice messages    

Started by  stephanie
Hello!   I am trying to create an easy way to clear MA64's with out having to release them individually. Is there a way to do this by add in's or maybe some other way Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
0 3585 0
11/2/2011 4:52 PM

Office Supplies -- Best Business Practice    

Started by  Paul W
We are preparing to switch office supply companies and are really looking at the way we currently process office supply requests and purchase orders. Currently we do not have Punch-out installed, but purchased. So for now, users are expected to go out to the vendors site and gather the information they need to enter into Lawson RSS. This does not always happen and can create a lot of effort on the back-side. We have considered using an EDI 856 to automate receipts (or even ERS) and then matching...
6 4126 0
by  Paul WJump to last post
11/1/2011 3:56 PM

Match Rule Groups MA00.4    

Started by  Dee
I read the article 76166 that states DM A-1 must be the first rule level set up in the rule group. It states, if the system can match at any other level prior to reaching the DM A-1 level, the functionality will not be available for future invoices against that receipt. ie If the invoice quantity multiplied by the unit cost is less than the receipt quantity multiplied by the unit cost, but is still within tolerance, the system will match at DM 1-1 or DM 1-A and not leave a quantity remainin...
0 4511 0
10/28/2011 4:04 PM

OE510 in Lawson 9    

Started by  danis
Hi!, What is the format file for SALESORDERS in the lawson program OE510 in Lawson 9 version. Thanks very much!!
3 3586 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
10/20/2011 4:22 PM

Modify RSS to add link to Imagenow form    

Started by  Gary Padgett
We need to make a customization to RSS, creating a button so that people can access an imagenow form to add supporting documentation for the req. I have identified where I want to add this button, in html/index.htm. Do I add the actual processing to a javascript file somewhere and refer to that as the 'onclick' action I will be sending parameters such as requester nbr, date, etc from the requisition to populate the form. I have done simpler mods to RSS forms (change field labels, hide tabs,...
11 9201 3
by  Gary PadgettJump to last post
10/4/2011 2:47 PM

Last received cost    

Started by  nwhitacre
Attempting a data extraction for the last rec cost. The ITEMLOC has a LASTRECDT field that does not match the PORECLINE date. What would be the best table and field to pull the cost for inventory and x/special items
2 4695 0
by  JonAJump to last post
10/4/2011 12:31 PM

OE510 in Lawson9    

Started by  danis
Hi, I am testing lawson 9 and have a problem running OE510 in lawson 9. When I run I get the error 'Customer is required', This field send in the SalesOrders file. How to solve this problem thank you very much
0 3644 0
10/3/2011 1:39 PM
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