Customization of PO20

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    In PO20 at the line level, I would like to change the position of tab 26 with tab 29.

    Tab 26 (_f225r0) and Tab 29 (f228r0)

    I go to PO20, go to the line and select "tools", then "personalization", then "edit tab order".

    I remove the number  "26" and "29" from each field. I type in 29 where 26 was and type in 26 where 29 was, but nothing changes on my view.

    What step am I missing, or is changing the order of the tabs something an end-user cannot do?

    Entering the company first, then the account information is more logical, at least for me.



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      Is this in Design Studio?
      Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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        no, it is in PO20 in the Tools tab.
        Tim Cochrane
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          I was wondering the same thing Jon...

          @lars - the only thing I see that remotely says "Tools" is the browser Tools drop-down, and I don't think that's what you're can you include a screenshot so we can see??

          Unless you make a change in the base code, the only place you'ld be able to make this change is in Design Studio.

          Give us a little more info so we can understand what you're trying to do.
          Tim Cochrane - Principal LM/IPA Consultant
          Patrick Dowd
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            I presume you are trying to do this within Smart Office.

            The "Edit Tab Order" personalization option lets the user modify the way they tab through a form using their tab key.  Edit Tab Order does not physically move the tab in question.

            If you are looking to physically move a tab on a form, you need to do this using Smart Office Scripting (JScript.NET).


            Veteran Member
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              Sorry for the long delay in response. For some reason I am not alerted when new posts are entered against my original post.


              Where can I make a setting change allowing me to view replays to my Posts?


              Attached is a screen shot of the different tabs. I think Patrick Dowd is correct, the end-user cannot change the position of the tabs.

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